Hunter Queen: Killer Queen

Chapter 172 The Second Prince Most Silencers

Chapter 172 The Second Prince × Most Silent People

There was only one thing in the intelligence that concerned Joey the most, and that was that the second prince furiously killed the first prince's private soldiers, then broke into the first prince's area and was put under house arrest by the first prince.

Even though things had changed so much, the second prince still chose this approach.

This made Joey suspicious of the purpose of the second prince's actions. After all, he knew about the second prince's private troops.

Among all the princes, the one who made Joey feel the most dangerous was the second prince.

This is not only because of the extremely narcissistic and selfish character displayed by the second prince, but also because the second prince has a somewhat unreasonable private army in his hands.

When Joey was investigating Kajin, he specifically checked Kajin's history.

The bad habit of sacrificial burial also existed in Cajun in ancient times.

Among them, the most special type of burial is the burial specifically for Cajun princes, also called "companion after death".

The so-called partners after death refer to those of the opposite sex who are buried with the princes who did not become kings during their lifetime.

They will monitor the prince in the underworld to prevent him from becoming a wraith and harming the king and the country after his death.

Contrary to the reputation of the so-called princes' companions, these opposite sexes buried with the princes are all untouchables who cannot change their status for life, or "untouchable people" and "untouchable people."

The meaning of this word is also very simple, that is, untouchable untouchable!

These people are all chosen by the people at the bottom of Cajin.

Although with the progress of society, the method of burying one's partner after death has been abolished, the identity of the unsustainable people is not so easy to wash away.

Even in the current Kajin, there are many unsustainable people.

The status of these people in society will not change throughout their lives. They will never be able to become public officials, let alone senior civil servants in Cajun, that is, soldiers.

But these people were helped by the second prince.

The second prince gave the uncontrolled civilians the opportunity to become private soldiers, and even established a special zone to give these uncontrolled civilians the same treatment as army soldiers.

Joey knew that special zone, which could be regarded as an alien area in the entire Cajun country.

But it is precisely because of this that the second prince is like a savior in the eyes of the lower class people, especially those who are discriminated against.

Because of this, the second prince received a lot of support.

If this is all, it may only prove that the second prince is not as selfish and self-centered as she appears.

But Joey knew better that these unsustainable people actively restored the [death partner] system, combined it with the ability to read, and developed an even more terrifying curse ability.

And the power of this curse only serves the second prince, helping her to remove all the stumbling blocks that stand in the way of her becoming the new king, that is, all the princes.

The entire assassination curse process is also very simple.

From the moment they are selected, these unsustainable people will carry the name, photo, clothing or body part of the prince responsible for the assassination with them, and curse him.

The longer the curse lasts and the closer it is to the target, the more powerful the curse will be.

At the same time, the ability is activated after the death of the caster. In other words, the ideal situation is that the caster dies directly in front of the cursed object.

Then the powerful curse-killing ability enhanced by death may take away the target prince directly in an instant, completing the entire burial of his partner after death.

The development of this ability was also the method used by Joey and Kate when they discussed V5 against alien species.

That is to say, there are existences like Deadpool in V5. Their targets are all existences outside the scope of Lake Mobius. As long as the conditions are met, they may complete instant kills or cause specified effects.

Even if they can't be killed instantly, sending them back to the dark continent like sending away the black dragon is still a good way to solve the crisis.

At the same time, because of the existence of this ability, most telekinesis abilities do not dare to expose themselves too blatantly.

Because once someone shows up to be powerful enough to threaten V5, or someone with power and the power of telepathy, they are likely to be targeted.

Even for Joey, neither the Golden Experience nor Killer Queen would be of use in the face of such a blow.

Only the ability to eliminate thoughts may have some effect.

It's a pity that Joey is not good at this, and he doesn't know any powerful mind-killers.

The ability to remove thoughts is a rare ability, so the mind-killing master has always been a rare existence in the association, or among ability users.

And the ability to eliminate thoughts is not an ability that is good at fighting. At the same time, most of the time, eliminating thoughts is risky. The stronger the thought, the greater the risk of eliminating thoughts.

It's like the dark thoughts Nephipeto left on Andrei.

That is no longer an existence that ordinary mind-erasing masters can deal with. It is unknown whether they can even complete the mind-erasing at the cost of their lives.

The best example is Xi Lin who swallowed Kuroko Wushu in the palace battle, but failed to get rid of Kuroko Wushu and directly became the sacrifice of Kuroko Wushu.

To deal with the curse, perhaps the mind-killing master can also exert a certain effect, but there are also timing and some conditions for this effect to be exerted.

If the second prince's private troops are allowed to approach the cursed prince, the resulting curse may not be able to be removed by ordinary mind-killers even if they are determined to die.

So the second prince must have some intention in giving himself to the first prince!

After all, as long as she is with the First Prince, she can find reasons to distance herself from everything that happens outside.

