
He promised his sister Misaki that he would go to the countryside to see her. Before going to the station to take the bus, Ryuguin Aoyama went to the hospital first.

He wanted to ask the attending physician about the materials he had submitted before. It had been a while, and see if there was any progress, but the result was that he had to wait.

Holding the cake that Misaki wanted to eat, Ryuguin Aoyama got on the bus to the station.

After getting on the bus, he turned his head and looked at the back of the bus. He saw a person in a silver-white school uniform looking at the bus he was sitting on.

This time he saw clearly that the school uniform was Fengxian's school uniform, so the person wearing the school uniform was Fengxian's person.

Retracting his gaze, Ryuguin Aoyama frowned slightly. There was one thing that made her puzzled, that is, he had never dealt with Fengxian's people, why would Fengxian attack him?

This was a doubtful point, and it was also a point that Ryuguin Aoyama couldn't figure out no matter how hard he thought.

The bus continued to move forward, and Ryuguin Aoyama didn't think about it anymore. Since he couldn't figure it out now, it would be fruitless to think about it again.

Sitting on the train to the countryside, Ryuguin Aoyama put the cake in his hand on the seat beside him.

After two and a half hours, they arrived at the station in the countryside, and Ryuguin Aoyama walked out of the train carrying the cake. Outside the platform, Misaki smiled and waved at him,"Brother, brother! This way, this way."

Looking at Misaki, Ryuguin Aoyama smiled and walked towards Misaki, and saw a familiar figure out of the corner of his eye, leaving from another car exit.

It shouldn't be said to be 'familiar', it was the person wearing the Fengxian school uniform; when he wanted to chase after him, the person quickly ran into the train, and all the doors of the train were closed, and the train started to leave the station.

Misaki saw her brother standing there and not moving, so she came over from the other side and patted his arm,"Brother, what are you looking at?"

Ryuguin Aoyama turned his head, and the gloom on his face disappeared when he faced Misaki,"Nothing, I bought you the strawberry cake you asked me to buy it for you." Misaki took the cake and smiled widely,"Hehe, I was just saying it, I didn't expect you to really buy it!"

Ryuguin Aoyama poked her forehead with his hand. This girl said one thing and meant another. If he didn't buy it, she would definitely grumble a few words.

Holding the cake in her hand, Misaki smiled and took his arm, tilted her head and asked jokingly,"Brother, do you think that if I hold your arm like this, will others misunderstand that we are a couple?"

Ryuguin Aoyama looked down at the hand holding his arm, just smiled and tapped her head again.

Looking at Misaki, she is already in the first year of high school, and she is moving closer to adults in terms of both physical development and thinking.

It's not surprising that she would be thinking about lovers at the peak of her youth. Even if she talks about love with someone,......

Ryuguin Aoyama was walking when he suddenly stopped and said with a serious expression,"Misaki......Is it okay to study here?"

Being asked suddenly if it was okay, Misaki hesitated a little, but still answered:"It's fine~" Do you have someone you like in school? This question was repeated several times by Ryuguin Aoyama, but he never said it out loud.

"That's good. Study hard in school and don't think about other messy things."

"Other, random, things? Brother, what do you want to say?"

Misaki was a little confused, and usually when they met, her brother never asked about her studies.

"Apart from studying, you should think less and ponder less about the messy things!" Longgongyuan Qingshan tapped her nose heavily with his hand.

"Eh?! Brother, didn't you say that it doesn't matter whether I study well or not, as long as I am happy?"

Hearing this girl say this, Longgongyuan Qingshan coughed twice to cover up his embarrassment and looked away.

"Yes, I did say that.......But you have to learn a little bit......."

He walked quickly to the front, took a deep breath, rubbed his hair in annoyance, looked at his sister who was catching up with him, and let out a long sigh. After staying in the countryside for one night, Ryuguin Aoyama prepared to leave by train the next afternoon.

He saw his sister waving her hand on the platform through the window, and Ryuguin Aoyama did not look away until the train left the platform.

The phone beeped, it was a message from Misaki;

‘Brother, when will you come next time? I just learned a new dish, I'll cook it for you! '

Longgongyuan Qingshan smiled as he read the message. It's okay to study cooking, it's better than spending your time on other things.

When he came out of the station, it was almost dusk, the sky was overcast and it was drizzling.

He didn't bring an umbrella and was too lazy to buy one in the store, so he ran towards the bus stop in the rain and stepped into a small puddle.

"Damn, bad luck."

Longgongyuan Qingshan stopped and bent down to see the dirty water splashing half of his trouser legs.

Inadvertently, he saw the familiar figure again, and thinking of yesterday, a surge of anger suddenly rushed up, Longgongyuan Qingshan stood up and chased after the figure.

The man realized that he was discovered, threw away the umbrella in his hand and ran away.

On the rainy street, two people were running in front and behind, one running desperately, and the other chasing wildly behind; the distance between the two people was shortening little by little.......

PS: Thank you for the reward support from [Recalling ╰ Memorial to That Year's Obsession]!

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