The thing he had been waiting for for a long time was finally in his hands. Stark quickly took it and couldn't put it down.

No man can resist a dark sword that hums when stretched repeatedly.

"I'll move my studio to Stark Tower in a few days, and it won't be suitable for me to work here."

Stark carefully put away the Dark Sword and looked around.

During the battle between Mercer and Hulk, this place had become so dilapidated that nothing could be done anymore.

"Stark Tower?"

"Well, I've actually started building a studio on the top floors there. The equipment here can no longer meet my needs and I need a new place."

Stark was packing things around, packing up some things that still had to be taken away manually.

He keeps most of the information in his private cloud, so he doesn't have to worry about that.

"Mercer, I really don't know what to say. Thank you so much, really!" Banner walked over excitedly.

Although Hulk is still on his body, he can already communicate.

And judging from the exchange between him and Hulk just now, there were several times when he was really angry, and even then he didn't let Hulk come out.

It shows that Hulk now needs Banner's consent to come up with it, which can be described as a great favor.

"Don't thank me too much. I've already cut off one of your arms as reward." Mercer said calmly.

Before Banner could react, "Oh, okay, just cut off an arm as a reward..."

After repeating the second half of Mercer's words, Banner suddenly opened his eyes wide, "What did you say, cut me down...?"

Stark's voice floated not far away, "I prove that he really cut off your right arm, but it healed quickly. Oh, by the way, strictly speaking, it was Hulk's arm, not Your arms."


Banner moved his right arm. His right arm was intact and did not look like it had been chopped off at all.

Is Hulk's resilience so strong?

While they were looking at each other in silence, Banner's cell phone suddenly rang. When he answered the call, his expression suddenly changed.

After he covered his mouth and said a few words to the microphone, he looked at Mercer and Mercer with solemn expressions.

"We're in trouble."

Both Mercer and Stark looked at him, "Elaborate."

Banner considered his words and then said.

"After Mercer solved Hydra's attempt to teleport alien creatures, we collected some of the remaining energy from the Cosmic Cube on site and made it into an artificial Cosmic Cube..."

Hearing this, Mercer's pupils shrank slightly.

Although the timeline has changed, will those things eventually happen?

Mercer said in a deep voice: "Someone... came here using an artificial Rubik's Cube?"

This statement made Banner look at him in surprise, and then nodded.

Mercer then asked: "Who is it? Is it Loki?"


The unexpected denial made Mercer stunned and asked, "Who is that?"

"I don't know either. Fury sent me a video. Let's take a look at it together."

Banner handed his phone to Stark, who took it, nodded, connected the phone to his computer, and then called up the only video on it.

In terms of time, it was five minutes before Banner left that place.

In the video, an artificial Rubik's Cube placed in a spherical container emits blue energy fluctuations and makes a crackling sound.

All the machines are shut down, so there is no reason why any machine is out of control and releasing energy into the artificial Rubik's Cube.

The voices of Nick Fury and staff can be heard in the video.

"The energy of the Rubik's Cube has increased by four points!" the staff said.

"Hurry up and shut down those machines!" Nick Fury said.

"The machine has been shut down a long time ago. It's not the machine's problem, it's... it's the Rubik's Cube that's emitting energy on its own!"

The tone in the video sounded very anxious.

Apparently they had been troubleshooting the problem, but couldn't find the source of the problem, and suddenly someone said something.

"Could it be that someone turned it on on the other side?"

Hearing this, everyone was stunned.

They all know that this Rubik's Cube can connect to another place, or even countless places. Since they have done nothing here, there is only one possibility. Someone has activated the ability of the Rubik's Cube on the other side!


A dull sound sounded from the artificial Rubik's Cube.

The surrounding azure energy formed a flickering vortex around the artificial Rubik's Cube.

The surrounding space was disturbed by its rotation and showed signs of being broken.

Immediately afterwards, the half-meter space around the Rubik's Cube turned into pitch black, like a cosmic void.

When all the staff saw this abnormality, they knew something was wrong with the Rubik's Cube no matter how slow they were. They hurriedly evacuated outside, while SHIELD agents armed with guns filed in and pointed their guns at the artificial Rubik's Cube.

The crackling sound in the artificial Rubik's Cube became louder and louder, and after reaching a peak, a beam of rays shot forward.

The energy continued to move forward, and eventually even the Rubik's Cube itself became part of the energy beam.

The one-meter-long energy beam lasted for a while, then opened downwards like a scroll, turning into a rectangular door.

The next second, a figure slowly walked out.

That's a man with a "fish tank" on his head!

His face was completely covered by a huge circle, which was filled with white mist. His face could not be seen clearly, and he was wearing clothes.

When he walked out and saw a group of people pointing guns at him, the man did not panic.

Nick Fury stepped forward, looked at the man in front of him cautiously, and said, "Sir, please indicate your identity and purpose of coming."

"Fish Tank Head" looked around, and an extremely magnetic male voice came from it, "Is this another universe? It doesn't look any different."

Another universe, what do you mean?

Nick Fury still wanted to ask questions, but the man raised his hand, and the SHIELD agents suddenly shouted in panic.

The guns in their hands suddenly turned into large snakes several meters long, spitting messages at these people, extremely ferocious.

The cold touch in their hands made them shiver, and they quickly threw the things in their hands away.

When the "big snake" landed, it made a metallic collision sound.

Taking a closer look, it was clearly the gun they held earlier.

The S.H.I.E.L.D. agents wanted to step forward to get their guns, but they couldn't reach them even though they were more than one meter away.

"Damn it, what's going on? I can't touch the gun!"

"Me too, it's so close, but why can't I walk up to it!"

After some struggle, everyone's eyes finally rested on the man with the "fish tank head."

Seeing everyone's eyes turning over, a man's magnetic voice came from the "fish tank".

"I'll travel around this world first to see how you develop."

After saying that, the man turned into a ball of mist and dissipated in front of everyone, as if he had never been there at all.

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