Hunter Queen: Killer Queen

Chapter 127 Ran Meikong draws blood

Chapter 127 Chaos × Misora ​​× Blood Drawing

When Joey turned around, he saw Misora ​​appearing behind him at some point.

At the same time, there were two other people, surrounding Joey and trapping him within the range of the US Air Circle. It seemed that as soon as Joey made any move, they would take action quickly.

The corner of his eye glanced at Geralt's location in the distance, and Joey couldn't help but frown slightly.

Although Geralt was surrounded by bodyguards, nearby were Hisoka, Chrollo and a large number of manipulated puppets in battle.

Chrollo himself no longer knew where he was hiding and could not be seen at all.

Hisoka, who had a head connected to his hand, was constantly dodging and moving to eliminate each puppet, but this did not allow him to win the battle.

Even Joey knew that once Hisoka showed any slight flaw, Chrollo would instantly catch him and exploit him.

However, Chrollo's orders to most of the dolls were rough, which was to "destroy Hisoka".

Although this kind of order will be executed due to the knowledge of Hisoka that the doll had when it was created, what kind of actions the doll will take during the execution process cannot be precisely controlled by Chrollo. .

There are only two people that Chrollo can truly control perfectly from beginning to end, and that is the person possessed by the antenna that carries the fate of others.

However, the antenna ability combined with the changes of [Transfer Student] can make anyone who looks like Chrollo not necessarily the real Chrollo, and anyone who seems to have no connection with Chrollo is Chrollo. .

At the same time, Chrollo's abilities are also displayed in a certain order.

Not every ability can be switched and used arbitrarily. Looking from a distance, Joey couldn't tell what Chrollo was doing in an instant, because even Hisoka couldn't figure out what Chrollo was doing in an instant. tactics.

It can be said that from the beginning of the entire battle, Hisoka has completely fallen into Chrollo's rhythm.

But in the distance, whether it was the audience, the commentators, or even Joey, all they saw was chaos!

What a mess!

Ordinary viewers don't even know why there are "audiences" rushing towards Hisoka.

The commentators were also full of nonsense, and would only yell about who hit whom again, and that spectator was killed by Hisoka again.

Joey's confusion was because he didn't have personal experience, or even just looked at it distractedly. He couldn't figure out how many abilities Chrollo had used, and how the various abilities were balanced with each other. How to distribute the combination.

Perhaps only Geralt and his party in the entire arena had a different sensory experience from the audience and others.

Unlike ordinary viewers who don't know how to read, Geralt and his party are all telepathic users. Even if their abilities are not as strong as those of Hisoka and Chrollo, they can form a defensive formation, but they are not easy to provoke.

At least if Chrollo didn't want to expose himself and Hisoka found a flaw, he wouldn't have chosen to attack Geralt and others in the process.

But if he had not taken action against Geralt and the others, Hisoka, who was wandering near Geralt and his party, would not have been forced into a desperate situation.

However, there is also a problem in this. As mentioned above, Chrollo's control of the puppet is not perfect.

The result of this is that Hisoka dodges around Geralt and others. Then when the doll executes the order to destroy Hisoka, it will inevitably run into Geralt's team.

Geralt's bodyguards would naturally not let the puppet break through the defense, so they would passively help Hisoka deal with the puppet.

And all of this is within Joey's calculations.

From the very beginning of the battle between Hisoka and Chrollo, he immediately took action to alert the enemy, just to let Hisoka and Chrollo understand that there were still thoughtful beings from Geralt and his gang in the stands.

At the same time, he was hiding in the dark and creating thick fog, so that Geralt would not dare to take risks and leave the venue from his direction.

As for whether Geralt will take a detour and leave, that is impossible, because more irritated viewers will block Geralt's path for Joey.

In other words, as long as Geralt did not choose to rush into the fog he created and leave immediately, he would inevitably stay in the stands with his bodyguards.

This is the best way to avoid risk.

Next, Joey, who withdrew from the fog, would let the wither-piercing attack continue to haunt Geralt and the others, just to wait for Hisoka to be gradually forced into complete passivity by Chrollo's tactics.

At that time, he bet that Hisoka would use local materials and use Geralt and him as pawns.

Then his purpose has been achieved.

Because as long as Hisoka comes, Chrollo's attack will inevitably collide with Geralt's team.

Even if Geralt cannot be eliminated, Geralt can be completely left in the arena and unable to leave.

What Joey needs is someone to hold Geralt and his bodyguards back for him, creating opportunities for his assassinations and attacks.

Melee is the best time to use the golden experience and the first bomb.

It's just that now his calculations have been completed as planned, but looking at Misora ​​Joey appearing in front of him, some other thoughts came into his mind.

Misora ​​and Atikam are the strongest guards around Geralt.

Misora, in particular, is the key to Joey not being able to break into Geralt's side. But now that the battle has just begun, the two of them have left Geralt's side one after another because they feel that it can be easily solved by him alone. Or are you extremely reassured about Geralt, or is there something wrong with Geralt who is being protected in the center?

A lot of thoughts appeared in Joey's mind for a moment, but in the next second, he felt that part of his blood was absorbed by the human face that suddenly grew on his shoulder.

Joey frowned, and Killer Queen came out and raised her hand to touch the ugly face on his shoulder.

This is obviously Misora's ability, whether it's the bloody circle or the sudden ugly face.

Misora's lips, hair color, and clothing were all bright red, as if she was always telling others that she had a special interest in blood.

It is even more consistent with these abilities that are obviously related to blood.

The most reasonable explanation that Joey could think of was that dressing and acting like this would make Misora's mind stronger.

