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Chapter 1221: Darling darling 4

Biquge, the fastest update to turn the window to commit crimes: the husband's new chapters are merciless!

Shui Miaomiao conveyed what he heard to Li Baoyi.

Li Baoyi was lost in contemplation.

"So they should be neutral. Right?" Li Baoyi asked with a raised eyebrow.

"It looks like this at the moment, now what we have to do is find your brother and confirm His Royal Highness Yu Tian

Is it your brother? We can leave after waiting for confirmation. "Shui Miaomiao said.

"But how can we find him! Even Wang Ziframe has not seen him." Li Baoyi was lost in contemplation again.

"Don't worry, if His Royal Highness Yu Tian really wants to come out to seize power, one day he will come to Wang's father. I think Wang's father is the decisive factor.

We just have to be patient here and so on. "Shui Miaomiao said.

"That can only wait here." Li Baoyi said with a draw of his head.

half an hour

Shui Miaomiao and Li Baoyi were invited to dinner.

For the first time, they formally met Wang Zecian's parents.

Shui Miaomiao politely shouted: "Good night uncle and aunt, I am Shui Miaomiao."

Li Baoyi waved his hand and briefly introduced himself: "Li Baoyi."

Wang Zheqiang’s mother looked at Shui Miaomiao and Li Baoyi, and she smiled very conservatively: "Framer told us that you are his classmates and good friends in China. Framer did not receive much care from you in China. Come here Play casually."

"Thank you aunt." Shui Miaomiao said with a smile.

"Sit down, just take this place as your own home. Frame, entertain your classmates." Wang Zi frame's mother said with a smile, her eyes moved from Li Baoyi's face to Shui Miaomiao's face, and it was meaningful. Smile.

Wang Zhe frame opened the chair, and the gentleman said, "Sit!"

Shui Miaomiao felt that their family had a very high self-cultivation. No one spoke while eating, and there was no sound even when the fork was inserted into the plate.

It was a bit restrained after a meal.

Wang Wei framed that it was good to take Li Baoyi and Shui Miaomiao out to play, but his mother was called into the conference room after dinner.

Shui Miaomiao and Li Baoyi went out.

In the lobby

"Xiaoer, do you like Li Baoyi?" Wang Yan frame's mother had a very keen eye, and she immediately understood her son's thoughts and asked straight away.

"I do have a good opinion of her." Wang Zhu frame did not deny.

"Is she Chinese? What do his parents do? She looks younger, does she have a fixed job? What is she doing? Are you a clear relationship, or are you wishful thinking?" There are n problems.

"Mom, can you ask one by one? You asked so much at once, and you let me answer which one you have first!" Wang Yu frame said with a hippie smile.

Wang Zhuang frame's mother slapped Wang Zui frame's arm and said with resentment: "Don't fight me with sloppy eyes, I want to remind you that when you married Princess Baoyang, you are still married. If Princess Baoyang returns now, you still have to Be married to Princess Baoyang.

The girl named Li Baoyi, the mother saw, was just a civilian.

She can't adapt to the life of our royal family.

If you have a good opinion of him, then still advise you to end immediately, don't add unnecessary trouble to yourself. "

Wang Zhuang frame lowered his eyes and said meaningfully: "Princess Baoyang was taken away 6 months after birth. If you want to come back, you will come back early, but you haven't come back now. I'm afraid it's already fierce. I have pursued my happiness. right."

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