HxH in One Piece World

Chapter 39 Newtman Abbey

The book contains information on hundreds of pirates.

Among them, the ones worthy of Maud's special attention are the eight big pirates with a bounty of more than 30 million.

Among them are Kazette, the captain of the Sharp Bull Pirates, and Lafayette, who is known as the [Devil Sheriff].

The former Kaszt probably traveled frequently in Mad Hatter, so Sunny wrote down a lot of information.

The latter Lafayette seems to rarely come to Mad Hatter Town, so the relevant information is pitiful, and including the name and the bounty, there are only a few lines of description.

Maud guessed that Sunny might have learned about Lafayette through newspapers.

Putting these aside, what surprised Maud was the only female pirate among the eight pirates.

The bounty is as high as 38 million, Newtman Abbe, known as the "boy killer".

What is the concept of a bounty of 38 million?

It is not worth mentioning in the great waterway, but it is different in the West Sea.

You must know that the average bounty for pirates in the East China Sea is only around 3 million.

This is already quite convincing.

And about Newtman Aibe's information, Sunny didn't remember much.

In terms of appearance characteristics, there are probably only a few words - white skin, beautiful appearance, red lips like fire.

As for abilities, it focuses on Aibe's one-handed foil.

The foil, also known as the Western sword category, is a light sword that is slender and can only be used for stabbing.

Maud's eyes swept across the tall woman's bright red lips one by one, her flat belly without fat, and the western foil sword pinned to her waist.

Thinking of the gradually quiet atmosphere in the tavern, Maud is almost certain that the woman who attracted all the attention as soon as she entered the tavern is most likely Newtman Aibe.

In the circle of pirates, bounties represent worth and strength.

The higher the bounty, the higher the reputation and prestige.

This is the fundamental reason why pirates such as Abe and Lafayette will attract everyone's attention like a rising star when they walk into the tavern.

This is the effect of bounties and prestige.

Of course, if they step into the great waterway, in front of a brand-new cognitive system, they will no longer have this kind of treatment.

Abe's admission made the tavern gradually become silent.

The pirates who were drinking and chatting before stopped what they were doing and turned to stare at Abe.

long hair tangled up,

skin as white as snow,

A face as charming as a peach blossom,

Tall and plump body,

Coupled with the reward amount of up to 38 million, all of them are stirring their nerves.

perfect woman!

The pirates with limited knowledge all thought so in their hearts.

Maud is also watching Abe.

The sight that originally fell on the foil sword on Ai Bei's waist shifted slightly, and was fixed on the white and flat abdomen exposed to the air.

No muscle and no sign of sun exposure.

But with such a high bounty, it is certainly not weak in terms of strength.

Maud thought silently.

There was one thing he didn't really understand.

Why are some strong women in this world able to keep their skin from getting rough during long voyages?

Moreover, even if he is slender and has no muscles at all, he can burst out with strength that is not inferior to that of a muscular man.

If there was not one of the four emperors who held up the scene, Maud would like to study in depth the special features that may be contained in women's bodies.

Abe seems to enjoy the treatment of being watched.

She didn't stay at the door for too long, and walked towards the biggest wine table in the tavern as if no one else was there.

The dozen or so strong men behind him followed closely.

The same goes for the pure white skunk held by Abe.

When the group of drinkers who were sitting at the largest wine table saw Ai Bei walking straight forward, they got up one after another and voluntarily gave up their seats.

The waiters around were also winking, and hurried over to clean up the countertops.

Just when Ai Bei walked a short distance of more than ten meters, a clean and spacious wine table was vacated like this.

Abe and his subordinates sat down as a matter of course, and asked the waiter to prepare food and drinks as soon as possible.

As for the group of pirates who gave up their seats wisely, they had already retreated silently.

At the corner, Maud retracted his gaze.

He dared to observe for so long because everyone around him was watching Beah.

"What a great style."

Maud whispered to himself.

Werewolf glanced at Maud and lowered his voice.

