The next day was the scheduled exam time.

The students took down the stacked desks and sat in front of them one by one. The teacher on the podium opened the closed exam papers.

Ryuguin Aoyama, who was sitting by the window, accidentally looked out the window and saw the conspicuous red sports car.

Yumiko, who was in the car, saw Ryuguin Aoyama sitting by the window, took off her sunglasses and waved at him.

Do well in the exam! Yumiko smiled and mouthed to Ryuguin Aoyama.

Ryuguin Aoyama looked at her below with a smile on his face. He would definitely do well and fulfill what he promised.

The principal outside the classroom saw that the test papers had been distributed, and he was still looking at Ryuguin Aoyama outside the window. He was so anxious that sweat dripped down his forehead.

He opened his mouth to remind Ryuguin Aoyama to start writing and answering the questions quickly, but the vice-principal of Lingfeng School on the side held the principal's shoulder with a sly smile on his face.

"If you open your mouth, I, as the invigilator appointed by the superior, will judge him as cheating~"

The principal glared at the man in front of him,"Kudo! You, you......Don't be too drastic!"

The vice principal didn't listen to what Principal Suzuran said.

He had put in a lot of effort to be an invigilator at Suzuran. He just wanted to see Ryuguin Aoyama fail to get good grades. He also wanted to see that Principal Suzuran, who secretly recorded his office, failed to complete the task assigned by the Education Bureau and was punished.

Ryuguin Aoyama retracted his gaze and looked at the vice principal who was looking at him through the glass. He sneered and gave him a middle finger.


The vice principal was so angry that he stared blankly.

Less than half an hour after the test papers were distributed, some students had already handed in the test papers with only their names on them.

Passing by a table, he kicked the table leg with his foot to wake up the person sleeping on it,"Why are you sleeping? Go out for some fresh air!"

"Hey, student, hand in your paper and go out quickly, don't disturb others." The invigilator stood up and stopped him.

""Tsk! What kind of test is this?" The student put his hands in his pockets and left.

The student who was woken up grabbed the test paper and was about to stand up to hand it in, but when he saw that he hadn't even written his name yet, he hurriedly wrote his name and ran out of the classroom.

Looking at this scene, the vice-principal sneered:"Those teachers who are assigned to mark Lily of the Valley's test papers must be very happy! Just write '0' with a red pen! Hahahaha......"

Across the corridor, Serizawa came towards me in slippers, scratching his ear with his fingers.

"The student was disheveled and wearing slippers......"


Serizawa pulled back his fist and turned his head impatiently to Shisheng behind him and said,"The buzzing of flies is really annoying~"

The vice-principal leaned back, bent over to cover the sharp pain in his nose, pointed at Serizawa who was walking over, and when he wanted to open his mouth to speak, a warm current flowed into his mouth.

He removed his hand covering his nose, and his palm was full of nosebleed.


"Ah, ah——"

The vice-principal screamed like a pig being slaughtered

"Kudo~You come to invigilate, but please don't affect our school students' exams, ha, hahahaha......"

The principal laughed unkindly. He had long been unhappy with Kudo. He was a vice principal, but he relied on his school's excellent performance and didn't take him, the principal, seriously.

Because this exam was a very formal exam, after the exam, the test papers were immediately sealed and sent to the Education Bureau.

After walking out of the examination room, the principal immediately stopped Ryuguin Aoyama under the teaching building.

"How was it? How did you do on the exam, Ryuguin-san?" He looked anxious to know.

"It's OK......"

Ryuguin Aoyama accidentally raised his eyes and saw Kumagiri Rikiya standing at the school gate. His expression changed slightly.

"Just pass? How just pass? Can I pass all the exams? ? ?"The principal was anxious and didn't care about his image. He held on to Zhu's arm with both hands.

Ryuguin Qingshan pulled his arm away and ignored the principal. He strode towards the school gate.

"Hey, can you tell me whether you can pass?~~~"The principal yelled at the top of his voice.

The Mikami brothers, standing in front of the upstairs window, saw Kumakiri Rikiya, one of the Four Heavenly Kings of Housen, standing in front of the school gate. The two brothers immediately realized something and turned around and left the class.

They kicked open the door of Class C,"Hey, gorilla, hurry up! Kumakiri Rikiya from Housen is here to find Aoyama, call everyone up"

"Kumagiri Rikiya......"

Makise Takashi read the name and immediately realized what was going on.

"Hey, boys! Stop messing around, it's time to get down to business!!!"

Makise Takashi called the people from Class C, and the Mikami brothers gathered the brothers from Class B. The two groups met in the corridor and went down the stairs.

"Don't Suzuran and Fengxian have a non-aggression agreement? Why did Kumakiri Rikiya go after Aoyama?" Suzuki asked as he caught up. Sanshangxue shook his shoulders,"Who cares? They are looking for trouble with Aoyama. It doesn't matter whether there is an agreement or not. If Fengxian wants to do it, we Suzuran will accompany him!"

"" Yes, let's do it!" agreed Mikami Gou.

Although Makise Takashi did not say anything, the expression on his face said it all.

Genji, who was standing in front of the window, watched the group of people leave the school, frowned slightly, and said,"What are they going to do?"

"It seems that Ryuguin Aoyama and Fengxian are fighting!!"

"Now it's going to be interesting. As long as they fight, the balance between Lily of the Valley and Phoenix will be broken."

Genji turned his head to look at the person who was speaking and asked calmly,"Broken, then what?""

"It will no longer be a matter between people or groups, but between two schools. Linglan and Fengxian will go to war!!"

PS: Ask for support, big guys!

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