I Am An NBA Goalkeeper

Chapter 164: Check your uncle

Jajenson was panicked now.

But he must calm himself down.

There are more than him and Aldridge in the medical room now.

There are other staff in the medical room.

As the chief team doctor of the Trail Blazers, as well as the physical recovery expert of the Trail Blazers.

He absolutely does not allow others to question his expertise on his own territory.

He is competing for the NBA's best chief team doctor this year, if the news of his misdiagnosis is allowed to spread. For his future future and current position, it is very harmful.

So he must be sure!

It's just that there is a slight deviation in the judgment of Aldridge's condition, and this deviation is the deviation without the detection of precision equipment.

It must not be admitted that this is a misdiagnosis! Even when Aldridge brought it, in front of a bunch of inspection reports. Can't admit it!

Aldridge's hands holding the crutches are already shaking constantly, which is infuriating.

He felt that he might give it to him at any time, and the chief team doctor in front of him came straight to him.

He originally thought that even if it was the real team doctor, he had misjudged his injury, as long as the other party had an attitude of admitting him wrong, he might not care too much. After all, his future treatment would definitely need the team doctors. Assisted.

But what the team doctor said was an understatement! One degree of deviation.

It seemed that he was about to take this matter to the end without pain, and blamed his own attitude.

Jajenson could also clearly feel Aldridge's anger, and he pondered for a moment in order to think about it later.

Although he cannot admit that he misdiagnosed himself, he still needs guidance.

Must also find a way to ease the relationship with Aldreich. After all, Aldridge is one of the leading stars of the Trail Blazers, so it's not easy to offend too much.

"Ade, I know you are very angry now, but you have to believe one thing. We are doctors who treat athletes. They are different from ordinary doctors. We know more about your body than they are professional!

From the perspective of ordinary doctors, some serious injuries are not so serious for your professional athletes. You must also trust me to get better and more effective treatment! "

Jajenson wanted to shift the focus and downplay the problem. At least Aldridge can't be hostile to them.

Then again.

"I admit that my tone was not very good. I am not angry with you. I just feel that my professionalism is being questioned and I am a little angry.

Please understand a person who loves his job, wants to give all of his own for the Trail Blazers, wants to do his best for every player, a heart of a medical staff who has no complaints even if you complain! "

Aldridge was a little stunned by what Jajenson said.

While he was still digesting these words, Jajenson said again,

"Come, you sit here."

Jajenson helped Aldridge to sit on the edge of the medical bed. While picking up the tools, he squatted down and continued.

"You must believe me. You must be injured not so badly. I will knock out the plaster for you and check it out for you!"

"Check your uncle!"

A violent shout came from Jae Jansen's side.

As soon as Jajenson looked back at the place where the sound was made, a pair of oversized feet appeared in front of his eyes, and he lost consciousness immediately.


As soon as Wang Dachun walked from the locker room to the door of the medical room, he heard the chief team doctor explaining to Aldridge the difference between professional sports doctors and ordinary doctors.

Wang Dachun felt that it might not be appropriate for him to go in now. So stopped at the door and didn't go in for the time being.

But he still cares more about Aldridge's injury.

So I opened the data display to see if Aldridge's injury has stabilized.

After reading it, he was slightly relieved, because Aldridge's data value number did not jump randomly.

At this time, the team doctor also finished explaining, and the relationship between the two seemed to ease.

When Wang Dachun was about to close the data display.

As soon as Aldridge sat on the medical bed, his data values ​​began to jump again. The jump is more violent than before.

The reason for the violent jump was that the team doctor was about to take a tool to open Aldridge's plaster, and he said that he would give Aldridge a check again.

This also frightened Wang Dachun,

"You tnd will jump around as soon as you check the numbers. Who would dare to let you check? This Nima is definitely a quack! He wants to harm my teammates!"

Wang Dachun is angry! Quickly stepped forward and yelled in Mandarin.

"Check your uncle!"

He stepped forward and directly gave Jajenson, who had just squatted down, a kick on his face.

Originally wanted to make up for another kick, but seeing that Jay Jenson had fainted, he closed his leg angrily.


It was quiet in the medical room.

The people in the medical room were all frozen in there, and none of them dared to move.

Jajenson, who fainted, was lying there and no one cares.

Watching them all, Wang Dachun was panting.

They were afraid that they would move by themselves, and Wang Dachun would also beat them. After all, this guy is notorious.

"Man, what's the matter with you? Why are you so angry?"

Aldridge didn't figure out why Wang Dachun seemed to be more angry than him.

"Your injury was finally settled. This guy wants to hurt you again. If I don't kick him, I will feel uncomfortable all over!" Wang Dachun still said angrily.

"Why do you say that? How do you know that my injury has stabilized, and how do you know that he is going to harm me?"

Wang Dachun's words made Aldridge curious.

"Uh, how did I know? Uh, this, this, wait let me think about it!"

Aldridge's words really stopped Wang Dachun.

"Oh, my head is bigger. Alas, impulsive, impulsive, how can I explain it? No matter what! Just give a reason!"

Wang Dachun corrected his tone and said to Aldridge.

"Actually, um, I studied Chinese medicine when I was a child, um, I studied Chinese medicine, Chinese medicine pays attention to seeing, smelling and asking! Just look at it to know if you are injured!

When you first got hurt, I knew you were hurt badly! But I'm not sure, because after all I learned it when I was a kid, just to be on the safe side, I won't let you play.

I looked at you again just now and saw that your injury has stabilized. If the guy who has just stabilized the injury is disturbed by this guy, the consequences may be very serious!

I just wanted to stop this quack doctor from moving your wounds, so I kicked him in a hurry. That's it! "

Wang Dachun wiped his forehead and made up such a paragraph, he was quite satisfied with the rhetoric.

"Wang, it turns out that you are so powerful. I am so lucky to have a brother like you!"

Aldridge completely believed Wang Dachun's explanation. Because Wang Dachun has always advised him not to go to the hospital for a checkup.

Wang Dachun watched Aldridge believe his words. Also relieved. The reason he made up was actually quite laborious.

In fact, he should add one more sentence. Let Aldridge not tell anyone what he said today.

Because of these words, he will compose more strenuous reasons to convince others that he is not a "genius doctor"!

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