A month, passed in a hurry.

The atmosphere of the Hyuga clan was extremely depressed.

Hinata their home.

At the dinner table, several people ate warmly.

Looking at the Shizong-kun, who was holding the fireworks and teasing Hinata.

Hinata Nami’s eyes were in a trance, like a dream.

It’s as if this is family.

Such a warm picture, in her memory, has never appeared in that cold once home.

Hiashi never takes the initiative to hold fireworks and does not calm down to play with Hinata.

“Hiashi, what you can’t do, someone can do it, you’re too bad.” Hinata Nami smiled at the corner of her mouth.

She has come to terms with the life she has now.

That’s it.

Not bad either.

Looking at Hinata, who was giggling, she remembered that Hinata was getting ahead of the day less and less, and every day before going to bed, it was the ten sect kings who spoke.

She would love to see that outcome.

Thoughts wander away.

Hinata Nami’s face gradually turned crimson again.

It was late at night.

“I’m leaving.” Hinata Jumune rubbed Hinata’s head and looked at Hinata Nami.

“Uncle Shizong, can you not leave?” Hinata reluctantly pulled the corners of Hinata’s juzune.

She couldn’t bear it.

In a month, Hinata had already developed a deep nostalgia for the Ten Sects.

Especially when Ninji raided Hinata half a month ago, Juzong rescued her again.

Hinata’s dependence on the Hyuga Jumune surpasses everyone.

The title has also changed.

From Jumune-kun, he became Jumune’s uncle, and it was Hinata Nami who made Hinata call it that way after that.

Originally, Hinata wanted to call her brother.

Hinata Nami solemnly instructed: “No, according to the generation, the ten sect-kuns are your uncles.” ”


Hinata Nami whispered.

When Hinata Shizong saw her, she had already lowered her head, and her red palm pinched the corner of her clothes.

Eyes wandered.

Trying to avoid Hinata Juzune’s sight, Zhang looked terrified, and there were signs of fainting at any time.

Hinata Jumune asked solemnly, “Did something happen?” ”

Since that night of misunderstanding, Hinata Nami blushed every time she saw herself.

But she was restrained.

There is no real action on either side.

“In the past few days, there will be turmoil in the family, I am afraid.” Hinata Nami explained in a low voice: “The split family can’t stand him anymore, can’t stand him crazy, and is ready to ask Hokage to come forward and abolish his patriarch status.” ”

This month.

“Hinata Hiashi” was not idle either.

Several quarrels with the elders, and there were big fights, and there were many contradictions.

Zongjia, division.

The patience with Hinata Hinata has reached its limit.

All when he was crazy.

“What are you going to do?” Hinata Jumune asked with concern.

Do you still have hope for him?

Since it comes to such a time.

It means it’s time for you to act.

“I don’t know.” Nami Hinata was powerless.

Regardless of the family outcome.

Hokage came forward and abolished Hiashi’s status as the patriarch, and herself, the former patriarch’s wife, would not have a good result, and Hinata would not end well.

Hokage is more likely not to show up.

Let Hiashi continue to be the patriarch.

Hinata Nami didn’t know what else he would do when he was crazy, and he might even really do it to his relatives.

He’s crazy.

It’s been crazy for a long time.

From the moment he ruthlessly and forcefully divorced and ignored Hinata’s safety, Hinata Nami was dead set on him and had no hope.

“Ten Sect Monarchs, let’s escape.” Nami Hinata mustered up her courage.

We leave the family.

Leave the village.

“No, no, I can’t hurt you Ten Sect Monarchs.” Hinata Nami quickly shook her head.


Even if he escapes, he will face the pursuit and killing of his family and village.

When the other Shinobi villages find out, they won’t let us go.

Nami Hinata saw no hope.

“Leave it to me, I’ll put an end to it.”

“No, Ten Sect Monarchs, you must not take risks.” Hinata Nami panicked.

He was again dissatisfied by the family.

But he is the patriarch.

The strength is strong, the identity and power of the patriarch, the power is huge.

Even if I seal the Ten Sect Monarchs’ Caged Bird Spell Seal, I won’t be able to win.

Unless all the divided families are sealed in the caged birds, and the power of all the divided families is gathered.

But that’s impossible.

Sealing the caged bird, it takes time, it needs to be sealed slowly one by one, all the sect families gathered, in a short time, it can’t save too many families.

Ask for help from Hokage.

It’s the last way.

But we all know that the patriarch and ordinary clansmen have a completely different weight in the eyes of Hokage.

A month before.

It’s not that no one ventured to ask for help from Hokage.

Whether he got it or refused, Naruto said that he was not good to meddle in family affairs within the Hyuga clan.

Anyway, there are no dead people, it’s all trifles.

In the heart of the three generations of Hokage, they are also happy to see the internal discord of the Hyuga clan, and they have long wanted to see the discord of the monolithic Hyuga clan, which is more conducive to the control of the village.

Nami Hinata saw no hope.

“Trust me, okay.”

Hinata Jumune held Hyuga Nami’s face.

Eyes at each other.

Nami Hinata’s gaze stopped fleeing.

“Hmm.” Gently leaned his face into his palm: “Ten Sect Monarchs, let’s not leave today.” ”



Hinata Nami’s eyes flashed with surprise.

The speed visible to the naked eye blushed.

Shyly smiled at Hinata Jumune, “I’ll go prepare your clothes.” ”

In the end, he fled.


ps: From now on, desperately liver, work hard to update, only extravagant bigwigs, can vote for flowers, vote for evaluation.

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