I Am An NBA Goalkeeper

Chapter 256: Court call

"Comrade Shaohua, you must take good care of your body. Don't say any more, just take a good rest these days!

I know that there are many things in the football charity match that you need to deal with, but the body is the capital of the revolution.

You have been spinning for almost a month, and I don’t want you to faint in the office again! "

"Leadership is not what you think. My fainting time has nothing to do with work and tiredness.

Now that the preparations for the football charity match have reached a critical moment, how can I rest assured? "

Wu Shaohua is very helpless. He knows that he is very "red" now, and the leaders care about him very much. But he really doesn't need to rest.

He just arrived at the office this morning.

I received a call from Mayor Liu (positive). Mayor Liu forced him to rest for a few days on the phone.

The main reason for him to rest was because he fainted in his office a few days ago.

A few days ago, he called Wang Dachun and asked who would participate in the football charity match.

As a result, the list that Wang Dachun gave him last was simply unbelievable and endless. He couldn't hold back his excitement. fainted!

Although only fainted for 10 minutes, he still felt very embarrassed.

I don’t want to tell others the real reason, so the external explanation is

"I didn't get a good rest last night, my blood sugar was a little low, it's not a problem.

He also deliberately asked those who knew that he had passed out, not to talk about this matter.

But he didn't expect that after a few days, he fainted, and there was a lot of rumors in the unit.

There are also many versions.

But the general content is the same.

"Vice Mayor Wu is working day and night for our city's urban publicity and football charity matches. He has exhausted himself forcibly and has fainted several times in his office!"

Because of this rumor, today his immediate boss forced him to rest for a few days.

Even Wu Shaohua explained. The cause of the fainting has nothing to do with work.

But now the leader would rather be trusted to have it than to be trusted.

The football charity match is now not only the top priority of the city's work, but also the top priority of the province.

Now let’s not say how much attention has been drawn to the whole country, the attention level of the whole Asia is also very large!

Their city is now not only out of China. It's almost out of Asia.

As the greatest hero, Wu Shaohua's work in the later period is more important. Now he has to recharge his energy, so he has to rest for a few days.

Wu Shaohua had no choice but to go home and rest.


Back home, Wu Shaohua felt bored. After all, he was really busy during this period of time, and he basically never stopped for various entertainments and receptions.

Now that I am suddenly idle, I don't know what to do.

"It seems that there is a Trail Blazers game today. How about Dachun's performance on the court?"

Wu Shaohua turned on the TV, ready to watch the basketball game.

He is not a basketball fan and has no interest in basketball.

He is only concerned about Wang Dachun's situation abroad. Only when I have free time, I will take a look at the basketball game related to Wang Dachun.

"This kid simply doesn't learn well, how did you get together with foreign women? It's easy to make mistakes! No! I have to find a chance to remind this kid!"

Wu Shaohua watched Game 3 of the Western Conference Finals between the Trail Blazers and the Lakers.

The "interaction" between Wang Dachun and Scarlett before the opening made Wu Shaohua a little bit pleasurable.

The taste here. It's the old man's taste for his son-in-law.

Wu Shaohua used to look forward to it. Is it possible for Wang Dachun and his daughter to develop?

But Wu Qingyan did not call Wang Dachun at all. Let him temporarily shelve this idea.

When watching the game, time passed quickly.

The Trail Blazers lost again.

The score is 95:101.

Watching Wang Dachun's unwilling expression on TV, Wu Shaohua couldn't help but sigh.

"It's not easy for Dachun this kid abroad. It's really hard for him to take a bunch of young people to play games."


Wu Shaohua arrived at dinner after watching the game.

His lover knew that he was off today, and he specially prepared a lot of dishes he likes to eat.

When Wu Shaohua was about to enjoy the food, his mobile phone rang.

It was his old classmate Li Guoqiang who called. Now serves as deputy director of the court.

"Oh, why do busy people have time to call me?"

"Okay, old Wu, don't tease me. How can I be busy with you? Now, who doesn't know that there is an international charity football match to be held with you! Your name is with us, but it has already been registered. Hahaha."

"Haha, isn't it that exaggerated? Why? Call, do you want to give me some news resources?"

"Resources must of course be given. After all, the influence of this matter is so strong. Our news team has already prepared early. Your game must be broadcast nationwide! Don't worry, I will definitely give you more close-ups!

But what I called today is not about football charity matches, but there are other things to discuss with you! Of course, this is a good thing, you need to consult your opinions? "

"Oh? There is still something that requires you, the chief director, to consult us? What is it?"

Since it is a work matter, Wu Shaohua's attitude is completely formal.

The call from the deputy director of the court station is absolutely impossible to say trivial matters.

Through Li Guohao's narration, Wu Shaohua knew it in general. The reason for him.

The court and KBS TV station of South Korea have jointly launched a large-scale multinational pop music event since 1999. The name is "China-Korea Song Club".

The purpose is to enhance the friendship between the two countries and deepen cultural exchanges and cooperation through music. Use singing to bless the friendship between the people of China and South Korea forever

The rules for the event are to take turns to be held once a year in China and South Korea.

The location is also not fixed, it will be randomly held on the national television stations of the two countries or first-tier well-known cities in the two countries.

From 1999 till now. A total of 11 sessions have been held.

Originally, the Chinese and Korean Songs were held from the very beginning, and the popularity of the previous few sessions was very hot.

Well-known singers from the two countries are also very willing to participate in this kind of performance. After all, being able to show their faces in such transnational concerts is very easy to increase their popularity.

But with the number of doings more and more. The problems have gradually increased!

South Korea itself is more specialized in star-making entertainment, and the singers and groups launched are also very popular with audiences in both places.

Therefore, in terms of quality, one is pressing the Chinese side and the other.

On the Chinese side, well-known singers who can be invited over time and in terms of quality comparison. Began to become less and less.

In many cases, singers from the third, fourth, or even fourth and fifth lines are on top.

This is also the case this year.

Singer that can be invited by the court at present. The quality is worse than the previous one.

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