Then, it depends on when the second prince's private troops will take action.

However, according to the information brought back from Ladybug, the bird in the rear window has been installed on the second prince.

Although Joey is not sure about the specific effect of the ability of the bird in the rear window, it should be related to surveillance. That is to say, the second prince's next words and deeds will most likely be under the surveillance of the first prince.

At the same time, the second prince himself did not know this.

After all, Muser, the private soldier responsible for monitoring her, had been killed by her ability.

But it should be from that time that the first prince inherited Muser's ability and personally became the person to monitor the second prince.

In other words, it is very likely that the words and deeds of the second prince have been under the surveillance of the first prince from then on.

The information Joey got stopped here, but the ladybug he left in the second prince's room was not withdrawn, but was sent to the second princess' side.

He always felt that the second princess was also very important.

That woman was incredibly calm, and according to the information Ladybug had previously sent back, the second princess seemed to be a person with abilities as well.

But what are her specific abilities?

And her performance should be to support the second prince!

At ten o'clock, people sent by each prince's house arrived in the twelfth district.

Except for the second, sixth and fourteenth princes' houses who did not send anyone, the other princes' houses all sent people, even the thirteenth prince's house that no longer had a prince.

Of the two people from the Thirteenth Prince's House, one is from the Seventh Princess and the other is a member of the association.

Their arrival was the order of the Seventh Princess. Although the Seventh Princess had not returned yet, she had already learned about the situation of the Thirteenth Prince, so now she had to shift her focus to Mumuzawa who was still alive.

It's just that he still has some opinions about Joey and Kurapika, so he didn't let the guards come to District 12 on a large scale.

The other princes, the third, seventh, and eighth, have one person, and the remaining fourth, fifth, ninth, tenth, and eleventh princes have two persons.

Including the three guards who returned from District 13 who are still in the twelfth prince's room, the total number is 21, which is more than the number in the comics.

And this was after excluding Kurapika, Joey, Hisoka and Shulikov. Counting them and the prince himself, there were 26 people gathered in the whole room.

Joey's circle covered the entire room from the beginning, and at the same time, he and Shulikov never took a step away from the twelfth prince.

The Twelve Prince was still knitting, and it seemed that she was enjoying this leisurely life.

Joey has discovered through contact that the character of the twelfth prince Mumu Ze can be considered to be happy-go-lucky.

He had no interest in the inheritance. Even after learning about Nian, he only showed great interest at the time, and then seemed to put everything aside.

Just from Joey's analysis of the emotions in her eyes when she occasionally looked at him and Kurapika, she should have completely handed over her life and death to him and Kurapika.

What a brave guy!

Even Joey had to admire Kimuzawa's psychological quality in this situation.

From the earliest days when he was an abandoned being without any complaints, to now that he has become a proper tool, he still has no complaints at all. He was even a little happy at first knowing that he would not die so soon. After that, he regained his calmness and indifference.

When it comes to mind cultivation, Joey has to admire Mu Muze.

Thinking of how easily Kumuzawa was successfully assassinated in the comics, Joey felt that he had made the right choice to become Kumuzawa's guard.

But after this idea appeared, Joey couldn't help but glance at the twelfth prince's mind beast.

It seems that he has also been gradually affected. Is it because of the mind beast? Or is it because of Kumuzawa himself? Or maybe it's the succession war itself.

Kurapika in the distance had already begun to explain his thoughts to everyone, but Joey's thinking was divergent.

Especially before he thought that Ka Jin believed in the existence of Huangquan and believed that his partner would be able to monitor the prince after death and would not become a wraith.

So, could it be that the reason B.W prevented the prince from breaking away from the succession war were the souls of the past generations who died in the succession war?

If so, what should be done to get these dead souls to give up their blockade of the B.W?

If he could do it, maybe he could make all the princes' telekinesis disappear like Kurapika said.

"Those of the 21 people here who already know how to use Nian, please raise your hands."

Kurapika's voice brought Joey back from his divergent thinking, and he also looked seriously at the 21 people standing behind a white line.

The number of people who raised their hands was less than Joey noticed, especially the guards of the Ninth Prince who he could clearly feel had Nen, but after Kurapika asked, they did not raise their hands.

The people who raised their hands were Slaka, the guard of the third prince, and Bellient, who was from the Hunter Association, and the guard of the thirteenth prince.

Only the two of them raised their heads.

But at this moment, a big-faced attendant in the crowd suddenly turned his attention to a place behind everyone, and showed a surprised expression.

Joey, who had been paying attention to everyone, immediately noticed something strange about her.

At the same time, he secretly said in his heart, let’s start!

As expected, the guy who carried out assassinations in the rooms of the fourteenth and thirteenth princes couldn't sit still and appeared.

Joey remembers the name of the opponent's ability [Majority of Silencers], but does not remember the specific information about the opponent's ability, and now is the best time to collect information about the opponent's ability.

