Tong Yuntai's contact is equivalent to sending a signal. Although Tong Yuntai's own local sentiment is included in it, it is generally related to the agricultural development direction of Liangjiang Province.

Therefore, it is impossible to find an officialdom machine who has no feelings for Jiankang City to compete with Zhang Haonan. That would be purely disgusting, and the main disgusting person is not Zhang Haonan.

Boss Zhang doesn't care what kind of game is going on above. Anyway, after the decision is made, he can't openly oppose it.

Zhang Haonan will definitely have many benefits, such as warehouse management software. Several companies in which the Liangjiang Provincial State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission has shares have contacted "嘁哩卡假" and plan to purchase the warehouse management software developed by "嘁哩Ka哇" software.

This purchase order shocked Guo Wei beyond measure.

He had been working tirelessly for more than half a year, working as a nanny for these animals. It can't be said that he had no business, and he even had some achievements. He was quite proud. He made one or two million for the boss, and he was considered to be good at everything. Already?

And now he didn't dare to go to the toilet with Zhang Haonan, after all, he couldn't do anything, he couldn't do anything.

"Fuck, boss, how did you do this?"

"Although our warehouse management software does not have many functions, it has upgrade potential. Most importantly, it is very stable and error-free. Our software is purchased because the software we develop... has excellent quality and can stand the test of the market. ."

Mr. Zhang looked serious, and the programmers all said that we are the most technologically advanced, and the government’s vision is indeed good, and they will firmly support us in the future.


Of course, Mr. Guo wouldn’t take it seriously. It’s hard to get along these days without any background. The boss can actually handle government orders... It’s not a government order, it’s a semi-official procurement. After all, it’s just the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration of Liangjiang Province. Enterprises in which the committee holds shares.

But no matter what, more than 10 million...we got it.

Who would have thought that there would be such an outrageous company in a residential building.

"Boss, you are so awesome, so awesome!"

"That's good. I like to hear it. Keep praising it."

Boss Zhang sat in the boss chair with his legs crossed on the desk, and then said with a smile, "Hold on, brothers, as soon as "Magic Three Kingdoms" is released this year, the golden ticket will be huge, and the flower girl can't arrange it."

"Taijun, shall we... work overtime?"


As soon as the animals heard the "big drop of golden ticket", they became energetic for a long time, and now they want to make money.

You don't have to worry about "flower girls". Women will only affect their overtime work.

As for why...

This year, Liangjiang University of Technology has a "true campus beauty" with unshakable status. She is also the beauty of the School of Economics. Her surname is Fan and her given name is Susu.

He is so beautiful that all the sophomores, juniors, and seniors think that he will have an unshakable position for the next three years.

And even in a place like Jiankang Normal University, where there are so many beauties, there is no such top-notch beauties that can penetrate the soul like this.

Beauty and wisdom coexist, the embodiment of purity and sanctity...the perfect life partner for countless campus males aged 18 and above.


The "clattering" animals found her getting off the Passat with her boss.


Damn it!

Work overtime, work overtime, you must work overtime!

The boss once said that their Bai Yueguang is still in kindergarten and their perfect goddess is in elementary school at most.

Make money, make money!

There will be bread, there will be everything!

"By the way, there may be a batch of purchases for the stand-alone cashier system. We may come over to discuss it around the National Day. Lao Guo, go to Songjiang and see if you can recruit people."

"Boss, please make it clear."

"Preparing to move the place, I plan to move the '嘁婷偓偓' to Shensen."

"No, boss. There is nothing in the remote areas. Brothers also have needs. They go shopping and make appointments with girlfriends... The boss is wise! I have always told the brothers that if we have any inconveniences in life and work, the boss will not care. He sees it in his eyes and remembers it in his heart. As long as the brothers work hard, the boss will never treat the brothers badly."

A bunch of car keys were thrown out. Although they were all made in China, they were enough.

That is to say, "Clicking" is still a little bit thin. In addition, Jiankang's local programmers are all going to Songjiang, Yangcheng and Bao'an, and even more go to the capital than stay, which leads to Zhang Haonan. I can only continue to poach my alma mater.

However, there is a saying that those who added "偁偁婷偁偁" because of the three words "Brother Haonan" are basically the animals of Liangjiang University of Technology.

The brain circuits of animals in science and engineering colleges rely entirely on logical judgment.

∵ "Brother Haonan" is awesome.

∴ "嘁婷寳" is awesome.

∴There is no problem for me to join "偁哩卡偳".


Boss Zhang went to Jiankang Normal University to recruit a mathematics major and was disliked. It was simply because he brought the wrong pig head meat to the wrong temple. It was a typical case of bringing the blame on himself.

When the animals were fighting for overtime pay, Zhang Haonan had a small meeting with Guo Wei and then revealed a little bit of the truth.

"I, the Provincial Agricultural Reclamation Company and the Jiankang Municipal Agricultural Bureau will have a large-scale breeding project, and there will be guidance from the Foreign Trade Commission. Purchasing our software is a sign of goodwill. But whether we can serve this rice well in the long term, other than me, If we can make some noise in the breeding project, the software itself must be excellent. Remember, the things that the public uses do not need to be advanced or fancy, but they must be stable, more stable than an old dog."

"Boss, is this an exchange of interests?"

"Exchange is nothing. Software procurement is the same for everyone. It's just a bargaining chip. I have to scold my mother for not doing anything even though I have a job. Do you think I can survive in Jiankang?"

"Don't worry, boss, I will definitely control the development quality."

