Just now, he was talking about teaching Mercer to learn the magic inside with his help, but the next second, a burst of magical pressure burst out from Mercer's eyes.

The first magic of this Weishan Emperor's Book is to use magic pressure to oppress the enemy.

This is the first magic, and it is also the most difficult magic to practice to the top level.

Compared with directly attacking the opponent or defending, it is the most difficult to release the magic power in the form of invisible pressure and spread it.

Because it has to be continuously output, unlike other magic, you can use magic by injecting a certain amount of mana into the formation.

Ancient Yi originally planned to skip this one and start learning directly from the second one, but he never expected that Mercer would learn it just by looking at it.

"Is it because of those eyes...Have you never seen such magic before?"

She knew that Mercer could learn so quickly because of his peculiar eyes, which she had never seen him use before.

In the long history, I have never heard of any mage relying on his eyes to cast spells, which involves Gu Yi's knowledge blind spot.

Those who were surprised included Mercer. He calmed down and narrowed his eyes slightly. When he opened them again, his eyes had changed from Sharingan back to normal pupils.

"It's amazing. This Sharingan actually helps in learning magic, and it's very powerful!" Mercer thought to himself.

After I just saw the Book of Emperor Weishan, I felt like the Sharingan opened on its own in a flash.

Immediately afterwards, a vague figure appeared in his mind. In front of this figure, there was a large, dark crowd.

Mercer could see a lot of aerosol-like substances floating around him, and then, this large amount of aerosol erupted from the latter.

The large group of black figures all knelt on the ground, unable to move.

The scene ends abruptly at this point.

Seeing this, Mercer put the "Vishan Emperor's Technique, Punishment" into the Sharingan, and used the powerful pupil power of the Sharingan to release it.

Due to the special nature of chakra and the magic of Emperor Weishan, the combination of the two made it difficult for even Ancient One to resist this special magical pressure.

At this moment, Mercer suddenly felt a very strange feeling coming from his eyes, like a sense of fulfillment after waking up from sleep.

"Can learning magic from the Marvel world allow my Sharingan to evolve?"

Ignoring Gu Yi's surprise, Mercer was more concerned about this issue now.

Although there was no clear indication, he was pretty sure that this feeling was due to the increased power of the Sharingan.

"Perhaps this is the way the system has corrected the Sharingan upgrade method for me. Otherwise, if I still rely on pain to improve my eye power as before, I'm afraid I won't have a chance."

Mercer was not prepared to accept that kind of pain.

"try again."

Mercer turned to the next page of the Book of Emperor Weishan, and the same experience as before came to mind again, but this time it was a different kind of magic.

His whole body was like a machine, standing there mechanically turning the pages of the book. With each turn, Mercer learned and used the previous magic.

The shock on Gu Yi's face has turned into numbness. Many magics that took him centuries to understand, Mercer understood after just one or two glances, and his proficiency is not even inferior to his own.

"Monster, monster!"

Gu Yi kept saying in his heart, while looking a little regretful.

The surprise that Mercer gave her over the centuries was not as great as today. She even wanted Mercer to be the Supreme Mage.

If he takes over, Gu Yi thinks it will be better. He will definitely become the most powerful Supreme Mage in history, and will also become a Supreme Mage that no one can surpass.

But after getting along for a short time, she also knew that Mercer would definitely not stay in the Holy of Holies as the Supreme Mage. His future was not something that this little Holy of Holies could keep.

In just half an hour, Mercer had closed the book from the last page, squinting his eyes slightly, quietly digesting the magic in his mind.

When he opened his eyes again, Gu Yi saw that his eyes, which originally had only single magatama, now turned into three magatama!

"Your eyes..." Gu Yi pointed to his eyes.

"What's wrong? Has it turned into a three-magatama?" Mercer asked calmly without panicking.

"Yes, you knew it would change?"

"Well, that's the evolution of these eyes."

After absorbing the magic of an entire book, Mercer's eyes have changed from the original single magatama sharingan to the three magatama sharingan.

Just as he thought, in this Marvel world, the evolution of the Sharingan can completely rely on using the Sharingan to learn magic.

These magics will be cast by the Sharingan. If Mercer wants to use these magics, he only needs to open the Sharingan.

"Okay, I have learned everything and can face that sub-dimensional creature." Mercer said confidently.

There are many powerful magics in the Book of Emperor Weishan. Although this book claims to "do not attack, only defend", many defensive formations are released, which is more terrifying than the so-called attacking formations.

"Janata, come with me to practice?" Mercer looked at the bored Janata who was bored to the point of playing with her hair.

"Go, go, go!"

Seeing that she had something to do, Janata, who was sitting on the table next to her, jumped up and pulled Mercer out.

Training Course.

"If you feel any discomfort, just tell me. We are just practicing, not a life-or-death duel. That's it." Mercer said.

Neither of them would be serious about it, and they both knew it, but this was a magic experiment that had never been used before, and there was always the possibility of accidents.

So I have to say it first, just for insurance.

"Hehe, okay, come here!" Janata bounced lightly on the spot, and her posture made Mercer stunned.

This is a standard American military fighting technique. How could she do this?

Sensing Mercer's surprised look, Janata chuckled, "If you think I'm just a foodie, then you underestimate me. In this universe, there's not much planetary knowledge that can stump me.

As for the fighting skills on earth, I can master them after just a few glances. "

Unexpectedly, the other party was a talented girl. Mercer laughed and shook his head, and said in a deep voice: "Then I'm going to do it!"

[The method of Emperor Weishan, suppressed from all directions! 】

Ethereal and echoing sounds sounded from all directions, Mercer's eyes widened, and the three Magatama Sharingan activated.

The powerful eye power of the Sharingan combined with the magic of the Book of Emperor Weishan instantly formed four rectangular dark golden blocks in mid-air, one of which fell from the top of Cana Tower.

The dark gold block that was four to five meters high, Janata raised her slender arms to the sky, and the dark gold block that was much larger than her was actually easily caught in her hand.

"It's not over yet."

Mercer rolled his eyes, and another huge block of dark gold hit the one supported by Janata.

When two things are superimposed, the weight is doubled.

Even Janata couldn't help but let out a sigh, as the ground beneath her feet suddenly sunk in quite a bit.

The remaining two giant blocks of dark gold quickly attracted each other from both sides of the Jana Tower like magnets.


The two huge dark gold blocks merged together instantly.

"Is this okay? Everyone died, right?"

With such a big movement here, it is natural for others to watch.

When Mo Du saw this scene, his scalp felt numb. If he were pressed like this, could he still be alive?

Staring at this scene with his eyes, Gu Yi murmured calmly with his hands behind his back.

"How can something happen? If she dies, this kind of god-level existence doesn't need to be so scary..."

As soon as the words fell, the two dark gold giant blocks that were closed not far away exploded instantly, first turning into fragments, and then dissipating into wisps of dark gold mist.

Janata's figure appeared in front of everyone again, and the sound of laughter followed.

"Haha, interesting, so interesting!"

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