Huh? Are they all real?

Chapter 238 He left behind few relics, I count as one (3k4)

The gladiators were led away from Capua by Moen in confusion.

In the carriage on the road, Quintus was staring blankly at Moen, who was examining the map of Donluo in front of him.

After a long time, Moen looked at him and said:

"What do you want to say? Friend."

Quintus finally came back to his senses and said blankly:

"So, you really are?"

If the handwriting can still be forged, how should we explain the fallen prophet?

So the most likely possibility is that the other party is real? !

Quintus' biggest thought now is - no, are you serious? !

Astonishment, absurdity, surprise and other emotions made him complex at this moment.

Moen smiled and said:

"Really Augustus Julius? Didn't I already say that?"

"No, I, really, you actually, this, really."

Because he was too shocked, this man who had been a consul and participated in the slave uprising was speechless.

Moen just smiled at this and continued to examine the map.

After a moment, he said to Quintus:

"There are seventeen cities along the way. How many gladiators do you think we can get?"

"Ten thousand is guaranteed. But if the number is too large, even if many people have forgotten the uprising thirteen years ago, they will definitely be suspected and taken advantage of."

After getting down to business, Quintus recovered instantly.

At the same time, he also said seriously:

"Since you are really back, you can directly summon the army. In order to strengthen the legitimacy of their power and the dignity of their blood, the emperors have been emphasizing the greatness of Augustus in every aspect."

"The military is a top priority. Thirteen years ago, many soldiers joined us because of this. What you said should be simpler."

Mo En smiled and said:

"People just remember the name Augustus. The power and dignity of this name are constantly added to it by emperors of all generations."

"In fact, I am just a nobody who has been away from ruling for three epochs."

This answer made Quintus a little disappointed. Could it be that even the real Augustus couldn't do anything?

But Moen quickly said again:

"But as long as we show our merits and are recognized, then I believe everything will go smoothly."

Moen plans to snowball. With his identity and the situation in the Old World, as long as he pushes the snowball, everything will fall into place.

He carefully reviewed the records of the uprising thirteen years ago, and found that there were still people, many of whom wanted to change.

It’s just that no one stood up and opened the curtain.

Otherwise, the great rebellion would not have swept across the Old World.

Therefore, it was not as if the hero of thirteen years ago had left Morne with a bunch of trouble for the uprising. But it lets Moen know that there are still many people looking forward to change.

The only problem now is how to roll the initial snowball.

After a brief thought.

Moen smiled and said:

“When we got to the next city, we made a big purchase and told everyone we could contact that we were going to hold the largest ever event in Agassiz, the largest competitive city in the south. Gladiator competition!"

Quintus asked seriously:

"But will they believe it?"

After Moen smiled mysteriously, he opened the box behind him.

There were piles of ribbons inside, the most conspicuous of which were two Tyrian purple ribbons:

"So I need you to take the first step and give these ribbons to those adults who lack nothing but something to better demonstrate their identity."

Quintus, who was a noble and ruler himself, immediately laughed.

He laughed happily.

He was very aware of the appeal of these gadgets to nobles.

I finally understood why Moen insisted on replacing these first batch of gladiators with the precious purple ribbon of Tire.

Moen just wanted to let Rome know that Augustus's ribbon had been brought back.

What happens then?

Venue owners who have been waiting for the right gift will surely offer the ribbon immediately.

Immediately, all Rome would know that someone possessed the ribbon of Augustus.

And he stared at the Augustus ribbon that was presented with more and more eyes.

So at this time, what will happen if the generous guest comes to visit again and offers the gift that he has always been eager for?

Of course it’s a green light all the way!

And the best part is, until Morn reveals who he is, no one is crazy enough to think he is the return of Augustus.

I will only feel that this is a long-lost feast.

While constantly giving way, we will work harder to help it expand its influence.

But once Morn launches an uprising, all of this will become the reason for Morn's reputation to rise.

Moreover, people will also find a previous blind spot - only Augustus himself can produce so many Augustus ribbons!

"Sir, don't worry, I will take care of everything!"

Everything was as Moen expected.

When I saw the shining ribbon of Augustus.

No ruler gave Morne a hard time.

After happily seeing off Morn and a large number of gladiators.

They would also immediately put on the extremely noble Augustus ribbon, and then stand in front of the floor-length mirror to continuously admire their tall and noble figure.

It was as if they were the reincarnation of Augustus at this moment.

And there is another point that greatly exceeded Moon's expectations.

That is, the nobles who received the ribbons felt that they needed a grand gladiatorial fight to celebrate for themselves.

Therefore, Moon did not get a large number of gladiators, but a huge amount of gladiators, food and weapons!

Especially when Moon sent out the second purple ribbon of Tyre, he directly received a large amount of weapons that would never be issued to slaves in theory.

