I am reborn without a pattern

Chapter 495 Huan Pei Lake outside Huan Pei City

I went to Qiaotou Village on the second day, the draft plan was placed on Director Xu’s desk on the third day, and the refined draft plan was delivered to Boss Zhang’s office on the fourth day...

Zhang Haonan, who rarely comes to "Daqiao Food" for a few days throughout the year, looked at the plan for "Daqiao Town Huanpei City", and he had to admit that in terms of shame, Xu Zhentao was definitely as good as a city wall.

"What the hell is this?"

Wang Aihong, who came over to make a cup of tea, took a quick look and said, "Director Xu is so good at handling things."

"He said he would name my son and daughter after me. The bridge in Qiaotou Village will also be renamed soon."


Lao Wang gave Zhang Haonan a thumbs up, "You southerners are really good at playing."

"You will also be a southerner from now on."

After giving Wang Aihong a sideways look, Zhang Haonan handed over a stack of documents and said, "There are tasks for the spring recruitment this year. Please work hard and go back to your hometown."

"Isn't this over the limit?"

Wang Aihong was stunned. There are quotas for recruiting workers in her hometown of Xuecheng. Within the entire company, its subsidiaries and production units, there will never be a particularly large number of employees in a certain area.

There are definitely cases of cliques forming, but as long as the number is not particularly large, there won't be any big problems.

In addition, Zhang Haonan is really happy to give money, and naturally it will not cause any class conflicts. The employees are more willing to discuss where the big boss went to be the groom.

"So it's a task, extra."

Zhang Haonan said to Wang Aihong, "The hop planting base in Northern Hebei Province is stuck on the edge of the wetland. On the other side of the capital, official matters in Northern Hebei Province have been settled. But there is no guarantee that there will still be trouble in the fields, so we have to recruit someone. Appoint people. I have to settle this matter that Old Wei has taken over."

The water inside is not deep, but it is not shallow at all.

It still has something to do with Wei Gang going to the Northeast to implement the expansion of colleges and universities. In addition to the essential parts, there must also be supplements. The repetitive investment in vehicle engineering is the essence. The supplements are agriculture and food engineering. These things were graduated in the Northeast. If you can't get into a state-owned enterprise, it will be very difficult to get along.

Therefore, what Blackwater Province means is to solve certain relevant scientific research conditions and provide some scientific research transformation facilities.

The hop planting base will also have related biological laboratories, food engineering application laboratories, and some miscellaneous scientific research investments, so high-end talents can live without a cold meal and have enough food and clothing. This is the consideration of Heishui Province.

After all, in addition to the national tiankeng specialty, there are many local tiankeng. Heishui Province considers the whole situation. If Wei Gang wants to say that he will not suffer any losses at all, as long as the good ones are good, he is suspected of being picky.

The bald old man is not this kind of person. Any problem that can be solved within the scope of his ability can be discussed.

This time is no exception.

The implementation of this kind of talent is usually holistic, and it will not be said that only high-end talents are needed without the need for general service industry practitioners.

Therefore, in the logistics support and actual production links, we must still use familiar people, safety first.

Recruiting a group of people from Xuecheng who are willing to go out and work hard is a relatively easy solution. After all, Wang Aihong is from Xuecheng.

The benefits are not without. The parent company of the hop planting base in Northern Hebei Province is located in Beijing. After the trial operation at the end of this year, the production unit will definitely be in Northern Hebei Province, but some of the organizational relationships of the employees will be in Beijing.

In other words, at least some employees will pay taxes and insurance in the capital. Whether they can buy a house in the capital depends on whether Boss Zhang can give them enough.

Of course, even if the amount given cannot keep up with the rising housing prices in Beijing, it doesn't matter. Zhang Haonan can get land in the nooks and crannies of Beijing and build his own house and receive benefits.

It's a bit tough, and the situation is also in a large rural area, but in the long run it's not a loss.

And for this little bit of land, it was the Hua family's apology, leaving Zhang Haonan to fiddle with it on his own, no matter what, he had to pay tribute to the capital's Yamen.

What a situation.

"Oh, is this job difficult? It's just that I really don't want to suffer that birdiness anymore."

"Just be content. Are you losing face when you go back now? Or something? The officialdom of each place has its own market situation. We are just willing to raise pigs, which does not mean we will not kill pigs. Don't have any other ideas. Besides, why did you do it in the first place? Laid off?"


When talking about this, Wang Aihong shivered instinctively. Thinking about what Zhang Haonan said, it was indeed true.

There were so many managers at the Yuantang Tobacco and Liquor Company, but he was the one in the cafeteria who was laid off. The key was that they had held him back in the first place, so he had to be upright and honest.

Now that I think about it, it’s all fucking bullshit.

Of course, Wang Aihong didn't even think about regaining her place or anything like that. The story had already been turned over and it was meaningless.

The main reason is that it is meaningless. The people in the Sugar, Tobacco and Liquor Company are not as good as him now. If he returns to the system, his start will be different from others.