"You don't need to pay too much attention to "Magic Three Kingdoms". It doesn't matter whether it succeeds or not. Just let the 'Thunder King' have experience. It's okay for me to spend ten or twenty million to give you guys some practice. Don't worry about temporary gains and losses. "Magic Three Kingdoms" "Three Kingdoms" is treated as a theme, and the game is only a part of it. But the work enthusiasm of the "Thunder King" development team must be maintained. It is normal for awesome characters to have a temper, and all skilled people are like this. If you are a doormat, Playing a bad role is a injustice to you, but you should know my temper, I have always been generous."

"Boss, I've heard Mr. Wang's story."

Guo Wei is referring to Wang Aihong. From the perspective of a "gold medal worker", Wang Aihong is extremely inspirational. Although Wang Aihong's salary is not as good as Guo Wei's, but just talking about this year's benefits, Guo Wei can't match it.

He also wants to be Wang Aihong's second, and he doesn't want to be Lu Weidong's second.

The title of King Guang Aihong in society can ensure that his descendants will have enough food and clothing for three generations, and the honor will not be exchanged for a lot of money.

This was given to Wang Aihong personally by the boss, and a large amount of money was spent to build it. It involved a lot of communication with government departments, and it was not like the "嘁婷偓偓", where you just chatted with the police at every turn.

The difference between heaven and earth.

The words "caring entrepreneur" are very important in themselves, not to mention that Wang Aihong is the kind of person who can withstand rigorous investigation and is not an operation to whitewash history.

"I'll go back to Shacheng in a few days. Sun Pengfei, manager of the human resources department of Shacheng Food, do you have any impressions?"

"Yes, yes. Manager Sun has been to Jiankang twice."

"He will borrow a few people to help you set up the human resources department, and then I will sign up for you to go to my school to study management. The money has already been paid. Firstly, it is just a good time to recharge, and secondly, people who start with the company in the future will also Being able to be called an alumnus is more important.”

"You don't go there every day, do you?"

"The school is for making money. It teaches real things, but don't take it too seriously. The school makes money and the people who come are gilded. You should go and learn some real skills."

"Okay, thank you boss."

"Oh, right."

Zhang Haonan, who was about to get up and leave, suddenly remembered something. He touched his jacket pocket, then his trousers pocket, and then found two shopping cards: "Your mother's birthday is on the 27th, right? 'Zhongbaiyi Store' and ' Yaohan's, a little bit of my heart."

"Boss, how good is this..."

The one given to him was okay, but the one given to his mother made Guo Wei feel a little hot.

But Zhang Haonan waved his hand indifferently: "I won't be there to celebrate my birthday. I'm too young. Going there will have a negative impact on you. You can say hello to me then."

"Thank you, boss, thank you..."

After Zhang Haonan left, Guo Wei touched his head with emotion. He usually didn't think the shopping card was strange, but now he felt it was somewhat useful.

One thing to say is that if someone hired him to change jobs now and the annual salary was less than 5 million, he wouldn't even look at it. It's not that he doesn't lack the 5 million, but he believes that if he follows the boss, he will get 5 million sooner or later. year.

This kind of confidence is very strong, more confident than the six captains of "Thunder King" in their own game development capabilities.

After leaving "Chengli Kacha", Boss Zhang had to hurry up and do business. After all, in two or three days, he would have to go to a meeting again because the Shacheng City Government wanted to talk to him about whether the real estate development company and the bank should engage in business. one.

The former is because the affordable housing project in Wujiadai has been launched first and then the tickets are paid. The project named "My Community" is already busy. Whether it will take one and a half years or two and a half years depends on whether the municipal government has any ideas. If yes, it will be two and a half years, if not, it will be one and a half years.

The latter is complicated, because "Shacheng Food" wants to provide bursaries for rural students in the location of the relevant supply and marketing cooperative. How to distribute the money is very clear. The intention of the Shacheng City Government is to directly establish it in the form of a rural bank and then open up "bursaries" business.

By the way, we can also develop rural finance. Even if we don't compete with the banks on the market, we can do it ourselves in rural areas. It will be very successful.

This made Boss Zhang very worried. He knew that it was not Wei Gang who brought up this matter, but the idea of ​​Shacheng's current team.

How many people will participate in the stock and whether it will be listed in the future are all unknown.

"Shacheng Food" may not be listed on the market, but that does not mean that the rural banks associated with "Shacheng Food" will not be listed on the market...

With so many second-generation people drooling over "Shacheng Food" and not being able to get it, so they can't just do nothing, right?

Things that don't exist.

Make a money bag, go to the stock market and do some vegetable planting when the time is right. Leeks are always new and crop after crop. This is no problem, right?

Zhang Haonan may not be moved, but many people are moved, including old comrade Ding Yong, because if there really was a bank, many operational matters would be really convenient.

However, this matter will definitely not be discussed for a while. Wei Gang has also communicated with Zhang Haonan. When the time comes, there will be people from the central government, as well as relevant experienced units from Chengjiang City next door. Naturally, there will be no shortage of people from the province. In addition, Bao'an City in Lingnan Province and Kuozhou City in Zhejiang Province have relevant and experienced enterprises and institutions.

Coupled with the people from Songjiang City, this trip was not just for the Peach Club, but it was also a chaotic dance of demons.


As a tool man, Boss Zhang is perfect.

Not to any official, wealthy businessman, or second-generation ancestor, but to the government as an organization, Zhang Haonan is really great.

So Boss Zhang is a little stressed, but not too much, just a little bit. This stress is mainly due to fear of trouble.

Isn’t that what I’m afraid of? I’m just afraid. If I have to worry about making money, then there’s something wrong with my brain.

Taking advantage of the meeting that was only a few days away, Zhang Haonan took the time to do some serious things, such as taking wedding photos with Zhao Dai. Jiankang was full of scenery, but he didn't choose to take the photo in Jiankang.

Instead, we went to the Bund in Songjiang.

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