After a few months, under the unsparing impetus of the entire manga industry, “Dragon Ball” has begun to spread from the old silver mountain city to other continents!

As a result, the level level of items that Roy obtains every seven days has improved considerably!

In terms of martial arts, what martial arts artistic conceptions and moves such as Wolf Tooth Wind Fist, Afterimage Fist, Heaven-shattering Palm of All Nations, Wutaidou cultivation experience, Demon Seal Wave Mysteries, Cave Wave and Air Cannon Tricks were also presented in Roy’s mind one by one.

Let Roy’s cultivation path also be smooth!

There are also many auxiliary things, such as magical candies that can make people feel diarrhea by shouting “fart”, flying cars suspended off the ground, and so on.

However, he regretted that now that his strength has become stronger, the special weight-bearing turtle shell has no effect on him.

And he has not yet shown any other gravity prop items.

This brought his strength back to a slow pace.

“Maybe, it’s time to go out for a walk?”

Still thinking, Roy raised his head in the luxurious room and looked in one direction.

That’s the direction of the Hunters Association!


Coming to the world of full-time hunters, how can you not participate in the plot?

Hunter Exam, Beating the Enemy Family, Sky Arena, Youke Xin City, Island of Greed, Ant King, Twelve Earth Branches, etc.

These are all extremely interesting plot developments, and these are just the tip of the iceberg.

Although the old thief of Fujian did not finish the dark continent chapter, only drew a beginning, he can also peep into the leopard.

These so many interesting adventures make Roy, who is born with a restless factor in his bones, boil his blood!

Roy himself is a guy who loves adventure, fantasy, and is a little bit of a middle two.

Otherwise, he would not have gone to become a cartoonist’s assistant after graduating from a prestigious university.

He believes that only in the world of comics can his bizarre fantasies about adventure be satisfied.

And now, he has come to the hunter world, just enough to turn his adventure fantasy into reality!

The Hunter Test is held on January 7 every year, and the next one is close to the next time, and it seems that the registration deadline is approaching.

Calculate the time, this year is 1997, next year is 1998, just the 287th issue!

It’s right with the plot!

However, Roy has the intention to participate in the Hunter Test and its subsequent series of plots, but there is obviously an explanation on the eighteenth’s side.

Originally, Roy and No. 18 lived happily in such a favorable environment, and there was no shortage of reputation and money.

With the popularity of “Dragon Ball”, Roy received a fairly generous manuscript fee!

Roy can also accompany No. 18 to go shopping every day to eat and shop, which is simply not too happy for a wife!

And now, if Roy offered to participate in the hunter test with such a high mortality rate, I don’t know how the eighteenth would react.

Despite Roy’s strength, Eighteen knows it.

But what wife in the world does not want her husband to be safe, and the family to be peaceful and beautiful?

Although No. 18 is almost the strongest person in this world, she is a woman after all and has a small woman mentality.

If Eighteen really didn’t agree to Roy taking the test, then Roy would be distressed.


“Hunter quiz? Is it the hunter test that has a particularly high mortality rate and passes the hunter license to get a hunter’s license? ”

Obviously, the eighteenth has a certain understanding of the hunter exam.

This is not surprising to Roy, when No. 18 appeared, Nian Ability had already set her worldview.

Eighteen knew that the hunter test was not strange at all, and he was slightly worried that Eighteen would not let him go.

“Okay, there you go.”

“I knew… What the? What did you say, agree to let me go? ”

One second Roy was quite disappointed, but he didn’t expect that the next moment happiness would come so suddenly.

“Well, I know your strength, even if it is that kind of hunter test, it must not affect you. Besides…”

Speaking of this, No. 18 smiled, making Roy look a little distracted.

“Who made me your wife? What the husband wants to do, the wife naturally fully supports. ”

“Number eighteen!” Roy’s touched eyes turned red.

If you have a wife like this, how can a husband ask for it!

Number Eighteen chuckled again: “Such an adult, what are you crying about?” But I’m still a little worried about you, I’ll go with you for this quiz. ”

“Together? No thanks! The hunter test is so dangerous, how can I bear to let you go with me? Trust me, Eighteenth, I will bring back the hunter’s license safely! ”

“No, let me go with you!”

“Nope! You are my wife, how can I be willing to let you go so dangerous… Well, just relax and wait for me to come back from the comfort of your home. ”

Number Eighteen is a super strong, and a hunter test is not dangerous for her at all.

“Nope! I’m going! ”

Well? Roy was startled, and gradually realized that something was wrong.

He also graduated from a prestigious university, and at this moment, he felt that the eighteenth had been so determined to go with him, as if there was a deep meaning.

I saw No. 18 brush his golden hair and said, “Of course I’m going!” Know that passing that hunter quiz will get a hunter license! Hunter’s license, if you sell it, you can eat and wear for seven lifetimes, what a fortune! ”

“Also, after becoming a hunter, you use the computer network for free. You can also use about 95% of public facilities and the same bank financing as first-class companies.

and access to 90 per cent of countries that are generally off-limits, and access to about 75 per cent of areas that are generally off-limits. Even if you don’t have a passport, you can stay in a country other than your country of birth! ”

“Hunter, definitely the most profitable and noble profession in the world! Sixty of the top 100 richest people in the world are active hunters, and everything known and unknown in this world is their prey. A license that less than 600 professional hunters around the world can have, it is a symbol of status and wealth, but also represents privilege and strength! Get it, and your life must be colorful! ”

“I must get a hunter’s license and become a hunter!”

Saying that, No. 18’s eyes were full of fiery fighting spirit.

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