About fifteen minutes before the agreed time, Maud had already arrived at the Night Bar.

When he came to the bar, the wolf rat was ready.

He looked at Maud, who was fully armed, and suddenly had the urge to wear a weapon.

"Set off?"

Maud asked.

Werewolf nodded and got up from his seat.

Inside the bar, Tatamu took off his uniform, revealing his impressive muscles.

He put on a black short-sleeved shirt first, then walked out of the bar.


Maud looked at Tatamu's actions suspiciously.

Seeing this, the wolf squirrel explained: "I asked for it. With Tatamu's care, I can let go and attract firepower. Of course, it costs money."

"That's it."

Maud glanced at Tatam's bulging muscles like a rock, thinking that Tatam's physical skills should not be weak.

In the small and inconspicuous bar, there are masters like Werewolf and Tatamu.

On the contrary, in the noisy place on the street outside, there are some pirates who are not very powerful, but behave quite flamboyantly.

In contrast, Werewolf and Tatamu are low-key and reserved, but more like people in the underground world.

Werewolf didn't want to spend money to ask Tatam to take care of him, and he still had to pay an IOU.

Mainly because of the psychological shadow of being trapped by Mo De, and with Tatamu taking care of him, I can always feel a lot more at ease.

The alleyway was silent in the middle of the night, and the sound of mice passing by could be vaguely heard.

Maud and his party left the Night Bar, walked in the alley, and headed for the pier.


Every pirate group that arrives in Mad Hatter Town will leave a team behind to guard the ship before going ashore.

This is the norm.

After Abe was seriously injured in the Tomahawk Tavern, he did not return to the ship, but directly recuperated in the largest hotel in the town.

Under such circumstances, he still dared to split his troops into two groups, so it can be seen that Aibe has some shortcomings in his character.

In contrast, Kaszt, who was honestly staying on the boat to recover from his injuries, seemed much more secure.

He concentrated all his forces on the ship until the wounds healed.

The Sharp Bull Pirate Ship, Captain's Room.

The candles were brightly lit, and Kaszt lay on his back on the bed with a cold expression.

He was almost covered in white bandages.

The cabinet by the bed was full of medicine jars, and the cabin was filled with a strong smell of medicine.

In the battle that day, Aibe's [Speed ​​Sword] obviously had the upper hand, not only poking out a lot of blood holes in Kazit's lower body, but also taking care of a lot of his upper body.

Ordinary people are poked like this, and a few blood holes should fall down and die.

Relying on the fruit's ability, Kaszt resisted Aibe's countless attacks, and immediately found an opportunity to make Aibe lose his fighting ability with just one [Black Hoof].

However, he was also incapacitated due to excessive blood loss.

This even-handed and lose-lose battle was seen by some passers-by pirates who were not afraid of death.

Compared to Kazette, who was miserably stabbed by Ai Bei with his foil sword, the boy named Usopp from earlier, but escaped Ai Bei's stormy stab, and slapped Ai Bei in the face. .

It can only be said that there is harm in comparison.

Therefore, Usopp's name was passed on by these bystanders.

Especially in the pirate circle, all the guys who are born out of nowhere are often their talking points after drinking.

Just like the new pirate Ace, who made headlines two days ago, has directly become the main topic of discussion in every tavern.

Moreover, stepping on and holding has always been something that pirates are happy to do.

Furthermore, one of the ways for new talents to quickly ascend to the top is to defeat well-known "old seniors" with their own hands.

Under the influence of this peculiar trend, what happened at the Tomahawk Tavern that day,

Naturally, it has become a classic example of one step and one holding.

Those who are afraid of being in a mess will wantonly belittle the long-established old pirates like Abe and Kaszt in the chat after drinking, and then use this to elevate the reputation of Usopp.

Aside from the mainstream trend of reverence for strength, this kind of behavior can relatively satisfy some of their spiritual needs.

As for how badly Usopp will fall in the end, it is not something they will consider.

