How Should You Deal With The Immortality At The Beginning?

Chapter 14 The Powerful Telekinesis Can Kill A Child With One Strike!

Leave the church.

Lu Yuan looked at the time.

At this time, there is less than ten minutes left before the next soul beast is refreshed.

Lu Yuan looked around and decided to stay in this area for the time being.

Because after the battle just now, some other bounty hunters have basically been driven away.

Without a few unsighted humans, a lot of trouble would be saved.

Plus there are so many corpses here.

After the soul beasts are refreshed later, they will most likely gather together.

This is more conducive to your own killing.


Lu Yuan randomly found a clean place.

Just lay there, closed his eyes and fell asleep.

this operation.

It is simply unprecedented and unprecedented.

Unless the body has exceeded the limit of human beings, even if it is attacked by these low-level soul beasts, it will not be able to break through the defense...

Otherwise, no one, not even the extraordinary people in the main city, would dare to be as arrogant as Lu Yuan and sleep in the middle of the road.

But Lu Yuan has capital~~

Who made him immortal?

Maybe he was too tired from fighting.

Lu Yuan lay on the street and soon fell asleep.

In sleep.

Lu Yuan always felt like something was licking him.

My whole body felt itchy.

A little hot, a little wet...

open one's eyes.

Lu Yuan wanted to stretch out comfortably, but found that his vision was completely black.

Take a closer look.

Another group of soul beasts were gnawing at him.

Lu Yuan didn't know how long they had been gnawing, but it was not difficult to see from their doubtful eyes that these soul beasts must have had self-doubt about not being able to kill him...


Lu Yuan opened his eyes and was noticed by some soul beasts.

They immediately left Lu Yuan's side as if they had seen a ghost.

Lu Yuan did not expect this situation.

Originally, he was thinking that he could harvest a few while they were still on him to enjoy himself...

As a result, as soon as I woke up, all these soul beasts ran away?

"Am I a devil, so scary?"

Lu Yuan smiled and shook his head, and his broken body stood up from the ground.

This time.

Those soul beasts subconsciously took several steps back.

If Lu Yuan was given a mirror, he would probably know how terrifying he is now...

But it's a pity.

Lu Yuan really didn't know himself in this regard.

After a simple twist of his body, Lu Yuan shook his right hand.

The beast-slaying knife appeared out of thin air again.

Looking at the soul beasts who were looking at him warily, Lu Yuan raised the corners of his mouth and muttered: "Just in time, let's try how to use telekinesis in battle."


Lu Yuan stretched out his left hand without a weapon and aimed it at the soul beast closest to him.

A thought.

The powerful telekinesis instantly surrounded the soul beast.

No matter how hard that soul beast struggled.

Its body is completely out of control.

Unconsciously, he quickly approached Lu Yuan.

When it got close, Lu Yuan easily inserted his knife into the soul beast's waist.

One pull, one plug, one pull.

With just three simple movements, a tall and mighty soul beast was easily killed by Lu Yuan!

"Sure enough, this power is still very useful."

Lu Yuan felt the energy consumption. According to his current physical attributes, he could probably pull more than ten soul beasts over without stopping. This efficiency can be said to be very high.

At least it's much less expensive than chasing these soul beasts in flight mode.

Think of this.

Lu Yuan looked at the group of soul beasts and showed a "nuclear" smile.

The next second.

Another soul beast was pulled over uncontrollably!


Another stab, instantly killing him.

Those soul beasts have no way to resist Lu Yuan's telekinesis...

Under Lu Yuan's control, it was completely like a mobile experience bag.

Which other soul beast wouldn't be confused by this scene?

Although they have low IQs, they are not fools!

Seeing this human being so terrifying.

They all ran away immediately.

But how could Lu Yuan let them run away?

The speed of telekinesis is far faster than their running speed.

Basically, whichever unlucky guy Lu Yuan falls in love with, that unlucky guy is immediately pronounced dead.

A few minutes passed like this.

Lu Yuan wanted to use telekinesis again, but felt that his spirit was weakening.

"It seems that the limit has been reached."

Lu Yuan stopped and did not pursue the escaped soul beasts.

He took out some food from the God's Space and ate it.

Originally, people only needed three meals to maintain body energy.

But Lu Yuan needed to replenish some food in about ten minutes when he used his superpower like this.

Fortunately, there is no shortage of food for the time being, so you can eat with confidence.

When I ran out of food in God’s Space, I went shopping on the roadside for zero yuan.

Anyway, during the bloody killing period, any blame can be thrown at the soul beast.

Simply replenished your physical strength.

Lu Yuan stretched out a lot.

By the time he was eating, all the soul beasts around him had already disappeared.

But Lu Yuan didn't particularly care.

After all, when bloody killing comes, nothing is much...

I guarantee that the soul beasts will be taken care of enough!


Lu Yuan set his sights on the sky.

As before, no soul beast in the sky dared to approach Lu Yuan.

They are more like vultures and like to eat the food of death.

Lu Yuan had no good way to deal with them before.

But now...

It’s time to add some corpses of flying soul beasts to your own space!

Collect the soul beast corpses on the ground into the divine space.

Lu Yuan did not unpack them immediately for inspection, but planned to stockpile a wave of corpses and draw the lottery later.

After all, with his current strength, looking at the entire untouchable area, he is simply killing people!

The wings appeared behind Lu Yuan, and he quickly lifted into the air with a random flap.

When those flying soul beasts saw Lu Yuan coming, they were so frightened that they immediately flew away...

But how could Lu Yuan, who was in full condition at this moment, let them leave alive?

It’s the same old trick again.

Aim at a soul beast with telekinesis, pull it over and kill it instantly with a knife.

The whole set of movements is smooth and smooth, with no unnecessary movements at all.

Lu Yuan directly transformed into a ruthless killing machine and killed more than ten soul beasts in a few minutes.

Feeling the hunger coming back again.

Lu Yuan immediately landed on the ground, took out food and started to replenish it.

Take advantage of this opportunity.

He also took out the corpses of the forty-two soul beasts he had just killed.

While eating, open their heads.

This time, the luck was relatively bad. Only five soul beads emerged from the forty-two soul beasts, and all of them were turbid soul beads.

Seeing these five lonely soul beads.

Lu Yuan couldn't help but sigh with emotion: "Sure enough, luck is not always there."


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