Huh? Are they all real?

Chapter 244: Endless Malice (4k)

Soon, Morn gathered a large number of young and middle-aged slaves to go to the unknown mountain to excavate the ruins.

On the way to the ruins, many slaves didn't quite understand what was happening.

They kept asking their companions what they were going to do.

"Hey, my brother, what's going on? What does Lord Augustus want us to do?"

The person who heard this said immediately:

"I heard from Lord Quintus that he was going to excavate the ruins of the Age of Gods. To be honest, I don't know what it is."

"But I know Lord Quintus said that there are weapons there so that we can deal with those damn slave owners!"

Relics from the Age of Gods?

"Are you sure, brother?"

"Of course I'm sure. This is what Master Quintus told us before we set off. By the way, I'll give this to you. We'll have to dig hard in a while."

An iron pickaxe was instantly thrown to the slave who asked the question.

After the other party weighed the thing in his hand, he put it on his shoulders and said:

"You must have to dig hard, but brother, do you know?"

The person in front turned around and asked:

"Know what?"

After the man looked around, he stepped forward and said:

"I'm not saying this to be discouraging. In fact, I did escape from the outside. So I must tell you people who were originally in Agas."

The man became more and more strange and said:

"What is it?"

He whispered:

"It should be impossible for Lord Augustus to win. When we came here, we saw many, many warships. In order to defeat Lord Augustus, the Romans almost sent as many troops as the sky and the sun!"

"But look at us, look around you. We are the only slaves here. We only have some strength, but we don't know how to fight and kill people!"

The man shook his head and said:

"Maybe you are right, but so what? I want to follow Lord Augustus forever. I don't want to go back to being a slave."

The man wanted to continue talking, but after someone behind him pulled him, he changed his words:

"You're right, we don't want to go back to being slaves."

Afterwards, he and the person who pulled him slowly fell behind. After losing sight of the first person, they spoke to the slave next to them with great worry:

"Friend, have you been in Agas from the beginning?"

"Yes. What's wrong, brother? Are you feeling unwell? I see that you don't look well. Can you give me your pickaxe and I'll hold it for you."

"No, it's not this. It's just a pickaxe. I'm not like this. I mainly remembered a lot of things I heard when I came here."

The new person being spoken to nodded and asked curiously:

"What happened?"

"I just saw a lot of Roman troops surrounding us, but it's nothing. We have Lord Augustus, but, but I also heard that the Romans offered a reward."

"It is said that any slave who participated in the rebellion will be pardoned and rewarded as long as he is willing to cooperate with the Romans in suppressing the rebellion. Not only will his status be eliminated, but he will also receive a large sum of gold coins and become a master from now on."

The person being spoken to suddenly frowned and said:

"This sounds like a trick by the Romans. They won't be so kind. They just want us to betray Lord Augustus! They want us to continue to be their slaves!"

"I bet the Romans will regret it when it's done!"

The man nodded firmly and said:

"I think so too, but brother, there are too many of us and we don't think enough. What if, I mean what if, what if someone believes it?"

"Then I will definitely chop off his dog head!"

"But what if there are many of them? What if they really affect the outcome of the battle, what if they really let the Romans win?"

After saying that, the man said nothing more, but bowed his head and moved forward worriedly.

Only the person being spoken to was left in the same place, uncertain.

Then, someone else was accosted by different people in other places and told similar things.

"Brother, I heard that the Romans put a high price on Lord Augustus's head. They said that as long as you offer Lord Augustus's head, you can directly become the governor of the province."

"My friend, I am really worried. I heard that there are many traitors among us who have listened to the slander of the Romans. They all want to kill our brothers in exchange for the wealth promised by the Romans."

Such sounds can be heard everywhere in the teams excavating the ruins and in the fortress left behind in Agas.

Quintus heard a lot of bad news and rumors, which only appeared in the late 13th year. He found Morn worriedly and explained all this.

"Sir, I am worried that there are many Roman spies among us, and there are many of them. This happened too quickly. I think we should temporarily control the more than 30,000 people who have fled to us."