Katzit has long been accustomed to this kind of atmosphere, because he has also stepped on the old predecessors all the way, so that he can have his current status.

But how can I feel comfortable when my face is pressed and rubbed on the ground like this?

Due to Kazette's emotions, the members of the Sharp Bull Pirates did not dare to touch the bad.

Wells, who is one of the cadres, naturally did too, but he was responsible for reporting, and he became the person who had the most contact with Kaszt during this period of time other than the ship doctor.

Wells pushed the door and walked into the captain's room, and under Kazsit's expressionless gaze, he came to the bedside.

Kazette looked at Wells and asked coldly, "Is there a situation?"

"After stepping up patrols, the number of dark sentries sent by other pirate groups has significantly decreased, and the location has basically been figured out. Do you want to send them..."

Wells made a neck-slashing motion.

Kazette looked cold and said, "No, but if you cross the line, you're welcome."


Wells nodded, and didn't stay long after the report was over. He left the captain's room and continued to stick to his post.

Kazette stared coldly at the closed door, and snorted suddenly.

The previous looting of the Bolkin armed merchant ships certainly brought a certain degree of fame and blessing to Kaszt, as well as a lot of money.

But at the same time, it will also attract jealous colleagues.

After all, Birkin is one of the well-known large chambers of commerce in the West Sea, and the next one is a profit of hundreds of millions.

Before they were injured, this group of peers could only be envious and jealous.

After being injured, they gathered around like wolves that smelled blood.

But the thin dead camel is bigger than the horse, even if the Sharp Bull Pirates suffered heavy losses recently, they still have enough deterrent power.

This is the essence of the High Bounty Pirates.


Above the dock warehouse.

Maud and the others hid in the shadows that the lights couldn't reach, watching the Sharp Bull Pirate Ship moored in the dock from a distance.

From this position, you can barely see the members patrolling back and forth on the deck of the Sharp Bull Pirates, and they are distributed in almost every corner, forming a tight cordon.

After observing for a while, the wolf rat said solemnly in a low voice: "It's a solid defense, what should we do?"

Maud did not speak, but carefully observed the deployment situation on the deck, while thinking about the distance between where he was and the pirate ship.

Staring closely at the flying direction of the pirate ship's flag, Maud suddenly said, "Fight the birds."


Werewolf looked at Maud because he didn't know.

But I saw Maud untie the long spear behind him and set up the muzzle to aim at the deck of the sharp bull pirate ship.

Werewolf immediately understood Maud's plan.

He knows that Maud's marksmanship is good, but this distance has exceeded the effective distance of a musket. Without the blessing of other external factors, even if the marksmanship is good, the hit rate will become extremely low.

In this case, rashly implementing a far-point strike will only reveal the location and motivation.

Even so, the wolf rat didn't make a sound.

Tatamu glanced at Maud's musket. Even if the barrel was modified and lengthened, he didn't think it could do anything at such a distance.

"can not hit."

"It can be beaten."

Maud aimed his gun at the figure on the distant deck, and said calmly: "An elder told me that blind confidence is not entirely a bad thing for a gunman."

Feel the potential boost from the direction of the wind while taking the altitude into account.

Until the last step, there will be a vague feeling of "this is it".

Immediately, Maud pulled the trigger.

The lead bullet drew a straight line in the night, passed a distance of nearly 150 meters, and accurately hit a walking member of the Sharp Bull Pirates.

Hit the head straight!

The member who was hit fell to the ground silently and died.

The sudden change instantly made the rest of the staff tense, and they all looked in the direction of the gunshots.

However, nothing can be seen.

As a sniper on the ship, Wells realized something in vain and shouted loudly, "Look for a bunker."

Meanwhile, the warehouse is on top.

Tatamu and Werewolf looked at Maud in shock.

After a while, Tatamu said with admiration, "Amazing."

The wolf mouse was silent.

He is well aware of the importance of a good sniper before a battle at sea.

However, most of the best snipers are from pirates...

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