This can be said to be a potential oath and restriction, or a simple psychological suggestion.

But no matter what, if you think about it like this for a long time, it will indeed make your mind stronger.

"It's useless. When you are covered by my circle, [Vampire] will be connected to your body like tarsal maggots and continue to draw your blood."

Misora ​​didn't pay attention to Joey's movements at all, but she had no intention of getting closer to Joey. She even glanced around, even though the circle was always open, she was still observing the surroundings with extreme caution.

The first bomb was launched suddenly, accurately blasting off the ugly face on Joey's shoulder, but the next second another ugly face grew on Joey's arm.

There was an extra coin in Joey's hand. He clenched his fingers into a fist and pushed the coin into the skin of his palm. Then the golden experience mind slowly acted on the coin, turning the coin into gurgling blood. Continuously replenished into the blood vessels.

Joey, whose face remained calm, glanced at the watch on his left wrist and memorized the time on it: "Is it really okay for you to just leave Geralt's side like this?"

"You don't have to worry about it now. I can spare your life, as long as you use your own hands, take off all your clothes and surrender." Misora ​​raised her hand to smooth out her messy hair: "Boss, I think you are very If you have talent, as long as you swear allegiance to the boss, you should have a good future."

Joey looked past Misora, and while calculating the time in his mind, he was also secretly observing Geralt and the bodyguards.

At this moment, Joey felt the blood being absorbed again on his arm.

He counted silently and said at the same time: "I'm sorry, I still like a free life, and I don't think Geralt will let me go. This may be my intuition, or it may be my paranoia.

But I am a person who pursues inner peace at all times, so for enemies that keep me awake at night, my approach is usually to make the enemy disappear. "

3 seconds, this is the time for the opponent's ability to absorb blood, plus the 10 seconds between each blood absorption, that is, each attack cycle of Ugly Face is 13 seconds.

Among them, when Joey destroys the ugly face, the other person's inner circle will have thoughts attached to him silently.

There is no way to block it, this should be a special condition of the opponent's ability.

That is unstoppable!

Also, the amount of blood drawn by the opponent's ability is the same every time, about 80 ml.

Joey quickly calculated in his mind that if a normal human body loses less than 5% of blood, it will not matter. If the blood loss exceeds 20%, hemorrhagic shock will occur.

A normal adult of about 70 kg has a blood content of about 4500 ml.

In other words, there is no problem at all losing 200 ml. Even based on the maximum value of 400 for a normal blood donation, there will be no problem.

Joey's weight is 80 kilograms and his height is 183cm. A blood loss of about 1000ml will cause him the risk of shock.

But the blood draw of the opponent's ability is constant. Joey's golden experience ability can even replenish more than 80 ml of blood within 13 seconds. So the conclusion is that if this is the opponent's trump card, then Joey has won this battle. .

Especially after he did a little calculation, he found that a six- or seven-year-old child usually weighs about 20 kilograms and has a total body blood volume of 1,600 ml. The maximum value of each blood draw is exactly about 80 ml, so he made a guess in his mind.

"If I'm not wrong, your childhood didn't seem very happy." Joey said tentatively. Psychological warfare is also an important means in combat.

But he didn't expect that his words would be extremely lethal to Misora.

The moment he finished speaking, Misora ​​was stunned for a second, and then he pulled out a special blood-red pistol from his waist with a ferocious expression.

She aimed her pistol at Joey and screamed: "Asshole, what is your relationship with the Blood Thieves organization?"

At the same time, the bodyguards on the other sides of Joey actually pulled out a bloody pistol like Misora.

The ability of these two people is actually the type of cooperating with the U.S. and air forces in combat!

Joey saw everything in his eyes and calculated in his mind. It was obvious that his words made Misora ​​think.

But Joey has no intention of explaining. There are many pitiful people in this world, and Joey is not a virgin, so even if Misora's childhood was very miserable, he would not hold back on Misora ​​as an enemy.

It can even be said that the performance of the US Air Force was exactly what he wanted, and it was the best situation that Joey hoped to achieve through psychological warfare.

The aura condensed on Joey's shoulders, and a sky-blue [Weather Mind Beast] that was built by tearing off a piece of the sky appeared, and wisps of clouds quickly appeared around Joey!

At the same time, Misora ​​and two others pulled the trigger at the same time, and three bright red bullets burst out from the muzzle.

But the moment it hit the clouds beside Joey, it decelerated rapidly and stopped quietly.


Thunder brewed in the clouds, and then suddenly fell on the bullet.

The bullet, which was entirely composed of thought energy, turned into ashes under the power of thunder.

At the same time, a strong wind roared behind Joey, driving Joey's body across the distance of less than three meters between him and Misora ​​in just an instant.

At this moment, the air near Joey's fist was rubbing rapidly, and the flames rose with a bang, and fell on Misora's horrified face along with Joey's fist.

Without the slightest pity, Misora's beautiful face twisted and deformed in an instant, and her fiery red hair danced with the flames.

When he landed, Misora ​​held her head and screamed horribly.

It's just that the scream didn't last long, and it ended abruptly when the Killer Queen walked to her side, touched her and put her thumb down.

At this moment, Joey turned around and focused his attention on Atikam again.

As for the other two, even when Misora ​​screamed, they were easily killed by Joey at high speed driven by the strong wind.

After all, the ability users of this collaborative combat type are not really strong on their own. Without the main body's cooperation with the United States and the air, the two of them are the most basic release type ability users.

And the thought bombs it releases are not even qualified to get close to Joey. Once they enter the range of its circle, they will be easily blown away.

With such a serious imbalance in strength and ability, even defeating the two of them was not considered a battle in Joey's opinion.

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