HxH in One Piece World

Chapter 4 Improve your physique

Successfully escaped by urinating.

After coming to the toilet, Maud immediately locked the door.

【Hunter Notes】

Black as ink jade, the rich and powerful notebook appeared out of thin air.

At the spine of the book, the black tail feathers of the quill quivered slightly, as if waiting for Maud's favor.

When the ability was originally developed, the pen that Maud conceived should be a black pen, but that would increase the difficulty of development accordingly.

Therefore, in order to reduce the development pressure of other parts, we can only settle for the next best thing, showing a quill pen that is more difficult to write but has a simpler structure.

Pulling out the quill from the spine of the book, Maud did not hesitate to write the word "physique" in Chinese on the first silver line.

Physique is his highest priority right now.

This is completely unnecessary to consider.

Because only by improving your physique first, can you have the capital to seek more things.

Not to mention, in the world of One Piece, a tyrannical physique is the foundation of a strong person's foothold.

And like the four emperors' aunt Charlotte Lingling, and the perverted physique of the beast Kaido, now Maud can't even think about it.

After writing down the requirements, Maud turned to the first page of the notebook.

Blank as snow.

In a trance, Maud saw densely crooked and ugly handwriting on the pen page.

In the blink of an eye, the handwriting suddenly disappeared like a phantom.

Maud was stunned for a while, and murmured in a low voice, "Let's start again..."

Now, it's like a big one being washed, and then going to a new suit to build a small one and start over.

In terms of advantages, it's still real.

Maud wrote and moved, and while generating Watt's appearance in his mind, he quickly wrote down Watt's relevant information.

【Evan Watt】

【Good use of knives】

This information was heard from Sunny, and it was outrageously simple.

However, no matter how small mosquito legs are, they are still meat.

Moreover, with the current strength of this body, even if the benefits obtained are relatively small, the effect is estimated to be immediate.

As if he had completed an important event, Moder slowly closed the hunter's note without any hesitation.

Thanks to Evan Watt for his dedication.

Thanks Kidd for bringing Watt here.

Maud removed the hunter's note and looked at himself in the mirror.

He raised his finger and gently pressed the blood-stained bandage on his forehead, and the pain immediately grew.

If the Hunter's Note is useful, there should be a noticeable change in how well the wound heals after completing the hunt.

The only regret is that Watt is not a specialist in physical arts.


Maud picked up the knife on the sink and walked out of the toilet.

Inside the store, Sol and Sunny waited for a long time.

But it's only a matter of minutes.

Maud, holding a knife, came to the unconscious Watt.

Under the watchful eyes of Sol and Sunny, Maud did not grumble, he bent his knees and squatted, holding the knife and stabbed Watt's chest forcefully, pointing directly at the vital heart.


Blood splashed on Maud's hand.

Embarrassingly, the knife only went in halfway, and even almost let go.

Sol frowned.

Sonny's eyes fell.

Ah shit.

Maud cursed secretly.

But thinking of the physical level of this world, it is relieved, and his current body is very weak.

Without the slightest delay, Maud drew out his knife, and then made a few more cuts, which made Watt die quickly in a coma.

The whole process to the end, like killing a chicken.

After all, Maud has never done this kind of thing.

Among the hunting results in the hunter's notes in the previous life, nearly a thousand names were written.

Among them, most of them are that he mixed a career in the execution institution, and then used convenient means to personally execute those criminals who were sentenced to death.

Those benefits can be said to be within reach.

In the world of One Piece, the only place Maud can think of is to advance the city.

It's just that the punishment institutions in this world seem to be a little more humane. Even if the criminals who are imprisoned in the Push City are enough to be sentenced to death more than a dozen times, they will just be imprisoned.

Maud released the handle of the knife, got up and slowly closed his eyes.

In the darkness in front of him, the hunter's note was suspended quietly, with a halo around the edge, like the sun in a total solar eclipse.

That aperture is soaking into the notebook at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Immediately, a faint white star appeared on the black cover.

At this time, the light source disappeared, and the eyes returned to darkness.

In a short time, a tinge of blood appeared on Maud's pale face.

He opened his eyes, only to feel a slight itching sensation on his forehead.

At the same time, the feeling of fatigue that would fall to the ground as soon as the wind blows has significantly weakened.

These kinds of changes all come from the hidden benefits of physical needs.

As for obvious gains such as muscle, stiffness, etc., Watt's rating and the meager preparation data alone are not enough to cause a change.

But anyway, hunter notes are useful!

Maud's eyes lit up.

Saul and Sunny watched the process of Maud killing Watt, and the bloody reaction after the end, but they didn't feel anything.

After all, in their opinion, the most hated by businessmen are often those pirates who loot endlessly.

Not to mention, Maud's land is all thanks to pirates.

It is normal to take Watt to vent his hatred at this time, so as to clear his mind.

However, Sol didn't want the store's future No. 2 coolie to go to an extreme.

He came to the corpse, pulled out his knife, and wiped away the blood with the corpse's clothing.

"Look at your excitement, I told you to bid farewell to the past, but I don't want to see you get into the horn and can't get out"


Maud bowed his head.

He knew everything about what Sol said, and he couldn't take the initiative to explain anything.

All he has to do now is to honestly hug Thor's thigh, and then merge into this Mad Hatter town where human life can become cheap at any time as soon as possible.

Sol glanced at Maud's blood-stained right hand and said, "Go wash your hands."

After finishing speaking, he looked at Sunny and said, "Little Nini, go and call Arthur to collect the body."

"it is good."

Sonny took orders to leave.

Maud went to the toilet, turned on the faucet, and washed the blood from his hands.

After washing, Maud dried his hands and looked at himself in the mirror.

He raised his hand and pressed the wound again.

It hurts a few minutes ago, but not now.

The results can be described as gratifying. On the side, it is also because this body is too weak.

I don't know how many hunts I have to complete to reach a level comparable to Luffy's self-healing power.


Maud exhaled lightly, relaxing his body and mind at the same time.

He successfully completed the first hunt, which gave him a little confidence.

However, the current situation is still difficult, and the second hunting target is still far away.

"Mad Hatter Town..."

"Although it is dangerous, taking a step back, it is an excellent hunting place."

"take it easy."

Maud picked up the cold water and patted his face.

After wiping off the water, and without taking off the bandage hastily to check the wound, Maud walked out of the toilet.

When I went back, there was a sturdy outsider in the store.

The man was wearing a suit similar to a work uniform, with a black scarf with the word "death" written on his left arm, and a white mask with only eyes and half of his mouth exposed on his face.

Maud thought that this person should be Arthur who Sunny called to collect the body.

Arthur was looking at the corpse, and when he heard Maud's footsteps, he looked up and was a little surprised.

"Oh, I actually woke up."

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