HxH in One Piece World

Chapter 32 That person... is saving the murlocs?

In the end who shoots to give assists in the follow-up.

Maud doesn't know, and doesn't seem to matter that much.

Listening to the intensifying sound of fighting over there, one can imagine the tragic extent of the scene.

As the initiator, Maud expressed regret for this.

If you come out to mix, you will always have to pay it back.

He had no guilt towards the pirates, and walked around the building for the most part until he got to the other side, and immediately climbed to the roof of the nearby building.

After going up to the roof, Maud was stunned to find that there were many people standing on the surrounding houses at some point.

At a glance, some people even carried food and wine bottles in their hands.

As you got closer, you could still hear the applause.

Looking at those people, Mordel pondered a little.

It seems like a good choice to start with them.

But now there is a better choice, so I gave up this idea.

Maud silently retracted his gaze and turned to the battle circle in front of the auction house.

His eyes were mainly on the bloody murloc slaves.

And the pirate who had just glanced at him inadvertently felt a chill inexplicably, just thought it was cooling down at night, and quickly took a few more sips of spirits to warm up.

At this time, the chaos underneath was gradually intensifying.

Some people see that the situation is not good and withdraw from the battle circle in time.

But more people were forced to stay at the scene because their companions were injured and the boss was still in the auction.

Originally, because of the explosion in the auction house, this group of subordinates were worried about their bosses, so they wanted to rush into the auction house to check the situation, but they were stopped by the armed team of the auction house.

From the standpoint of the auction house, after the accident, if so many people rushed in at once, it would not only make the situation worse, but also threaten all the goods that have been sold by the guests tonight. .

Due to the sufficient reasons given by the armed team, this group of subordinates temporarily believed in the strength of the auction house.

Taking this as a conflict point, when the whole situation was completely messed up, they let go, gathered a crowd to kill, and pressed towards the entrance of the auction hall.

In such a situation, in less than a few minutes, there were more than a hundred corpses on the ground.

But at least one third of these corpses were killed by murloc slaves.

From escaping from the auction house to the present, the murloc slaves are still a little confused.

He didn't know how the explosion in the auction venue came about.

I don't know who took advantage of the chaos to open the cage that imprisoned him.

I don't even know why there is a fight in the auction venue.

All he knew was that a chance to regain his freedom lay before him.

Therefore, he took a fluke and ran across most of the venue in desperation.

What he couldn't understand was that the humans in the venue, including the humans who had already paid a lot of money to buy him, didn't stop him and let him rush out of the venue safely.

What the murloc slaves didn't know was that the guests who were present at the auction only regarded him as a commodity with a good price, and it was also a commodity that could be bought with money.

Since it is something that can be bought with money, what qualifications are there for them to take risks.

Therefore, even Kaszt, who is bound to win the murloc slaves, cannot take the risk to stop the escaped murloc slaves at such a time.

It was just a commodity that could be traded for money.

If something goes wrong, the auction is also responsible.

This kind of pure and deep cognition, how can the murloc slaves who fled in a panic can understand?

He finally escaped from the venue, but he was faced with a predicament in an instant.

And just as he slowly felt hopeless, a scene that he couldn't understand once again unfolded before him.

Humans suddenly started killing each other again.

This gave the murloc slaves hope.

[Aaron is right, human beings are ugly creatures, there is no need to exist at all! 】

After the pressure dropped sharply, the murloc slaves made frequent killing moves like crazy.

He no longer takes care of the knife light coming from behind, just to speed up the efficiency of the breakthrough.

This reckless approach caused him to suffer from several bleeding wounds in just a few seconds.

But the results in exchange were also remarkable, and he finally broke through to the edge.

The one standing in front of him is no longer a breathless crowd, but a wall of people that can be broken through with a wave of his hand.

"Go away!"

The murloc slave roared again and slammed into the last weak human wall.

After successfully breaking through, he was covered in blood and ran wildly on the long street.

Just go to the sea, just go to the sea...

At this moment, he only had such thoughts.

Seeing the murloc slaves break out, the surrounding pirates who were watching the fun couldn't help being surprised.

Several pirates immediately took out their pistols, but they regarded the murloc slaves as moving targets for fun, and pointed their guns at them one after another.


Gunshots rang out, and bullets cut through the night and shot at the murloc slaves who were running.

The sloppy marksmanship made most of the bullets empty, but a few bullets slid through the arms and waist of the murloc slaves.

For a moment, several blood arrows splashed out in the air.

The murloc slaves endured the pain without stopping.

"Ha ha!"

The pirates laughed wildly.

It was followed by another round of gunfire.

The bullet rain hit, making the murloc slaves like small boats in the wind and rain, precarious.

At an alley not far from the street, Clara looked at the murloc slaves who were fleeing in the hail of bullets on the street. In addition to the sound of gunfire, she heard the piercing laughter of the pirates.

She frowned deeply, and subconsciously exerted force with her fingertips, pinching out a large wrinkle of the important blueprint in her hand.

Not completely pity the murloc slaves, but disgust the atmosphere at this time.

Because of her childhood experience, she deeply understands a truth.

Murlocs are good and bad, and so are humans.

Good and evil have nothing to do with race.


Another blast of gunfire.

But this time, it was followed by the screams of two pirates before they died.

Two shots from out of nowhere killed the two most cheerful pirates.

Clara was stunned, and with her excellent hearing, she found the two flashing gunshots among the many voices.

Looking at the reputation, I saw a masked figure running fast on the top of the building.

"That is……?"

Clara's eyes widened.

But seeing that figure quickly put away the pistol, and immediately pulled out a long-barreled musket from behind with one hand, slammed the muzzle horizontally, and seemed to pull the trigger without even aiming.

Accompanied by the sound of gunfire, Clara shifted her gaze, just in time to see a pirate with a rifled gun aimed at the murloc slave and fell to the ground.

"That person... is saving the murlocs?"

Clara looked at the figure again, her eyes filled with incredible light.

Who is it?


Bounty Hunter?

It can't be a pirate, can it?

It can't be a fish-man, right?

Looking at the distant figure, Clara's thoughts were surging.

She couldn't think of anyone who would save the murloc in such a dirty place.

The person who fired was Maud, who was always watching the battle.

After seeing the murloc slaves successfully break through, he was overjoyed and quickly followed.

Later, I saw pirates on both sides of the street who came out of the tavern or casino to join in the fun, using the murloc slaves as live targets to practice guns.

"Dare to move my prey?"

Maud didn't even think about it at the time, and directly shot the gun and killed the three pirates who jumped the most.

There was also a scene that made Clara feel incredible.

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