I Am Not the Supreme God

Chapter 347: Power barrier

The most powerful people on this planet gathered outside the camp. They control the battlefield and dominate the life and death of the world.

   From time to time, there are mythological creatures piercing through the sky, rolling the world, and casting awe at the main account.

   The superpowers who have no important positions in their bodies for the time being, consciously guard the gates of Bonnieville, do not allow anyone to enter the camp, and disturb the rest of the Pope.

   But what they can't see is that the supreme demigod in their minds, the most powerful pope in the history of this planet, who can be called the Pope, kneels down in front of a strange man.

   is like seeing the ultimate supremacy of the universe, so that the pope who despises all living beings is willing to crawl under his feet, without the slightest feeling of daring to resist.

   Bonnieville found her right place, touching her knees on the ground, not only did not make her feel humiliated, but suppressed the panic in her heart. Such a posture to talk to the person in front of her is the consciousness that all beings should have.

   Self-proclaimed self above all things, after all, is still a member of all beings, there is no way to compare with his light.

   When Tang Chuan saw Bonnieville without saying anything, he immediately knelt on the ground, casting awe-inspiring gazes at himself, which was also a little stunned.

He didn't expect Bonnieville to be so conscious. He just asked her what she was doing while standing, but he didn't let her kneel and talk to him. It was just simple. He felt that Bonnieville was neither sitting nor sitting, which made the atmosphere a bit embarrassing. .

   But at this time, he didn't say much, it was in line with the purpose of coming.

   Tang Chuan took another bite of the fruit in his hand, walked in front of Bonnieville, looked down at him, and said, "Are you afraid of me? Just like the royals when they face you."

   Bonnieville is still a little at a loss now, she said with a vibrato: "This is the attitude I should have when facing you, please forgive me for being disrespectful to you."

   Tang Chuan threw the core aside and said, "Bonnieville, the power of the pinnacle seems to make you lose your heart."

   The Pope's heart trembled when she heard the words, she chose to completely crawl under the feet of the person in front of her, and tried to use her cheeks against Tang Chuan's boots to declare her humbleness and weakness.

   This is the posture of the successors of the royal family of the Blue Continent when they are in front of her, expressing their own surrender.

   However, Tang Chuan took a half step back, avoided, and said, “No, it shouldn’t be like this. This is not my purpose. It seems you don’t know what I’m trying to say.”

   Bonnyville didn't even dare to touch the boots of the person in front of him easily with his cheeks. It seemed that he wanted to touch this behavior, which was an insult to him.

   She was in a stalemate, lying on the ground, raising her head with extreme awe, and staring at Tang Chuan, not daring to do anything beyond the distance.

   "Please quote, Bonnieville will follow the instructions..."

   Tang Chuan shook his head, and said, "Remember who you were at the beginning? You wanted to create a truly beautiful world, but now, what you are doing now is for the sake of the world, or for your own self-interest?"

Bonnieville seemed to understand something, she trembled: "I did bring a change to the world, but looking back on the past, now I have indeed fallen into a mist, but this is what you told me that I want to be The gods need to..."

"Shut up."

   Bonnieville immediately swallowed what he said, and looked at Tang Chuan in confusion.

Tang Chuan looked down at her and said lightly: "I think you have misunderstood something. Your deeds to the world do determine whether you are qualified to be on the path of God, but in your eyes, I only see the desire for power and power. Awe of the strong, and contempt for sentient beings.

  Look at what you are now, which is like Bonnieville who once tried to change the world and bring glory to the reckless star.

   Power has distorted your mind, and power has blinded your ideals. Even when facing me, I only saw your fear of higher power, wanting to give alms and please me in order to continue my status.

   But what is the difference between you like this and the royal heirs who were once despised by you.

   If you can also walk on the path of God, do those who crawl under your feet have the same qualifications? "

Bonnieville was struck by lightning, and said: "No, it’s not like that. I have brought real changes to the world. I have stepped onto the top of the world. Those people are not qualified to be comparable to me. Bonnieville has always been sincere. Following God's will and following God's glory is a firm belief that has not changed from beginning to end."

Tang Chuan walked to the side slowly, picked up a record crystal and looked up, without raising his head: "There was a sentence I forgot to tell you. I thought that those who were chosen by God could realize this on their own. , You did it once, but now it's already drifting away.

   Power and responsibility match. God chooses you because he wants you to help him love sentient beings instead of doing whatever he wants.

   I saw that the difference between you and those tyrants is just that you are more powerful, and you want to whitewash the extravagance more deeply. In this case, what do you use to let the gods give you a chance? "

   Bonnieville recalled the day when the Dawn Empire invaded, and he was still complacent about the choice.

   Take people to survive and die, and change their own tomorrow.

   She seemed to have caught Tang Chuan's meaning, and said, "You, are you blaming me for the bet that engulfed sentient beings?"

   Tang Chuan put down the crystal in his hand, turned his head, and said, "Do you think that you have done a little too much?"

   Bonniville looked complicated and said, "Looking back today, I did lose a lot of things on my way to the top. Bonniville is not qualified to coerce sentient beings and help them make choices. This is the privilege of the gods.

   I sincerely feel contrite, humble like me, but make good use of the power of the gods.


   If I didn’t do this at the beginning, I would be the first target of the Dawn Empire...

   That choice ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ is indeed mixed with my meager selfish desires, but the general trend is like this. At that time, I was as dull as me, and there was no way to break the situation. "

Tang Chuan stretched out her hand and lifted her chin, bowed slightly, and asked the Pope to look at him, and said, "There is no way to break the situation? Think about it, is there no way, or are you unwilling to do it? "


   Bonnieville didn't dare to look at him, but he didn't even dare to look away.

   She said complicatedly: "Bonneville is humble and can't find a perfect solution..."

Tang Chuan retracted her palm, let her lie down on the ground again, and said with her hand: "What is the perfect strategy? It protects the world and stabilizes your power? It seems that you are not alert yet. Then I ask you, in your heart, Power and common people, which is more important."

   Bonnieville was silent for a long time. She didn't dare to lie. Only now did she face her heart completely and said dryly: "It used to be the common people, but now it is power..."

Tang Chuan looked down and said, "So you know it yourself, but you never self-reflection. I always forgive sentient beings and allow any humanity to exist under the rules. You are chasing fame and fortune, longing for power, pursuing freedom, and venting desires. , All living beings, I allow and respect the meaning of their existence.

   Those who are more extravagant and extremely lustful than you, and there are many people who despise the souls, but I did not find them, but I came to warn you. Do you know why? "

   Bonnieville is so keen. She felt cold when she heard the words. She squatted on the ground and said: "Bonnieville disappointed you, but she is still shameless. I want to ask for your forgiveness..."

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