I am not a human being in Yu-Gi-Oh!

Chapter 96 Dark Malik’s vicious plan (4100)

Chapter 96 Dark Malik’s vicious plan (4100+)

Tong Shi Ye Market.

The leopard girl squatted on the side of the road, her head resting on her two strong thighs, exuding an autistic air.

You Miao walked towards Leopard Girl. The group of Gurus hunters under her were very capable in finding people. I wonder if they were from the reporter team.

They quickly located the location of the Leopard Girl, and You Miao easily found the Leopard Girl mascot along this location.

You Miao patted Leopard Girl on the shoulder and asked, "You are so decadent, are you losing?"

Leopard Girl raised her head and answered reluctantly:

"I lost. I originally wanted to enter the next round to duel with you."

"I didn't expect to lose here."

You Miao originally wanted to give Leopard Girl the deck of Gladiator Beast, but this situation was not a good opportunity.

Leopard Girl is a duelist with strong self-esteem, so giving cards now will look like giving away charity.

Later, I will find an opportunity to go to Hualaishi with Leopard Girl for a big meal to see who has the better stomach.

After you find an excuse to lose, give her the Gladiator Beast deck.


You Miao also squatted down and comforted Leopard Girl:

"If it's for a duel with me."

"Then I will give you a special treatment. When I become the Duel King in the future, you can challenge me at any time."

"Isn't this more enjoyable than simply entering Stage 2?"

While Leopard Girl was by his side, You Miao began to concentrate on drawing cards in the mall.

He couldn't stop at all.

After the person next to him changed from the African chief Isis to the leopard girl, his luck seemed to have bottomed out and he immediately became the European emperor!

A few packets of "Traitor-Brother Deng" have already burst out.

Obviously both of them have wheat-colored skin, why are they so different?

You Miao was really confused.

Leopard Girl chuckled. The title "Duel King" seemed far away from these people.

If it's You Miao, maybe it's really possible.

"The woman with heterochromatic eyes who defeated me is so strong."

"That guy should advance to the next round, so be careful."

You Miao suddenly had a strange expression. When he heard the word "heterochromatic eyes", the first person he thought of was that old immortal pervert Dazi.

But Leopard Girl is talking about women

It's definitely not Dazi, at least one can't, at least shouldn't be a big boss in women's clothing, right?

No matter who this heterochromatic eye is, because You Miao has shipped it again.

10 consecutive draws, there are 7 rare cards including UR and SR immediately! !

Leopard girl, it’s you as expected.

You Miao's expression and smile gradually changed.

High emotional intelligence: Poor expression management.

Low EQ: You are a pervert!

Leopard Girl noticed the "salty" smile in You Miao's pervert!

Her expression was shocked. When Leopard Girl was still managing a stronghold, the gay duelists would often look at other men with this smile.

Leopard Girl followed You Miao's gaze and looked to the opposite side, which was a cafe.

only saw

Next to the transparent glass window, a mother and daughter were sitting there enjoying a leisurely afternoon.

The mother wore a tight black T-shirt and jeans, a pair of black and white plaid short boots, and her blond hair was styled in a "Mrs. Danger" style. Overall, she looked great!

Leopard Girl was surprised. Didn't You Miao like young and invincible high school girls like Kyoko Masaki before?

Now you actually like mature old women?


Leopard Girl noticed something even more terrifying.

Opposite her mother is an innocent little girl with tender white skin and blond hair tied into a bun. It is not difficult to tell that she will be a great beauty in the future.

Shouldn't it?

No way.

You Miao, have you evolved into a pervert?

At this moment, Asuka pointed outside the little girl of this blond mother and daughter, and said with a milky voice:

"Mom, it's the brother who imitates the magical girl. He is watching us from the opposite side of the road."

"Would you like to go over and say hello?"

Asuka's mother looked over and was startled by You Miao's smile.

Gua, there is something abnormal!

As it happens, Asuka's mother has a movie playing on her phone.

You Miao's smile is just like the male protagonist named "Zhou Xingxing" in this movie.

The smile is so lewd and perverted!

"Asuka, if you see this kind of boy in the future, don't approach him."

"They will definitely lie to you about your feelings."

"You have to aim to become the Duel Queen, and you are not allowed to fall in love."

Asuka touched her head and said nothing. She didn't think it was abnormal. Instead, she thought the big brother's smile was "sunny"!

Of course You Miao smiled abnormally. Every usable card in this new card box was almost full of 3 before he knew it.

This is the confidence that Leopard Girl brings to You Miao.

Finally, with a happy and sunny smile, You Miao drained her last crystal.


