HxH in One Piece World

Chapter 8 Visitors

Flower Street?

Isn't that the modern-day red-beep-beep area?

Where does Sol go to exercise in the morning?

That size and age...

Maud was speechless.

The store is open for business, but the doors are closed.

Sunny didn't ask Maud to do anything, and Maud didn't take the initiative to ask.

He leaned against the corner, closed his eyes and continued to sort out the memories of One Piece.

When the memory is almost sorted out, I have to pick up the [daily exercise] that has been abandoned for a long time.

After all, Hunter's Notes can't provide substantial assistance in the short term, unless there will be a second Watt delivered to the door.

Time passed little by little.

Two hours passed without a single customer.

Maud glanced at Sunny who was sitting at the counter, holding a newspaper back and forth.

Judging from the calm reaction of the other party, it is normal for this weapons store to have a bleak business plan.

Also, it seems a little too quiet.

Maud turned to look at the two-sided wooden door that was hidden.

As a place of no-holds-barred fighting on the street at any time, after a few hours, I could only hear some small footsteps walking past the store.

Strange, Maud walked towards the store door.

Seeing that there was no response from Sunny, Maud felt relieved to open the wooden door, and then leaned out most of his body to take a look.

After a while, Maud stepped back and shut the door silently.

Madeleine, isn't this an alleyway in a residential area?

No wonder it's so quiet most of the time.

Opening a weapon shop to such a location, unknowingly, thought your family was selling alcohol.

Maud breathed out a fragrance in his heart.

The force of Mad Hatter Town, conceived with simple intelligence, is gradually declining.

He suddenly had the urge to go to the street outside to see, but it was quickly extinguished.

If you have time to think about that kind of thing, you might as well figure out how to get a gun from Sol.

Maud turned around and walked towards the corner.

After walking a few steps, the door of the store was suddenly pushed open.

Maud looked back subconsciously, his eyes slowly widening.

There was a group of three people standing in front of the door, looking like they were walking side by side, but in fact, the men on the left and right were habitually behind by half a position, in order to highlight the identity of the person in the middle.

The man on the left has curly hair in the middle part, a long-barreled flintlock gun on his back, a five-finger-wide earth-colored belt slung across his waist, and a cloth bag full of ammunition hanging on the left side of the belt.

The man on the right is obese, but he is taller than the other two men.

He wore a green turban on his head, a pair of small wine red sunglasses that were extremely incompatible with his face, and held a half-eaten piece of meat in his hand.

The wooden double door was pushed open by the man in the middle.

The man looked at Maud whose face changed drastically, and while he was puzzled, he smiled heartily: "Little brother, didn't I just touch you?"


Mad Hatter, Cape Point Street.

It is adjacent to Pub Street, where the black market is also located.

Any shady transaction can be carried out openly and aboveboard here.

Wangjiao Street is centered on the largest auction house in Mad Hatter Town, and all kinds of places linked to the black industry radiate out.

The [House of Beauty] where Arthur worked was also included.

As a funeral director, he has a busy business all day long.

Of course, most of the business was taken over by his "ability".

Today is his rare monthly holiday. In order to enjoy this wonderful time, he had already packed up his schedule in advance yesterday.

However, when he was full of food and drink and was about to go to Huajie to exercise, he only had a bad premonition when the phone worm rang.

Half an hour later, he was back at work.

Working for someone is always self-inflicted.

He sighed inwardly as he changed into his work clothes.

Uniforms, masks, arm scarves with the word "die" painted on.

These three things are standard after the mortician joins the job.

After changing into his overalls, Arthur waited for the next command.

One after another, colleagues hurried back to [Aimi's Home], and they should have been called back temporarily by the boss.

"Why did you guys come back? Could it be that the 'pig factory' is in trouble again?"

"Yes, what happened this morning was again because a group of slaves rioted."

"How many slaves were killed and injured this time?"

"It's not very clear, it's said to be more serious than last time."

"Hey, I thought it was a big order, but it turned out to be a bad job over there."

A funeral director complained.

The leading undertaker glanced at the colleagues present and said calmly, "Let's go when everyone is ready."

Arthur sat in an inconspicuous corner, silently listening to the chats of his colleagues.

It turned out that there was another trouble at the [Pig Factory], and many slaves must have been killed or injured.

That is to say, you have to be busy today.

And it's still a job that pays less.

Arthur groaned inwardly.

A rare holiday...

"I heard that there will be several blockbuster auction items at the auction at the end of the month."

"What auction item?"

"A devil fruit, a famous knife and a murloc slave."

"Real or not? Where did you hear the news? Did you know the auction before the booklet was sold?"

"I swear by my personality!"

"That's fake."


"Oh, I almost forgot that I'm a ruthless mortician. The personality thing was lost when I joined the job, so why don't I swear by something else?"

In the corner, Arthur's ears moved, and he glanced at a few colleagues who were whispering not far away.

Devil fruit and famous sword?

Arthur was a little surprised, but he would not easily believe the authenticity of these news.

Although in this mixed place, thanks to things like alcohol, some gossip may indeed come out faster than regular news, but Devil Fruits are extremely rare things.

If the auction started, I am afraid that it would have been widely publicized.

"Devil Fruit..."

Arthur's eyes showed longing.

With his income level, at least he has to eat or drink for decades before he has the opportunity to compete.

If there is a devil fruit at the auction at the end of the month, even if you are not eligible to bid, you can join in the fun.

As for famous knives, the old fellow Sol should be interested.


Bar Street, a pub.

It was noon, but the tavern was full of people.

As one of the biggest players in the Golden Cave, bars have always been one of the preferred consumption places for pirates, so it is not surprising that there will be such a source of tourists.

Kidd occupied a table alone, and in this slightly crowded tavern, he seemed to stand out from the crowd.

Still, no one bothered him.

Because, the dozen or so pirates lying on the ground are warnings.

At this moment, a man wearing a blue mask walked into the pub, looked left and right, and then walked straight to the table where Kidd was.

When he came to the table where Kidd was, the masked man sat down directly.

Kidd looked up at the masked man and said, "Come on."

The masked man nodded and asked, "Have you bought a gun?"


Kidd shook his head.

"Bought by someone?"

"No, the boss didn't sell me."

"Don't sell you? What's going on?"

"do not know."

Kidd drank the wine in the bottle a little irritably.

The mask man probably guessed what was going on, and said, "Then give me the money and I'll buy it."

"The money is almost gone."


The masked man was speechless.

Kidd looked indifferent.

In his opinion, money is something that can be easily grabbed.

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