Hubby, Please Spare Me

Chapter 980: Never leave without leaving forever9

Biquge, the fastest update to turn the window to commit crimes: the husband's new chapters are merciless

Shui Miaomiao saw the press conference on Shen Mochen sent online.

He announced that he will no longer use water-based tiles from now on, as his name implies, because of personal relations.

After seeing it, Shui Miaomiao snorted and fell on the bed.

Is Shen Mochen intentionally? Waiting for her to be discharged, how could this person be so bad?

Li Baoyi called over.

Shui Miaomiao answered.

"Shui Shui, what exactly does that Shen Mochen mean? He wants to block you? Didn't you reconcile before?" Li Baoyi completely puzzled, "Does he believe in the scandal between you and Xing Zun, so he was furious. ."

"He's a neuropathy." Shui Miaomiao sneered, sounded that he was still pregnant with the child, took a deep breath, adjusted his emotions, and said, "I won't easily compromise."

"Do you want to get drunk again?" Li Baoyi suggested.

"Why do you get drunk?" Shui Miaomiao puzzled.

"You were drunk last time, went to Shen Mochen and reconciled, you will be drunk again this time, maybe you can be reconciled again, otherwise, if he targets you, with his strength, he can take your company Collapse." Li Baoyi said worriedly.

"It's useless. He only has Li Sisi in his heart now. I'll just go to shame if I go to him. I won't tell you. I'm looking for a buyer now, otherwise Shui's really finished." Shui Miaomiao sighed. And sit up from the bed.

She can't sit still and should work harder.

Shui Miaomiao hung up the phone and Xing Zun called.

She felt that she should tell Xing Zun clearly about the filming, so she answered.

"I saw the news that Shen Mochen was going to block Shui Shi. Are you okay?" Xing Zun asked concerned.

"Well, alive." Shui Miaomiao responded and returned to the topic. "That, my company's affairs are more complicated. I really don't have time to film, I'm sorry."

"Understood, do you know Wu Yue Construction Group?" Xing Zun asked.

"I know, relatively large construction companies, they also invest in Wuyue International Shopping Center. I contacted them for purchases and ignored me at all." Shui Miaomiao said in a dismal mood.

"They asked me to make an image endorsement before. I have their boss's mobile phone number. I have eaten together. It is no problem to ask Wu Yue International's boss to come out to meet each other. It depends on how you talk to him." Xing Zun Said enthusiastically.

Shui Miaomiao raised her lips and said in surprise: "Then please ask me to make an appointment. After the event is completed, I will give you a generous commission."

"The commission is fine, as long as you don't hide from me in the future." Xing Zun said helplessly.

"How come, you are a good person, see the true feelings in times of trouble, I will remember this kindness and great virtue." Shui Miao said with a smile.

Xing Zun's eyes dimmed.

Shui Miaomiao is actually very clever, and his emotional matters are very accurate. If you don’t give a chance, you won’t give a chance. A good person card will make you daunted.

However, he is Xing Zun, he wants to get things, perseverance, and use all means to get it.

At the beginning, it took him three years to catch Zeng Zi, and he planned to catch Shui Miaomiao in five years. This was a protracted battle.

"Call you after the appointment." Xing Zun finished speaking and hung up the phone when he was done.

Shui Miaomiao breathed a sigh of relief, and the phone rang again. This time it was a strange landline number.

She answered suspiciously.

"Hello, may I ask if you are Shui Miaomiao of Shui Shi? I'm Zhang Yuan, the purchasing director of Xiangyun Construction. I saw the information you sent. I don't know when you will be free. We will talk about the cooperation. "

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