You Miao is very satisfied with the result.

If he had the leopard girl by his side as a mascot from the beginning, he might still have a lot of crystals left.


When I was young, I didn't know that Leopard Girl was good, so I mistakenly thought that the rich woman guarding the tomb was a treasure.

These are all lessons learned in blood. From now on, You Miao has decided that he will never draw cards without Leopard Girl next door!

Except for buying pre-assembled series.

"You Miao, it is illegal to attack minors."

"I know you are at a vigorous age. If it doesn't work, I can help you."

"Next time, remember not to lock the door. I will come find you in the middle of the night."

Leopard Girl looked distressed. She hoped that You Miao would wake up and stop committing crimes.

You Miao was confused. He understood every word Leopard Girl said, but why couldn't he understand them all together?

If you don't just draw a card pack, why do you rise to the level of such a philosophy?

And what do you want to do if you come to me in the middle of the night?

Oh, You Miao understands, Leopard Girl wants to play cards with him all night!

no problem.

It's just that Leopard Girl will be disappointed. The strength of You Miao's deck is no longer what it was when he was young.

He was afraid that Leopard Girl would cry.

It took some time to adjust the deck, during which You Miao's cell phone kept ringing.

Leopard Girl helped take out You Miao's mobile phone. This was an email from the Gurus hunter.

After opening

Leopard Girl was also confused. When did You Miao become the leader of Gurus?

Why didn't she know?

You Miao had temporarily separated Leopard Girl from the Grus organization, so she had no contact with other Grus hunters for a long time, and she was not aware of the power seizure and ostracism that had just occurred.

Leopard Girl thought Malik was still the leader of Gurus.

She suddenly felt like she was out of touch with the new era.

Leopard Girl suppressed her inner doubts because the content of this email was even more exciting.

This is a candid photo taken from a distance.

The content is a deserted dock, where Kaiba Seto and Muto Yugi are looking at each other, and two hostages are tied above them.


You Miao took the phone and looked at it for a few times. He remembered that Dark Malik said he would take revenge on Muto Yugi and Kaiba Seto.

Unexpectedly, he kidnapped Millennium Hostage No. 2 (Kyoko) and Millennium Hostage No. 3 (Kuihei), and then coerced Kaiba and Yugi into a duel.

Dark Malik's perverted way of torturing people is even better than that of Dark Malik.

"Very good, let's go and have a look." Xingzi is his friend, and You Miao can't ignore her.

You Miao stood up directly and started to rush over according to the location on the photo.


On the deserted pier, the waves rolled, and the whole atmosphere was very depressing.

Yugi and Kaiba stood on one side and looked at each other, both of them looking very ugly.

Because it stands on a building that looks like a "libra" on the sea, with two people tied to the corners on the left and right sides.

One is Kyoko Masaki, and the other is Keihe Kaiba.

Beside the two thousand-year-old hostages, there were also two people standing.

One is a silent doll (a treasure-delivery boy), and the other is Pandora, who has been missing for a long time. Both of them have the symbol of the thousand-year eye on their foreheads.

He is obviously cannon fodder controlled by Dark Malik using the Millennium Scepter.

Not only that, the two cannon fodder controlled by Dark Malik had a remote control in their hands, and bombs were tied to Kyoko and Keppei.

Dark Malik only needs to give orders remotely and gently.

The Silent Doll and Pandora will press the control button and explode together with the thousand-year-old hostages under their respective care.

"Hehehe, hahahahahaha, you two can duel here."

"Only the winning side will let the hostage go, and the losing side will directly detonate the bomb."

"If you guys pull some tricks, or Kaiba secretly sends someone here, I can just blow it up!"

"Hey, look at the angry expressions on your faces. I'm so excited right now."

"Really, kimoji~~~"

Dark Malik's perverted voice echoed throughout the dock. He was very happy now.

Seto Kaiba, Yugi Muto, this is the price you pay for not taking me, Dark Malik, into consideration that night! !

It can be seen that this pervert who enjoys torturing others is hiding somewhere and observing everything secretly.

An Yuxi's lips trembled in anger, and he shouted:

"Malik, you despicable guy, come out and show off if you are a real duelist."

"Extend your devil's claws to innocent people, you are really unpardonable!"

Kaiba's clenching fist reflected his inner anger!

If this duel goes according to Dark Malik's ideas, there will only be one outcome in the end.

Either Keppei dies, or that Masaki Kyoko dies.

No matter what, neither Kaiba nor Yugi will accept it.

"Hurry up and have a duel. I can't wait to see you killing each other."

"Otherwise, we might as well just explode together."

