Meteor Street

District 3 [Seven Nights] Clinic

“Want to be a white? Don’t look at your own strength! ”

The young man in the white coat, looking at the patient stepping on his feet at this time, sneered——

“Wait, wait!”

“I still have a loaf of bread, please…”

Listening to this sneer, the patient quickly begged for mercy!

But before he finished speaking, with a crisp sound of “click”, his consciousness fell into infinite darkness….

“Are you stupid???”

“When you die, the bread is mine too!”

The young man flipped the body over with a playful look….

After reaching out and groping for a moment

Remove a crumpled loaf of bread.

This is his rule, only accept food as a consultation fee!

Of course,

If someone wants to prostitute in vain, he doesn’t mind personally asking for it——

“Cut, this bread is so small.”

Seeing the bread, I couldn’t help but shake my head in disappointment.

He also thought that this bread was so big that it made the other party have the idea of white, but he didn’t expect this bread to be so dry.

“Speaking of…”

“I’ve been here for almost a year.”

Pull open the drawer of the treatment table to reveal a drawer of canned food, bread, and other food, and then throw the bread in your hand.

At the same time, do not forget to complain:

“Why hasn’t the system appeared yet?”

“In half a year, the plot can begin…”

That’s right!

The young man is a crosser.

His name is Imperial Seven Nights, and he crossed over a year ago.

After crossing, he has been living on Meteor Street and relies on practicing medicine in exchange for food.

Of course,

He’s not a great doctor

However, he is particularly good at dealing with traumatic injuries such as disinfection, suturing, and bandaging.

With this medical skill,

Mixed not bad in Meteor Street.

It’s just that occasionally someone wants to prostitute in vain, and for this kind of person, he has never kept his hand.

And yet,

Recently, he has been particularly distressed by one thing.

As a traverser, it is unreasonable to have no system yourself——!!

As soon as I think of this,

Yu Qiye was helpless:

“Shouldn’t I really have a system?”

The words fell,

A curious voice suddenly sounded——

“Why not be happy?”

“Because this bread is too small?”

Hearing the voice, Yu Qiye subconsciously looked up

Greeting the gentle sun, he saw the appearance of the person coming, and the corners of his mouth suddenly hooked a curve, quipping:

“Who did I say~”

“It turned out to be a small drop… Is the meal ready? ”

The voice fell,

A figure walked into the cabin.

This is a cute girl with glasses who looks pure, but has superhuman connotations.

She is the No. 8 member of the Future Phantom Brigade, Xiaodi!


It was a complete accident that the two could get to know each other.

A year ago,

Xiaodi was seriously injured in battle and fainted on the side of the road.

But at this moment, Yu Qi Ye crossed Meteor Street, and just happened to cross next to Xiao Di.

Michiya as a doctor,

Naturally, it will not sit idly by, and immediately provide emergency treatment

but did not think… This move of his own actually exchanged for a daughter-in-law!!


And at this time,

Hearing the inquiry, Xiaodi nodded and said calmly::

“Seven nights, lunch is ready.”

The voice fell,

She made a gesture of clenching in the air with one hand

Suddenly, a vacuum cleaner with sharp teeth appeared in his hand.

“Bulge-eyed, spit out lunch.”

The ‘vacuum cleaner’ nodded obediently and spat out the lunch box with his mouth open.

Yu Qiye caught the lunch box, and after opening it, he could see that it was full of meat.

That’s why he is.

Specifically ask for food as a fee for consultation.

He exchanged all these breads and canned foods for edible meat and vegetables to meet the nutrients needed by the human body.

“The eyed fish is amazing!”

Look at the lunch that is still steaming in the lunch box.

Yu Qiye couldn’t help but praise, and then opened the drawer of the treatment table, pointed to a drawer of food and said:

“This is today’s consultation fee, you can also put it away.”

I have to say,

Having a carry-on space is convenient!

As for the process of putting it in and taking it out….

Yu Qiye said that even the carry-on space is given to you, so why care about this little detail.


Listen to the words of the Seven Nights

Xiaodi nodded and brought the eyed fish closer to the drawer.

This action seems to have been carried out countless times, and there is no need to remind it, the convex fish consciously absorbs all the bread and cans in the drawer.

“Awesome, little drop your ability!”

Yu Qiye looked at this scene and admired again

Although, every time he saw the ‘convex eye’ in the past year, he said so….

And yet such a plain compliment.

but successfully captured the heart of Xiaodi, the spider reserve.

After only three months of acquaintance, the two acquiesced to the relationship between the two sides, and let Yu Qiye know what is really big and beautiful, which is too hot!

And yet,

A voice suddenly sounded——


“The host survived for a year!”

“Meet the loading conditions of the strong cultivation system…”

“The strong cultivation system is officially activated, and the newcomer gift package X1 is given!”

Seven Nights: “!!??? ”


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