How Should You Deal With The Immortality At The Beginning?

Chapter 39 When The Boss Fights, The Younger Brother Suffers


"Uncle Wang."

Wang Defa stepped out of the elevator.

Ye Bingyu and Wang Jin's followers immediately said hello.


Wang Defa is in no mood to chat with them now.

With a dark face, he tried hard not to let his anger burst out. He looked at one of Wang Jin's followers and asked coldly: "Tell me, what happened!"

"Yes...this is what happened..."

The attendant told everything verbatim.

When Wang Defa heard this, he punched him in the face and yelled angrily: "You are a fucking waste. I gave you soul beads and money just to let you follow my son. You won't follow me when I go to the toilet." Go in? Then what the hell do I need from you!"

So when a follower is humiliated in public, he dares to get angry but dare not speak out.

Although most of the ten major families are ordinary people.

But their family heads are all real extraordinary beings, and their strength is not low at all.

When Lu Yuan saw this scene, he was glad that he had not joined the Chen family. Otherwise, although it might not be so embarrassing, it would not be much different.

After a slap.

Wang Defa looked at Ye Bingyu. Naturally, they knew each other.

Wang Defa didn't dare to yell at Ye Bingyu directly, so he forced out a smile that was uglier than crying and said, "Please, niece Ye, please take me to see the surveillance camera."

"Uncle Wang, please come this way."

Ye Bingyu nodded and immediately took Wang Defa to the monitoring room.

in this process.

No one can leave.

Lu Yuan also behaved very low-key and listened attentively to the conversation between Wang Defa and Wang Defa.

"This is the surveillance room. I'll find the surveillance room."

Ye Bingyu's fingers were dancing in the monitoring room, and within a short while, a piece of surveillance was presented in front of Wang Defa.

That was the scene of Wang Jin preparing to enter the toilet.

Go back.

It was Lu Yuan and Wang Jin who came out within a few seconds of each other.

"Look at this guy."

Wang Defa pointed at Lu Yuan on the screen.

As the first person.

Lu Yuan naturally attracted Wang Defa's attention.

If Lu Yuan leaves immediately at this time.

Wang Defa will definitely identify the murderer as Lu Yuan!


After Lu Yuan came out, he did not leave directly.

Instead, he sat back in his seat and started feasting.

This move made Wang Defa put aside his suspicion and signaled Ye Bingyu to continue going down.

After Lu Yuan came out, there was no one in the toilet for a short time.

But soon.

The second person walked in.

After he entered, it was almost time to pee.

This is correct.

Judging from the expression on his face when he came out, Wang Defa could tell that there should be no traces of fighting or any abnormal phenomena inside...

Otherwise, the person should have told the waiter.

It didn't take long.

A third person also went in.

After this person went in and came out again, the time was completely right.

It's not just him.

Before Wang Jin's men went in, a total of ten people went to the toilet.

These ten people all went in to urinate.

There is no time at all to commit the crime...

The key is.

During this period, no one left the eleventh floor.

It was as if Wang Jin was alone and disappeared in the toilet! !

See here.

Wang Defa's face was already darker than Bao Zheng's.

It was also the first time for Ye Bingyu to encounter such a strange thing.

Wang Jin’s strength is the sixth level of awakening.

This strength is very weak, but not so weak that it can't even make a sound, so it is killed by the killer and taken away...

not to mention.

There were no signs of fighting at all in the entire toilet...

There isn't even any fluctuation in abilities.

So how did Wang Jin disappear?

Although confused, Ye Bingyu looked at Wang Defa, who was silent on the side, and comforted her: "Although this matter about Uncle Wang is very strange, no one can prove that Wang Jin is dead. Maybe the other party just wants to arrest him." It’s not necessarily that he’s asking for ransom. Think about whether you’ve offended anyone recently.”

"Oh, stop pretending like this. My son disappeared on your territory. Who is the murderer? No need to say who it is. Only you can do it so seamlessly. Today, even if I overturn your Empire State Building, I still want to kill my son." find out!"

This time Wang Defa completely turned his back.

In his opinion.

There was no problem with the surveillance, and there were no traces of anything in the toilet.

So who is most likely to do this?

There is almost no doubt that it is all the woman in front of me! !

The Ye family is on its own territory, so it’s easy to make someone disappear, right?

It’s not that Wang Defa is an idiot, it’s just that this is the only way to explain it! !

When Ye Bingyu heard this, his face gradually became colder, and he said coldly: "Uncle Wang, I know you are heartbroken after losing your son, but my Ye family's territory is not something you can search just by asking. We have cooperated very well. If you are making trouble like this, I will have to ask you out!"

"Just you?"

Wang Defa sneered and suddenly got angry.

He grabbed Ye Bingyu's neck, lifted her up into the air, and said with a ferocious smile: "I'll give you face, treat you as my niece, I won't give you face, you're just a You’re just a little bitch, it seems that I have to teach you on behalf of your elders today what it means to be in order with your elders, and the difference between superiority and inferiority!”


Ye Bingyu never expected that Wang Defa would suddenly attack.

So much so that she couldn't resist even if she wanted to.

Because Wang Defa's superpower is a special type of energy absorption.

Once caught by him, all the energy in the body will be absorbed!

simply put.

Those caught by him cannot use their powers!

And just when Ye Bingyu thought she was going to die.

Suddenly a strong wind blew.

The few followers who originally followed Wang Jin instantly turned into bloody men.

One by one, they fell to the ground and were killed instantly! !

What killed them was the evil wind just now! ! !

It's not just them.

Even Wang Defa's back was cut with several bloody marks.

at the same time.

A middle-aged man walked in at the door of the monitoring room.

He looked at his sister who was being mentioned, and finally looked at Wang Defa, who had his back turned to him. He said in a calm but creepy tone: "Your subordinates have neglected their duties. I have already taught them a lesson for you. Let go." My sister, I pretend that what happened today never happened, otherwise...our two families will go to war!"

Wang Defa turned to look at the man, and said with an angry smile: "Okay, today I will give you Ye Xiuluo some face. If you let me know that my son's disappearance is related to you, I will definitely not let you go!"


Wang Defa punched Ye Bingyu hard in the stomach.

This punch was so powerful that it made Ye Bingyu roll his eyes.


Wang Defa threw her to Ye Xiuluo like garbage and sneered: "This punch is my return gift to you. Next time, tell your sister to treat your elders with more respect, otherwise it won't be as simple as just receiving a punch next time." !”

"I will return this sentence to you intact. If you touch my family again, you won't just kill two of my men." Ye Xiuluo narrowed his eyes and retorted.


This relationship is finally settled...


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