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Chapter 1240: There are women grow into 6

Biquge, the fastest update to turn the window to commit crimes: the husband's new chapters are merciless!

"Baby, you are hungry, we have to eat first, and after eating, we have the strength to lose our temper." Shui Miaomiao held Li Baoyi's hand tightly and asked.

Li Baoyi looked at Shui Miaomiao.

"Trust me." Shui Miaomiao said firmly.

Li Baoyi's eyes were red and he swallowed bitter water, holding back without questioning.

Shui Miaomiao took Li Baoyi's hand and came to the table.

She brought the rice to Li Baoyi and gave Li Baoyi a chicken leg.

Li Baoyi took a deep look at Shui Miaomiao.

If she is the only one in this place, she would rather make a fuss, and then die, there is nothing to miss in this world.

However, there are Shui Miaomiao and Wang Zi frame.

Shui Miaomiao has inflammation to take care of, and Wang Ziframe also has parents to save. She can no longer be capricious and selfish.

Li Baoyi lowered his head to eat, and bean-sized tears dripped into the meal.

Dong Yi looked at Li Baoyi with contempt, exuding coldness in his eyes.

Don’t know what your Highness likes about her?

It needs to have no appearance, it needs to have no figure.

When something goes wrong, I only know that crying is useless.

Usually self-willed, idiot, brainless, typical silly white sweet.

When Her Highness came to the throne, she used her blood to commemorate.

To cut the grass to eradicate the roots, he can't keep Nangong Wang's daughter alive.

For a meal, several of them ate all the food.

"After eating, is it time to record?" Dong Yi said coldly.

Wang Zi nodded, "Okay."

Standing in front of the desk, Wang Ziframe smiled and said to the camera: "Dad, go to Uncle Ruibi and help your Highness Yutian to take the throne. I will be a guest here under His Highness, and I will have two classmates to follow me Together."

Wang Ziframe said to Dong Yi: "Can you take pictures of my two classmates? Lest my father worry."

Dong Yi's men like Shui Miaomiao and Li Baoyi.

Dong Yi grabbed the camera and said coldly to Wang Ziframe: "Don't play tricks. If your father doesn't help His Highness Yu Tian within two days, I will cut off your hand. If you don't help within four days, I will cut. Drop your other hand, or..."

Dong Yi glanced at Wang Zi frame's abdomen, "It's better to castrate you directly."

Wang Zi frame looked at Dongyi defensively.

Dong Yi stood up, turned around, and commanded coldly: "Take away all the bowls we brought."

Wang Zi frame watched Dong Yi's men pack up the bowl.

A group of them left and locked the door.

"I'm sorry, Shuishui, I hurt you." Li Baoyi said with red eyes, sorry.

"It's not time to say these words. Wait until we go out and say, baby, can you explore the wind here? As soon as they opened the door, they called us immediately." Shui Miao asked.

"Yes, no problem, to ensure the completion of the task." Li Baoyi said firmly.

"They didn't take away the water." Shui Miaomiao said with a smile.

Wang Ziframe nodded, "Give us the tools."

Shui Miaomiao got up first, took a water bottle, and poured water on the wall.

The wall is mud, and when it touches water, it is easy to soften and it is better to chisel.

Wang Zi frame broke the water bottle with the tip of the candlestick.

The mineral water bottle becomes a tool.

The two worked together, digging quickly, using eight bottles of water, and a hole was chiseled in the wall, and water flowed in through the hole.

Wang Zi frame handed the empty mineral water bottle to Shui Miaomiao and said in a deep voice: "If it is far away from the water surface, the air inside is enough for you to change your breath, whether it is dead or alive, you can only listen to destiny."

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