"Okay." Nodding, Wang Aihong suddenly asked, "Then should I report to Director Wei?"

"It depends on the situation. This old guy is busy. He might go to the Northeast or the capital again. If you have any problems, you can definitely contact him. He has a very wide network and is involved in all kinds of wild ways."

How wild is Wei Gang?

He was able to find old revolutionaries with good connections at the grassroots level in the rural areas of Jibei and Haidai provinces and recruit fellow villagers to help.

If these good deeds are traced back, they will be far away.

But others are willing to buy into Wei Gang's fault, naturally because of his own excellent style and principles.

Zhang Haonan doesn't have that consciousness and structure. When he comes out to hang out, he talks about three things: first, money; second, it is still money; third, it is still money.

The two drank tea for a while, and suddenly they talked about children. Wang Aihong said that Yu Wenjing wanted to have another child while she was still alive.

"That's a good thing. Anyway, I will pay for the extra baby, so my sister-in-law can just worry about the baby. This year we also have our own hospital, so there is nothing to worry about."

"Then I'm here to learn from you..."

Wang Aihong's face suddenly turned red, "Boss, do you have any secret recipe?"

"Do you believe I spit on your face?"


Wang Aihong, who was speechless, still refused to give up, "I miss the whole twins too."

"Do you think I'm a mage? Isn't this just a matter of luck?"

"There's really no secret recipe?"

“Fucking hell, now when I meet him in person, he asks me, am I a Bodhisattva who is sending me a child, or what?”

Zhang Haonan was too lazy to answer, but he still opened the office drawer and threw a cookbook over. "You can let my sister-in-law follow the menu at home. I can't guarantee whether it works. Anyway, Feiyan and the others just follow what's on it." .”


Wang Aihong, who felt like she had found a treasure, took away the menu, then left with the documents under her arms happily.

As soon as he left, Zhang Haonan remembered that he had forgotten to discuss "Ring Pei City" with Wang Aihong.

Xu Zhentao is really awesome. At the Daqiao Town Government Meeting, the decision was made to name the dirt road around the reed marsh in Qiaotou Village "Huan Pei Road". At the same time, the river bend where the reed marsh is located will be changed from "Shangqiao" "Wan" was renamed "Huan Pei Wan". In the future, a wharf will be built. Not surprisingly, it will be "Huan Pei Wharf".

In short, Director Xu is a master at flattery.

Zhang Haonan didn't feel very happy, but Shen Jinman was so excited that he gave Boss Zhang a "facial cleanser" all night long. It was as showy as he wanted, sweeping away the dignity and virtuousness of women from good families in the past.

The female bodyguard who changed the guard today also drove Shen Jinman over to see the scenery of Qiaotou Village. In Shen Jinman's eyes, the original ecological backwardness was replaced by the natural pastoral scenery full of spring...

There’s no way to describe this as “beauty is in the eye of the beholder”, it’s just a matter of blindness due to my own filter.

The female director of Qiaotou Village even said all the good things she could say in her life. Unfortunately, her cultural level was limited and her flattering skills were far inferior to those of the town elders.

In fact, there is something wrong with the fact that the female director came to flatter Shen Jinman. If word spread, it would be a major accident in the work of the female director of Qiaotou Village.

A slippery slope in every sense of the word.

After all, Shen Jinman is a mistress.

But when it comes to shamelessness, there doesn't seem to be much difference between people. The head of Xiaoniu Village gritted his teeth and planned to hold a village meeting to discuss changing the name of Qiaotou Village to "Huanpei New Village".

In the integration of villages and enterprises, villages are enterprises and enterprises are villages.

The requirements are not high, and it can solve the employment problem of a hundred laborers, which is almost a quarter of the families in the village.

A quick calculation shows that the average annual income of the whole village has been increased by more than three times.

When I used to drive for Director Xu, Mavericks didn't use his brain much. After working as a secretary for a few months, I felt that although my brain started to use it, it was a bit unable to keep up.


No brain required.

Because the butt determines the head, he sits in the position of the village head of Qiaotou Village. If he wants to be greedy, he will find ways to squeeze out every drop of people's wealth; if he wants to do something, he will find ways to realize collective assets.

The most valuable thing in rural areas is land, and the least valuable thing is land.

Similarly, labor is in great demand, but its replaceability in rural areas is extremely high.

All Mavericks could think of was to learn from the wisdom of the old leader, settle the matter first, and then talk about the rest slowly.

The nights are long and the dreams are many. What if Boss Zhang’s little wife lets the wind blow her mind and insists on being coquettish and saying that she has a brewery with an annual output of tens of thousands of liters in her hometown?

Therefore, the few college students in the village were also dragged here to give some decent and upscale educated compliments. Anyway, they did not praise Shen Jin for being pretty and this low-end one.

All the firepower is focused on such illusory and fantasy stuff as "outstanding people, good places, good deeds and good deeds". In short, in short, Ms. Shen, you are blessed. If you accumulate good deeds, your son and daughter will be rich, healthy and long-lived. age……

Moreover, Mavericks was willing to go all out and asked the half-dead furniture factory in the village to directly build a model of a solid wood archway. The old carpenter was working hard to "heat the model" out, which is almost like an archway.