"That's for sure, you know, she is Newtman Aibe. In terms of strength, she is barely ranked among the pirates of the West Sea, but in terms of popularity, she is definitely number one, and don't look at her looks. It's so good-looking, it kills people without even blinking an eye."

"I see."

Maud nodded in agreement with the wolf rat.

Just looking at the reaction of the pirates at the two surrounding tables, the eyeballs are about to fall.

"And... did you know that she has a title called Young Boy Killer?"

Werewolf suddenly brought his face closer, with a mysterious look on his face, and his voice was even lower.

"I heard."

"Then do you know how that title came about?"

Maud shook his head, saying he didn't know.

The werewolf immediately smiled evilly, and the sound was like the chirping of mosquitoes:

"Because Ai Bei especially likes that kind of good-looking young man. Sometimes, when he catches his eye, he will go straight back to the ship. After that, you know."

Speaking of which, the wolf rat showed a look that every man should understand.

Immediately afterwards, his tone suddenly became solemn again, and his face was cut so fast that it was comparable to the face-changing of Sichuan Opera.

"However, the kidnapped boy, without exception, will turn into a ravaged corpse the next day, so this is the real origin of the title of boy killer."

"So brutal?"

Maud was quite surprised. He couldn't imagine that there would be such a hobby under that beautiful skin.

"Who said it wasn't? How do you think she got such a high bounty? Pirates like her do all kinds of evil. Burning, killing, and looting is commonplace."

When the wolf squirrel said this sentence, an imperceptible coldness flashed in the depths of his eyes.

Maud was silent, acquiescing to the wolf rat's statement.


The wolf rat's face suddenly changed.

"What's wrong?"

Maud looked at the werewolf suspiciously.

After a few words of conversation, he felt that the wolf mouse was quite interesting.

The wolf squirrel whispered nervously: "I was patronizing to tell you this just now, but I didn't realize that my own situation was very dangerous."

After speaking, he quickly took out the mirror and took a look.

Looking at the radiant handsome face reflected in the mirror, the wolf rat became even more nervous.

He didn't want to miss the opportunity to further communicate with Usopp because of Abe's hobby.

"The situation is dangerous?"

Maud was puzzled at first, and then quickly understood. He looked at the wolf rat who was looking in the mirror.

"Wolf Mouse, are you... serious?"


Werewolf quickly put away the mirror, and before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by a sudden voice behind him.

"Over the corner, come here for me."

It's Abe's voice!

Hearing that voice, the wolf rat's expression changed.

He took a deep breath first, then threw a "surely so" wink at Maud, and then slowly got up, as if he was mentally prepared in an instant.

Turning around, the werewolf just met Ai Bei's gaze.

Sure enough, Abe took a fancy to...

It's all my fault, why do you need to take an hour-long bath?

Well now, I missed the chance to make friends with Usopp.

The wolf rat complained to himself in his heart, and at the same time walked towards the wine table where Abe was.

"Hey you."

Ai Bei frowned slightly and raised his finger to the werewolf.

Werewolf nodded subconsciously.

"Yes, it's you, go away!"


The wolf rat froze.

Forced by Ai Bei's increasingly fierce eyes, the wolf squirrel froze to one side, revealing Maud who bowed his head and said nothing behind him.

Ai Bei's eyes turned to Maud, and there was a hint of water in his eyes.

I don't know if it's because of too many reference objects around, she thinks that Maud's thin skin and tender meat are very pleasing, just right to her appetite.

Perhaps he didn't want to wait, Abe suddenly got up and walked towards Maud.

The pirates around couldn't help but look at Maud who was sitting in the corner.

There is an inexplicable meaning.

Both envy and pity.

Feeling the sight from Abe, Maud cursed.

What's the matter?

Listening to the sound of footsteps getting closer, Maud planned to escape.


Suddenly, a group of people poured into the tavern.

The person at the head was Kaszt wearing a pointed helmet.

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