Moen, who was walking at the front of the team, said without looking back:

"If you don't need to control it, it will only escalate the situation into something more out of control."

The Romans undoubtedly expected their own internal antagonism.

The control of the more than 30,000 slaves who had finally escaped was a huge intensification point.

Quintus nodded bitterly and blamed himself:

"A similar thing happened thirteen years ago, but it was very late. I should have reacted earlier, and I should have asked you to temporarily control those more than 30,000 people earlier."

Moen smiled and said:

"How to control it? Keep hopeful slaves away? Or drain the blood of passionate warriors? There is no way to control it. When they come, we have to accept it. We know that this can only be done, and the Romans also know that they can only do this. so."

This is a conspiracy. You want to rescue the slaves in the entire Old Continent. So what are you going to do with the slaves who have worked so hard to escape from the original hell and come to join you?

If you accept it, there must be Roman spies or even hidden assassins or even rebels mixed in there.

But if you refuse, then who can continue to trust you? They took huge risks and braved hardships to come to you!

We can't let them spend all their efforts in vain.

Quintus became more and more depressed, but he still said:

"In that case, they should be refused entry. Internal instability is really terrible. This harm is far more serious than temporarily denying them."

"As long as we can continue to go forward, everyone will know what we are going to do, but now, I am worried that we may not be able to go forward."

Moen stopped, patted Quintus on the shoulder and said:

"You can't stop this by denying them entry. Extraordinary power is pervasive, and Argas is a huge city with a population of millions even after removing the slave owners."

All Morn has is a group of slaves and a name like Augustus that cannot be put to great use for the time being.

There was no way he could tightly protect a large city with a population of millions.

Quintus said a little desperately:

"Can we just sit back and watch them do what they do?"

Moen turned around and led everyone forward again:

"Of course not. Did you tell everyone that we were going to excavate the Memorial Church?"

"Yes, according to your instructions, I let everyone know what we are going to do."

"That's enough."

After hearing this, Quintus somewhat understood what Morn meant.

But he was just ignorant, and he couldn't understand many key points.

He couldn't help but stepped forward and asked:

"Sir, have you prepared any countermeasures?"

Morn did not answer Quintus's point. He just asked instead:

"Is there anything else I need to know?"

Although Quintus was curious, he suppressed his questions after seeing this.

He knew what the adults meant. When he was so passive, the less people knew about the cards they had hidden, the better. It was not a matter of distrusting anyone.

But in the extraordinary world, many things may be leaked directly just by saying them.

"It's not a big deal, but it's a small matter. We caught a very strange corpse desecrator."

The desecrator? ? ?

Another time traveler from the People's Federation?

"We originally planned to let her go, but she was too confused at the time, so she told us that she knew angels and was the legendary witch of redemption."

Do you know the time traveler who redeemed the witch? ? ?

Wait, no?

"Is she a transcendent of the doll path? Probably a sequence seven?"

"Yes, my lord, how do you know?"

Moen wanted to facepalm.

There is no doubt that it is Miss Leda.

If you're not looking for El in Baratheon, what are you doing in the Old World?

Wait, she is a descendant of the witch, couldn't she be called here by the witch?

Moen knew that everything could not develop as he expected, but he really did not expect it to develop like this.

After thinking about it for a while, Moen gave up the idea of ​​letting Miss Leda go directly.

He rubbed the corners of his eyes and said to Quintus:

"Please bring her here."

"Yes, sir."

Soon, Miss Leda was tied up by several gladiators and sent to Morn.

Looking at this very familiar timid girl.

Moen was a little tired.

It's really Leda.

Leda, on the other hand, kept swallowing her saliva and looked at the great man wearing a blood ribbon in front of her.

Augustus Julius, the uncrowned Lord of the World, was the biggest big shot she had come into contact with since she came to this world.

I thought that as a princess, Aier was already invincible in the world, but she didn't expect that she would be surprised to encounter an enemy from the sky just after arriving in the Old Continent.

Notice the other person looking at you.