But Joey also felt that Shulikov beside him also noticed something unusual. While Joey was concentrating, his eyes had already been locked on the attendant.

The attendant suddenly screamed: "It's right there, look clearly! There's obviously a weird woman there!"

She raised her hand and pointed in the direction behind everyone.

But everyone looked there and found nothing unusual.

"Am I the only one who can see it?"

"Once an abnormality occurs, can you shoot the target immediately?" Joey suddenly whispered to Shulikov.

"No, we need to confirm the specific situation first. If there is a situation that threatens the prince, then I will exercise the right of defense as soon as possible." Shulikov replied coldly.

"It's really troublesome." Joey complained: "Then how do you confirm whether the other party will threaten the prince?"

The twelfth prince Mumuze couldn't help but look up at Shulikov.

"Concrete analysis of specific situations." Shulikov's words were concise and concise, but the general idea was that I had the final say.

Joey gave him a look. At this moment, someone in the crowd suddenly raised his hand and pinched his neck.


The fifth prince's guards!

Joey's eyes narrowed slightly, and at the same time, from Yuan's feedback, he felt something abnormal about Longji.

"You'd better not take action, otherwise I will judge that you are the one who attacked Longji."

When Joey was about to take action, Shulikov's voice came softly from beside Joey.

This made Joey's eyes flash with a strange color, because he clearly remembered that in the comics, Shulikov was confident that he could determine the identity of the person who did it.

So now this threat makes people have to think more.

Was the person who took action related to the First Prince, or did Shulikov want that person to muddy the waters?

The latter!

Joey made a quick judgment, because except for the first prince who had contact with them, the remaining princes were all on the first prince's must-kill list.

And muddying the waters would be more beneficial to the first prince.

While Joey was thinking, Longji had dried up with everyone's help, and at the same time, white snakes with lips emerged from Longji's body.

At this time, the third prince's guard, Sakata, took out his gun and fired at Longji's body and the white snake hovering over his body.

"Everyone, please disperse, maybe there is still some hidden in his body." Sakata's expression was very calm, as if he had disposed of an ant.

"Tsk, tsk, this power is not easy to prevent even with telekinesis." Hisoka's voice came from Shulikov's side.

This made Shulikov's expression freeze as he watched the show, because he didn't notice when Hisoka approached him.

He is a master!

Shulikov tensed up after making this judgment: "The 9mm caliber pistol is just a regular equipment. There may be larger caliber firearms. After all, firearms are only for people who can't read." is the best means of attack.”

"Yes." Hisoka answered lazily.

"Did you find anything? Juan." Joey asked.

"No, that person's methods are very secretive." Hisoka shook his head.

But Joey didn't really believe Hisoka's answer. He always felt that Hisoka wanted to watch the fun.

"Yibele! Where is that strange woman you mentioned?" The person who was following the attendant who first noticed the strange thing asked.

The round-faced attendant named Yubeili panicked: "She's gone. She's disappeared. It's strange. How could this happen?"

The Third Prince's guard directly arrested Yu Bailey, and at the same time he picked up the phone and dialed the King's Army directly.

"This is the private military field of the third prince. I am now filing a lawsuit against the sixth princess on the suspicion of conspiring to murder and participating in the murder of the twelfth prince, and requesting her immediate arrest."

"Your request is dismissed immediately." A cold female voice came from the phone.

"Why? Maor, the captain of the fifth prince's private army, can file a lawsuit with me." Sakata appealed again.

Next to Sakata was the fifth prince's guard captain, Maor, and the one who died was the fifth prince's private soldier. It was not easy to let this matter go unnoticed.

“It is easy to fabricate circumstantial evidence, and the protection of royal privileges cannot be overridden.

Next, investigators will be dispatched to residential area No. 1010 to conduct a 72-hour surveillance inquiry, completed. "

The words did not give Sakata and Mahol a chance to continue talking, and the Supreme Magistrate on the other end of the phone hung up the phone.

Sakata let go of Yubeli. Since the sixth princess could not be prosecuted, Yubeli's role was gone and he could just let her continue to study.

And with one more person, there is also one more target to be attacked.

In the case where the murderer is not caught, the more people there are, the more secure their safety will be.

"The occurrence of this kind of incident is not within the scope of our review, so whether you want to stay and continue training, please make a decision before 11 o'clock.

If I waste more time, I cannot guarantee that everyone can practice Cheng Nian within two weeks. "

Seeing some people in the crowd hesitate and shrink, Kurapika directly gave a time limit.

Then he walked over to Joey.

"Any idea?"

"There are some, but not many. I have to thank Mr. Shulikov for this. If it weren't for him, I should be able to find more loopholes." Joey smiled slightly. He always drove the circle, so how could there not be any? reward.

Thank you for the reward from [Manchuanqingmengyaoxinghehzl] boss~Thank you for your support~

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