Huashan Gate

Vol 3 Chapter 5207: Discover the clues of the fairy house

"Huashan God Gate (

"That person is not" Little Sapling said. "He should have been trapped in the early days, but he probably found a solution to the problem.

I don’t know when to find a solution, but he is definitely not stuck here now. He has a flesh body, and this flesh body may not be his, but it must have a flesh body.

Your solution to the problem may not be the same as him, and I think your speed will be much faster than him. Because your feelings are much stronger than him.

If you think carefully about the process after you met him, you will find that this person is extremely careful when dealing with you. This caution is actually too much.

He must have discovered in the early days that you have the same abilities as him, the ability to have a conscious level, which makes him very jealous, and I think his conscious ability is not as good as you.

This aspect, that is, the ability of consciousness, is not what you think it is. After a long time, it must be smarter, not necessarily. In this respect, I look at my own understanding, which is very personal.

And your understanding, there is no fixed line yet, that is, there is no certain way to follow it, it's just the individual. I think his understanding is not as good as yours. So you should be safe for the time being. The problem lies in this light, the gray light. "

"This light may be a key point to break through here," Little Sapling added.

Yu Yu had no choice but to slowly figure out a solution by himself. He slowly brought his consciousness closer to the light again. This kind of proximity was not close to the light, but to project his consciousness into the light.

Yu Yu doesn't know if he can do this.

The gray light was originally a whole line of light, but after Yu Yu approached in depth, he suddenly seemed to flash like an aura, and suddenly entered the gray light.

"Huh... I'm going to don't have a cave"

He entered directly into the gray light. This is a very big world, and it is also a world that Yu Yu has never seen before. It feels very vast and very small.

Yu Yu obviously gave birth to a very awkward feeling of positive and negative. He seemed to understand a bit why he felt awkward when he was exposed to the gray light before.

This individual twisting feeling comes from the inside of this light. It is a law-like positive and negative oriented circulation that spreads from the inside to the outside.

Yu Yu couldn't adapt to that kind of circulation, so he felt a sense of chaos.

Yu Yu slowly let go of himself, not to adapt to that feeling, but to feel that feeling slowly. This sense of confusion does not come from an attack inside this light. It is actually not aggressive.

Inside the light, Yu Yu felt a space similar to the world, and it looked like an extremely small space, but there was nothing in this space.

After adjusting to a period of time, he asked the young sapling again, why is this happening, the young sapling said, "Simply put, what you feel now is the law."


"Yes, the law" he said. "The law is what you feel now. It is not a simple spatial model, but a kind of understanding. Whatever you understand is what you understand. But this is not the point. Don't understand the law now. What you have to do is to get out of this place and you are trapped. You have to understand that there are enemies outside of you. He might be watching you."

"I understand" Yu Yu said.

How he should get out, he doesn't know. But Yu Yu didn't feel that someone from outside was looking at him. He found that although he could not understand the inner world of this gray light, his understanding of consciousness seemed to be improved.

He can't describe it clearly in words, but that's it.

Yu Yu merged with the interior of this light world in a more open attitude. It took a short time. He found that he seemed to have adapted to the sense of confusion.

He is not resisting, nor understanding, but just a feeling. Second, this feeling gives him a feeling of standing in the water.


He slowly tried to adjust his consciousness posture, following the wave of water, ups and downs, a force that didn't know where it came from, suddenly sent Yu Yu out.

He opened his eyes abruptly and saw that the king of the dead was still looking at himself curiously.


Yu Yu let out a breath.

He didn't say anything to the corpse king, just smiled at her and signaled that he was fine. The corpse king did not gnaw, but from the expression on her face, she was very concerned about Yu Yu's situation.

Yu Yu closed his eyes and began to sort out the process of confrontation with that person and his own experience just now. He surely discovered that he had just met Xianfu.

"I may have found Xianfu" Yu Yu woke up and told Tian Yuan about his guess.

"How to say?"

Tian Yuan almost got up from the ground and said very excitedly.

Yu Yu recounted his feelings and what he had just done. What he felt was one thing, and his understanding as a great monk was another.

"I'm absolutely sure that what I found is something directly related to Xianfu even if it is not Xianfu," Yu Yu said Tian Yuan shook his head and said, "What you found this time may be Xianfu. I am. Now I even suspect that part of this place is the manifestation of Xianfu."

"Ah" Yu Yu was taken aback, "You are much bolder than me. Why do you think so?"

"It's not difficult to understand" Tian Yuan said. "If you really feel the relative sense of confusion, the feeling of positive and negative interlacing, then that is the law, that is, the space.

The space we usually see is relative. For example, up and down, front and back, left and right, so as to form a space. So space is relative.

The laws you feel are some basic things of the laws of space, and what we feel and understand is these, the most basic. It is also the one I am most familiar with.

Your world will not have similar direct laws. Although the space node of the Jiluodian is a node, you can't feel any laws in it.

This is impossible. Because the operation of your world, as well as your own cultivation base and realm, are not enough. Especially your realm, cultivation base. You cannot feel the law under natural conditions. This is impossible. "

To feel the law under natural conditions, you must have understood the law before. This is a natural limitation. It is impossible for ordinary monks to reach the realm of true immortality, that level. Just like an ordinary monk, one cannot comprehend God's Hongli until he is in the realm of God.

Yu Yu said, "Then what you said like this means that what I have just entered is a world of artificial laws, or something man-made that contains laws, so I feel the laws, right?"

"Almost" Tian Yuan said, "In fact, it should be more complicated, but as you can understand, that's it... From my point of view, it's Xianfu, probably no doubt."

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