Leda forced a smile and said:

"Hello, Lord Augustus?"

Looking at Leda who was trying to talk to him, Moen asked directly without expression:

"The witch is in the old continent?"

With her hands and feet tied, Leda, the only one whose head could still move, nodded hurriedly:

"Yes, sir, I am a descendant of the Redemption Witch, and I came to the Old World according to her will. So, could you please let me go to Pompeii to find her?"

Moen sighed deeply.

For some reason, Quintus felt that this was the first time he saw deep helplessness and helplessness in this great man.

It seemed like this was the only thing that greatly exceeded his expectations.

It was also the only thing that he didn't know how to deal with.


In the Roman frontline camp at the siege of Argas.

The Western Roman Emperor quickly walked into the Eastern Roman Emperor's camp and asked:

"Are those slaves going to excavate the Memorial Temple?"

In the camp, there were not only the Eastern Roman emperors, but also the other three Roman emperors.

Although they raised their heads when they heard this, judging from their unsurprised expressions.

The Western Roman Emperor knew that they had known about this for a long time.

So he said more and more strangely:

"Since you know, why don't you attack them quickly? That's the arsenal of the Gods!"

If there is anything worth talking about in the poor place without gods in the Old World.

It must be Augustus Julius and the memorial temple where the holy sword is stored.

Several emperors remained unmoved.

The Western Roman Emperor felt that he was going crazy. Don't these guys know what that means?

"Why this reaction? Don't you think there is nothing terrible in the arsenal of the eldest sons that can reverse the plight of those slaves?"

After hearing this, several emperors looked at each other and laughed.

Seeing this, the Western Roman Emperor was more and more confused, and said angrily:

"If you don't care, I will take care of it myself, I will summon my army now!"

At this point, the Eastern Roman Emperor stepped forward and said:

"Okay, okay, my friend, don't be so anxious, we all know about this, and we also know that there may be very scary things hidden in it."

"But don't you think the legacy of the eldest sons may also be very dangerous? In this case, why don't you let those untouchables explore the way?"

The Western Roman Emperor thought this was bullshit:

"Let them explore the way? You don't fucking want to Afraid that they will go in directly and get the terrible legacy of the Age of Gods? "

The Eastern Roman Emperor raised his wine glass and laughed:

"This is the key! We are not afraid!"

The Western Roman Emperor frowned deeply, and he asked seriously:

"What is it that I don't know?"

The other Roman emperors laughed together:

"We have prepared a great gift for the old and confused Augustus, and we have sent it to him early."

"As long as he opens the door of the memorial temple, he will be sent to us immediately!"

What Augustus, what founder of Rome, what Lord of the World.

Isn't he about to become their defeated enemy and a new glorious resume.

They were even a little surprised that the process was so smooth.

It seems that the other party is completely unprepared, and he must think that as long as he opens the memorial temple first, he can rest assured.

They admitted that they were also afraid of the legendary God-era arsenal.

But no matter how powerful the weapon is, it is terrible to get it, isn't it?

Amid their laughter, the Western Roman Emperor frowned slightly and walked aside.

He was excluded, which was not good news.

So after the laughter ended, he asked the emperor of Pompeii Rome:

"My people told me that some merchants said that something bad happened in Quega City? So what happened?"

Amid the curiosity of the other emperors, the emperor of Pompeii Rome said calmly:

"It's just a few small things, and there is no problem now."

"Really? How come I heard that it was the Abyss Watchers of the Forsaken Land who destroyed the entire Quega City?"

The emperors who were still sitting stood up directly.

The malice of the Abyss Watchers is much more serious than a mortal leading a group of slaves to rebel.

"What's going on?"

Faced with the emperors' questioning, the Roman emperor who offended the elves just repeated his words again:

"I said, there is no problem now. Or has your territory been attacked by the so-called attack?"

"Don't be funny, the Abyss Watchers don't monitor and guard against the abyss, why do they come to our Rome? Are we the abyss?"

I have a cold, so I'll just say 4,000 words for now

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