Chapter 88 Mysterious Shop

While they were talking, the rest of the people gradually arrived.

Neville and Hannah came with the Weasleys. The Longbottom family and the Abbott family are both members of the Twenty-Eight Holy Families, but their stance is more on the side of the Order of the Phoenix and they maintain a good relationship with the Weasley family, so the two parents asked the Weasleys to Take the two of them to the award ceremony.

The Weasleys were a little surprised to see Lupine, their old comrade. In their impression, they had never seen him since the Potters’ accident.

Under Mr. Weasley’s inquiry, Lupine hesitantly explained his whereabouts over the past ten years,”As you know, this place is a sad place for me, so I went abroad to develop.”

Yes, his friends James and Lily were murdered by Voldemort, Sirius was imprisoned in Azkaban, and his friend Peter died at the hands of another friend Sirius (Lupine didn’t know the truth at the time).

Coupled with the fact that the war was over, the poor man suddenly lost his reason to stay in England, and staying here would only add to his sorrow.

Lupine was still a werewolf. He didn’t want to trouble others or Principal Dumbledore anymore, so he went to make a living in a remote small country in the Middle East.

It is precisely because he is a werewolf that he loses his mind every full moon night, so he cannot hold most jobs for long, for fear that others will discover his werewolf identity through clues.

Over the years, Lu Ping had only earned enough money to feed himself, let alone buy the expensive wolfsbane potion.

If Sirius’ case hadn’t caused a sensation, and the news was even published in newspapers in his country at the time, Lupine would definitely not have returned to England.

Mr. Weasley looked at Lupine’s slightly weathered face, which could not overlap with the energetic and gentle look in his memory, and he couldn’t help feeling a little emotional.

When old friends and comrades-in-arms meet again, there is naturally a lot to talk about.

Professor McGonagall listened to them with a smile as they talked about the past of fighting side by side, with red eyes.

They are the only people who were photographed together at that time and are still alive.

Different from the slightly heavy atmosphere among the adults, the atmosphere among the little wizards was relaxed and happy.

Harry and Ron were attracted by the statue of King Arthur in the auditorium, while the others gathered in a group, avoiding their parents and secretly discussing something.

“What, you said we want to open a store? Cedric asked in surprise.

Avis nodded,”Don’t George and Fred sell prank props in school? I invested some money in them.””

Seeing the doubtful looks of others, the twins quickly confirmed:”Yes.”

“I have an idea now.” Ives’s words attracted their attention.”We can definitely sell more types of products. For example, we can sell some magic potions, alchemy props and transfiguration products. We shouldn’t Limited to prank props”

“If you think about it, except for the occasional Hogsmeade Open Day, students never leave the castle. This means that they have nowhere to use their pocket money except spending it randomly in Hogsmeade Village during the open day.”

“”Uh-huh,” everyone nodded wildly

“Their pocket money is going to be spent in the end anyway, so why can’t it be spent on us. We can definitely sell some alchemy props or potions in schools that everyone needs. The audience for prank props is still too small.”

“But apart from making prank props, we are not ver

y good at alchemy props and magic potions.”George said puzzledly

“That’s why I need the strength of everyone here,” Ives said eloquently.”The reward for obtaining the second-level Merlin Order is a full two thousand gold galleons. I can use all of this money as initial capital.”

I feel like there’s a lot to be done about this matter. Several people looked at each other.

“I took an ancient magic class as an elective last school year, and I thought I might try making alchemical props or transfiguration products. Cedric volunteered

“I, I can try to grow some herbs in Ives’s box,” Neville said hesitantly, blushing a little at being stared at by everyone. It’s not like his character to be so pushy, but Ives wanted to What he did made the young man excited, and Neville hurriedly responded to his words.

Avis happily patted Neville on the shoulder,”This way we can save a lot of material costs.””

“What about us?”Hermione asked, pointing to the remaining girls. She couldn’t think of what they could do for the time being.

“Hermione, you are very talented in Potions and Transfiguration, you can concentrate on these two.”Ives said.

Hermione’s talent in potions is not very high. After all, she was able to prepare polyjuice potion by herself in the second grade of the original novel, and her talent for transfiguration was also recognized by Professor McGonagall.

“Hannah and I can be responsible for external sales,” Qiu said before Ives could say anything. She knew very well that her talent was not outstanding, and she might be better than others in flying. But she had an advantage that others did not have, that is Popularity. Her performance in the Quidditch Cup last year earned her a large number of fans.

Hannah is lively by nature and not only gets along well with the first-year students, but also maintains good relationships with many seniors.

“I can usually help Neville,” Hannah said quickly. She was also quite interested in herbal medicine.

“”Okay,” Ives said again,”Of course, making money is not the focus. What’s important is improving your strength.””

“I hope that in this way everyone can go further in the areas they are interested in and become stronger.”

In the process of making alchemy props, magic potions, and prank props, they will inevitably come into contact with knowledge that cannot be learned in school. In this way, ultimately achieving the goal of improving strength and making money is what Ives really wants to do. What’s more, learning many magics requires money. For example, making potions, if you don’t have money to buy materials, how can you become proficient in it?

Everyone added it up and finally decided to share the income equally, with early income given priority For the development of the store.

After discussing it, George asked:”What should our store be called?”

Fred opened his mouth and said,”Hogwarts Trick Shop?””

He originally wanted to call it Weasley’s Wise House. That was his and George’s dream. But now it’s not just the two of them, so he changed it to a more appropriate name.

Cedric shook his head in the negative:”It’s not appropriate. We don’t just sell prank props”

“Let’s call it Gabe Newell’s Mystery Shop,” Ives suggested.”Mystery Shop for short.””

“Gabe Newell?”Fred repeated the name several times without reading the deeper meaning.

Ives smiled mysteriously without explaining. His thoughts drifted to the distance, the little wizards, ready to accept the wallet being”-25%”Dominate the fear!


Feel the fear of having your wallet controlled by fat G!

(End of this chapter)

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