"That scene makes me so hyper just thinking about it."

Dark Malik's tone became more and more perverted, which was not the emotion a normal person should have at all.

There is no other way, Yugi and Kaiba can only temporarily comply with Dark Malik's intentions.




Seto Kaiba: 4000LP

Muto Game: 4000LP

"My turn, draw a card." Kaiba drew a card and raised his hand to show the magic card in his hand.

Ancient rules!

"This magic card allows me to special summon a 5-level or higher normal monster from my hand."

"Come out, Blueis White Doragon!!"


A silver beam of light fell straight down.

A dark behemoth emerged from the beam of light.

That's right, it's the invincible and famous White Marriage!

[Blue Eyes White Dragon, 3000 Attack Power, Dragon Clan]

The momentum of Bai Marry is very amazing, and it is more realistic than ordinary monster projections.

Yami Yugi felt this pressure. This was not the first time that he had been an enemy of the Blue-Eyed White Dragon, but every time he felt that the Blue-Eyed White Dragon was not like a simple monster projection.

"Haha, as expected of Kaiba, he summoned his trump card easily." Yami Yugi admired.

At the same time, Yami Yugi also needs to take advantage of the opportunity to fight Kaiba to figure out how to save Kyoko and Keppei.

"Cover 1 card." Kaiba chose to end the turn.

"My turn, draw cards." Yugi drew cards, and he suddenly laughed: "It seems to be the same tactic."


Kaiba's eyelids twitched.

I saw that the magic card on Yami Yugi's handle was activated, and it was exactly the same "ancient rule"!

[Ancient Rules: The initiator can special summon a 5-level or higher normal monster from the hand. 】

"Kaiba, since you have shown your strength, there is no way I can back down."

"Come out, my most faithful servant!"

"Dark Magician!"


The huge magic circle lights up.

A magician holding a magic wand jumped out of the formation.

[Black Magician, 2500 attack power, Magician family]

"Hmph, Black Magician." Kaiba felt angry in his heart when he saw this monster.

No matter how powerful the black magician is, there is bound to be a gap between this monster and the Blue Eyes White Dragon.

That is, the monsters on both sides naturally have a difference of 500 attack power.

It is impossible for a black magician to defeat the Blue Eyes White Dragon with a single card.

"Kaiba, the most powerful thing about magicians is that they have magical means that you can't expect." Yami Yugi sneered, then raised a magic card and showed it: "Thousand Swords!"

[Thousand Knives: If there is "Black Magician" on your field, activate it by targeting 1 monster on your opponent's field. The opponent's monster is destroyed. 】

The black magician raised his staff, and then several flying knives appeared.

Boo hoo hoo.

Countless flying knives were thrust into the blue-eyed white dragon.


Bailong's body was filled with knives belonging to others, and finally exploded.

"Games are all about tricks like this." Although Kaiba's face was unhappy, he felt happy inside.

This is the game he knows well, you never know what card he will pull out to turn the situation around.


"Yi Yu, destroy the Blue Eyes White Dragon, but you have to pay a price."

"Open the trap card, fellow traveler."

"When a monster on your field is sent to your graveyard, it can be activated by targeting 1 monster on the field, and that monster is destroyed."

Yugi's pupils dilated and said: "What!?"

The Blue Eyes White Dragon was destroyed by Thousand Swords, and the Black Magician was also counterattacked by the power of this trap card.

boom! !

The most loyal servant on the gaming floor was destroyed.

"Then I cover two cards and end the turn." Yugi glanced at Kyoko and Keppei above.

The mouths of the two hostages were gagged with rags, and they said nothing.

"It's very similar," Kaiba said suddenly as he looked at the game.

Yami Yugi's expression suddenly dawned on him, as he recalled the Duel Kingdom period.

It seemed to be similar at the time.

But in the final blow, Kaiba threatened the game with his own life. If he was not allowed to win, he would jump off.

Yami Yugi wanted to attack, but in the end aibo forcefully took over his body and chose to admit defeat.

Thinking about it this way, this situation is quite similar now.

Both sides have reasons why they cannot give in.

Kehira Kyoko.

If there is no way to have the best of both worlds in today's affairs

Kaiba must defeat Yugi, even if Kyoko Masaki dies, he must protect Keppei! !

"Game, be prepared."

"Things in the world are not what we want."

0 0 Thank you to book friends Happy Book Man, Glycosylated Salted Fish Z, Dreams Are Not Messy, Wind and Rain Silently Determine the Sky, Ju Tong Xia, No One Is Born in Black, and Alt3ra boss for their reward support.

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