The general in charge of the entire southern part of the empire directly expressed that he wanted to see a unique gladiatorial competition.

And he immediately divided the location of the gladiatorial fight to the Colosseum of 10,000 people outside the city of Kagath.

He hoped to see the gladiators use Roman war machines to fight each other and fight for their lives.

This has never happened, so it must be unique!

However, he did not hand it over to Moon directly, but sent an additional army to accompany and guard the weapons.

These heavy weapons will only be handed over to Moon's gladiators on the day of the fight.

But what is the difference between this and giving it directly?

It's just an extra process.


When the Eastern Roman Empire was preparing for the largest gladiatorial contest in history.

In the Pompeii Roman Empire in the south.

Even the Romans who were used to the existence of slaves avoided the southwest city of Quiga.

Because it was the largest slave factory in the Pompeii Roman Empire.

Thousands of factories and nearly one million female slaves were detained here all year round to continuously produce new slaves as firewood for the operation of the empire.

I heard that not to mention the slaves produced every day, even the slaves accidentally lost every day were enough to pile up a small mountain.

But what is strange is that such a large productivity should have far exceeded the demand for slaves in the Old World after years of continuous accumulation.

After all, a slave has a service life of several years or even decades.

But the slaves never overflowed.

Some people guessed the answer, but everyone pretended not to know.

It would be fatal if you said it!

But today is a little different.

Everyone saw the burning city of Quiga, and the grand flames almost illuminated the entire night.

It is said that the city of Queiga, where hundreds of thousands of elite soldiers were stationed, was attacked.

And it was a crushing attack.

The soldiers fled in a panic in the collapsed fortress.

The officers in charge of leading them also gave up control and followed them to run around in the burning city of Queiga like headless flies.

The attacking enemy was too powerful.

They tried to resist, but the offensive was almost instantly disintegrated.

After witnessing thousands of soldiers disappear in front of their eyes in the blink of an eye, this so-called elite Roman army was instantly defeated.


The attacker was a real demon!

That was definitely a demon that had just crawled out of the abyss!

The chill that felt like falling into the abyss still lingers around them.

There was a blazing flame next to them, but they could not feel the warmth at all, but felt more and more cold.

They no longer had any thoughts and just wanted to escape from this increasingly veritable devil's cave as soon as possible.

In the panic of the soldiers, they saw the largest tower in Quega City collapse.

This made them even more desperate.

Quega City did not have angels stationed, and there were few angels in the entire Old Continent.

But Quega City had three demigods stationed and held a very advanced first-level seal.

They had seen two demigods faded and melted by the enemy before.

And now, the tower where the last and strongest demigod was stationed collapsed.

Doesn't that mean that even the sequence three with a powerful seal has lost?

But how long has it been?

Not even half an hour!

The already collapsed soldiers became more desperate.

On the ruins of the tower, the saint with half of his body faded to black and white was crawling on the ground in a panic.

Fear, confusion, and anger were all his emotions at the moment.

Behind him, who was desperately trying to get away, was a witch in a black evening dress or mourning clothes.

The other party wore the same deep veil, so that the sequence three saint could not see her appearance and emotions.

But this iconic dress and exaggerated strength still let him know who the other party was immediately.

He still remembered the scene of the fight just now. He stood on the top of the tower and wanted to snipe the other party.

But the black witch flew directly in front of his eyes.

Then the tower collapsed, and he was defeated instantly.

The demigod, who couldn't climb up much after climbing for a long time, struggled to take a look at the seal 1-177 in his hand.

This is a crossbow. It takes 777 lives to use it once. The cost is very high, but for this slave factory.

Human life is the least valuable thing.

On weekdays, his favorite thing is to use this crossbow to shoot at the strong wall outside the city.

The shattering of boulders and the collapse of mountains are his favorite scenes.

As for the slaves who died because of this, he didn't care.

This is not only his favorite program, but also the favorite program of the soldiers.

Even officers often come to borrow it.

In this regard, he agreed.

They were also pleasantly surprised to find that pregnant women who had just become pregnant could be counted as two people. They had initially thought that only pregnant women who were at least five or six months pregnant could be counted as two people.

But now, this seal that they usually like the most has completely faded and become ineffective, just like his half body.

He threw away the faded crossbow in fear, and instead questioned the witch in front of him in anger, fear, and confusion:


His body has begun to fade completely, which means death.

After experiencing the initial panic, he is no longer afraid of death.

He now just wants to know why the witch of salvation came to attack them!

But what made the man go from anger to complete panic was that he found that the fading only lasted to his neck.

His head was preserved, but his power and authority all disappeared with his body.

Does this woman want me to live with only one head left? !

Damn, I knew that the things that came out of the abyss would always be demons!


Looking at the saint with only one head left.

The witch, who was still flying in the air, said a little lonely:

"He didn't leave many relics, and I count as one."

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