"No. 1 Scholar" and "House of Accumulated Good Deeds", how could they be so shameless, and then the whole stone tablet with the origin of "Huan Pei" engraved on it, not to mention Shen Jinman's heart was moved, even Zhang Haonan's heart was moved.

Damn it, are these things used by current grassroots cadres to test capitalists?

Who can stand the test?

Shen Jinman's expectations for Zhang Huan were not as profound as those of Zhao Feiyan. She knew that Zhang Haonan liked smart children, so she thought it would be best if Zhang Huan could study better in the future.

"The number one scholar and the first place"... is really in place.

The competitive atmosphere for studying in Liangjiang Province is already fierce. Whose parents would not be happy secretly and openly to be happy with the "number one" in this environment?

Shen Jinman, who has begun to transform into a "good wife and mother", occasionally has a wonderful imagination about his son winning the top prize in eighteen years.

Qiaotou Village... is really a treasure trove of outstanding people.

Anyway, Teacher Shen thinks so.

The female director there speaks well and the young people have various talents. She likes it very much.

"Haonan, the women's director of Qiaotou Village said that if there is a pier in the future, it will also be called 'Huanpei Pier'."

"Are you stupid? I'm just trying to make you happy. I'm just looking at my money."

"But they also want to build a memorial arch for their sons and daughters."

“Why the hell don’t you build a ‘chastity arch’?”


Shen Jinman raised her hand and patted him. After saying "facial cleanser", she continued to say coquettishly, "If the name of this place is fixed, maybe it will be the same for a hundred years."

"It can be changed at any time, okay? It's just a little troublesome at most."


The arrogant Boss Zhang couldn't withstand Teacher Shen's coquettishness in the end, and he was really stubborn. When Su Jiang came to Shacheng for the holiday before Labor Day, Zhang Haonan agreed in principle to locate the main factory in Daqiao Town.

For the rest, whether it can be passed depends on the on-site inspection and evaluation. If the report says it is OK, then it is OK.

At the same time, there will be a sister factory in Pengcheng. The Pengcheng City Finance Bureau also has a stake in this factory, and it is in the name of high technology.

Don't ask why the production of water beer can be linked to high technology. The question is that Pengcheng Institute of Technology participated in the research and development of brand-new filling technology.

In fact, they just set up a name to provide some "cash cows" for the Pengcheng City Finance Bureau. The provincial leaders did not object. At the same time, there was a tacit understanding between Gusu and Pengcheng, and they were reciprocating the killing of Sun Baoqing's interest group.

The Suzhou side wanted to give Zhang Haonan part of the profit, and then Zhang Haonan gave up some shares in the sister factory to Pengcheng City.

Of course, in terms of the external caliber of "Shacheng Beer", that is to say, the Pengcheng production base of "Shacheng Beer" will radiate to the eastern Henan, southern Henan, and northeastern Anhui regions. If you believe it, you will have it, and if you don't believe it, you will be defeated.

There will be three sister factories built at the same time, one is the Shacheng headquarters, one is in Jiankang, and the other is in Pengcheng.

The rest are all upgrades of the city's old beer production lines. The total number of breweries in the province will reach 13. It is expected that all the integration and transformation will be completed this year, and finally reduced to three bases and two medium-sized production plants.

The Pengcheng City Finance Bureau's investment is actually a sample. In the future, promotion outside the province will follow this path. It will not be promoted by "Shacheng Beer", but communicated by the Liangjiang Provincial Government.

This year's beer merger has never been fierce only in Liangjiang Province. Across the country, companies with an output of more than 100,000 tons are being merged or being merged. It is not a big deal to close down hundreds or dozens of small breweries a year.

After all, liquor is at a low ebb, and spring is still some distance away.

In this situation, the liquor factories in Huaixi Province and Liangjiang Province are very thoughtful in order to protect their capital. They are willing to exchange shares with "Shacheng Beer" or "Maomao Tea".

Zhang Haonan seemed to be at a small loss, but in fact he was getting something for nothing, and someone else took the initiative to deliver it to his door.

But there was nothing to be done, after all, the market was changing rapidly, and who knew what would happen in the future, so Xu Zhentao heard that Zhang Haonan nodded. In addition to admiring his own wit, his main job was to lead the cadres and people from the evaluation agency to drink to death.

Whenever there was any criticism about the assessment of Qiaotou Village, Xu Zhentao would just say to the other party, "The golden ticket is huge."

And Director Xu is indeed awesome. Daqiao Town has issued a notice that the change of the town's place name will be completed before the end of the second quarter.

The river bend where "Huan Pei City" is located has a tentative plan to widen the water surface like "My Home Lake" and expand it into a lake, which will then be named "Huan Pei Lake".

Before the release, the large water surface was designated to raise ducks and geese. It is different now. How can ducks and geese be raised in "Huan Pei Lake"? Horses must be raised.

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