Mercer was brought by Gu Yi, and it seemed that he was just a novice in magic. It would be too arrogant to tell him to increase his strength when he first came up.

Modu looked at Gu Yi helplessly. He had no intention of doing this, but when he turned around, he saw that the latter did not refuse, but looked thoughtful.

What's the meaning? Do you really have to push yourself to full strength?

After a moment, Gu Yi looked at Modu and said, "It doesn't matter, use all your strength, I can heal even if you are injured."

Modu looked at Mercer with a strange expression and said, "Please don't be offended if I was accidentally injured."

Mercer smiled and nodded, walked away and kept a distance from Modu.

Because of the fight between the two, Gu Yi specifically asked the other trainee mages to suspend their training and stand on her side to watch the duel.

Seeing that the people brought by Ancient Yi were fighting against Modu as soon as they arrived, the trainee mages looked at Mercer curiously.

They were all around twenty-three years old. Compared with them, Mercer was incredibly young, and these trainee mages were even more strange.

For such a boy to face off against Modu, the best among them, people can't help but feel confused.

What kind of trouble did Gu Yi cause today?

"I will still be cautious, you..."

Mo Du, who originally planned to hold back his hand, blinked, and Mercer's figure flashed in front of him. However, the latter was only ten meters away, and the latter was in front of him in the blink of an eye.

Before he could finish his words, a feeling of being faced with a formidable enemy arose from the bottom of his heart, and he quickly raised the scepter of the Court of Life in his hand and placed it in front of him.


The sound of metal hitting each other was heard, and the scepter in Mercer's hand hit Modu's scepter.

However, the scepter in his hand did not change at all, and it did not seem to be infused with magic power.

"Hey, didn't this blow have magic power injected into it? It seems like it's not that simple." Mercer's soft voice sounded.

He did not launch an attack, but stepped back with his right foot and maintained a safe distance.

Mercer kept looking at the scepter of the Tribunal of Life in his hands, as if he was studying how to inject mana into it.

On the other side, big beads of sweat slid down from his forehead. Modu had no idea that Mercer would be so fast. Is this kind of speed possible for ordinary people?

"This boy is not simple. He is indeed a powerful being. It seems that I can no longer hold back!"

With that said, Mordu changed his offensive, injected his mana into the scepter of the Life Tribunal, and took the initiative to attack Mercer.

What happened next was jaw-dropping.

No matter how Mordu attacked, Mercer could always find an unexpected angle to resolve his attack.

But Mercer didn't even think about fighting back. The attack was resolved, and he just stood there in a daze, fiddling with his scepter.

Mordu had never felt so frustrated. He could see that the other party didn't want to defeat him at all, but was just studying how to put magic power into the scepter of the Life Tribunal.

After fighting like this for more than ten times, Modu raised his hand helplessly, "I surrender."

"Ah? Why?" Mercer looked confused. He hadn't realized how shocking his behavior was. "I haven't met you yet, so why did I give up?"


Gu Yi laughed, asked Mercer to come back to her, took the scepter in his hand, and said: "It seems that it is a bit difficult to use this all at once. Why don't you try this."

As she spoke, Gu Yi pinched her right hand in the air, and a dark golden two-finger ring appeared in her hand.

"This is the hanging ring. It is not only a means of attack, but also a means of transportation for our mages. When I went to find you earlier, I used the portal it opened."

After taking over the Hanging Ring from Ancient One, Mercer was no stranger to this thing. When Doctor Strange came here later, this was the first thing he came into contact with.

"But this also requires a lot of concentration, otherwise it will be difficult..."

Gu Yi was still introducing how to use the hanging ring, but he saw Mercer put on the hanging ring and drew circles there like the others.

Before he could finish his words, golden light flashed in front of his fingers. After a few rounds, the door to the hanging ring actually opened!

Looking at the hanging ring door, Gu Yi opened his mouth slightly and was speechless for a moment.

For a moment, she looked at Mercer and said slowly, "Are you just pretending that you couldn't inject magic power into the scepter?"

Mercer also felt a little embarrassed. He couldn't inject magic power just now, so why did the door open directly? It was a bit funny.

"No, I just pulled it casually, and the door opened." Mercer tilted his head, and what he said was a bit speechless.

Many trainee mages looked down upon Mercer when they saw this scene. Many of them took more than a week from getting the hanging ring to opening the door of the hanging ring, and it took a month to open the door.

On the other hand, Moser, from getting the hanging ring to opening the door of the hanging ring, it was only two minutes, the door of the hanging ring was opened, and still talking like this, there was really nothing that made them more speechless than this.

"That's all, magic also has its own adaptability. There are many examples of people who are not familiar with one magic but can master it instantly after picking up another one." Gu Yi said.

At this time, the voice of the system also sounded in Mercer's mind.

"Get an item card*1! 』

Hearing this voice, Mercer sighed secretly. If he had known better, he would have taken the hanging ring first.

He overestimated the Asgardian warriors he had absorbed before. Although he now has a certain amount of magic in his body, he still doesn't know how to use it, and he has no chance to browse their memories.

Just holding the life court scepter was like holding an iron rod.

Just as Gu Yi was about to say some more precautions, he saw Mercer's expression in front of him change, turning into a serious expression. After she was stunned for a brief moment, the two of them looked at the sky.

There, a ray of fire fell from the sky and landed on the mountains not far away.

"What is that?" Mercer was a little confused. "It fell on the mountain."

"Go and have a look."

Without saying anything, Gu Yi took out the hanging ring, opened the door of the hanging ring, and walked in one after the other with Mercer.

The two walked out of the hanging ring door and looked around.

"over there!"

Mercer stretched out his hand and pointed, and Gu Yi looked in the direction of his finger. There was a huge creature lying on the ground.

Gu Yi looked stern, nodded, opened the door of the hanging ring again, and the two came to the huge creature.

Seeing that huge pile of giant creatures, Gu Yi and Mercer looked at each other and could see the surprised look in each other's eyes.

This mountain-like monster is dark green all over, in the shape of an irregular liquid, but it can solidify together.

At the top of the "hill", you can see two huge eyes that are at least as tall as a person, staring at Ancient Yi and Mercer somewhat blankly.


Ancient Yi and Mercer both said at the same time that this huge dark green creature was a liquid monster called slime.

There are also some on the earth, but they are very few, and the total is probably not one-tenth of this lump. Such a big lump must be from an alien planet.

It's just that this kind of monster has extremely low combat effectiveness. As long as the planet has entered the era of thermal weapons, it can easily deal with it.

The two looked at each other for a moment, and a crisp figure suddenly sounded behind them.

"Are you here to steal my food?"

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