Ryuguin Aoyama pulled Suzuki, who was still bent over and didn't look up, away and stood in front.

"Oh, you really are......I am so upset!!!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he took a big step forward and swung his fist which he had already clenched.

Bang - a sudden attack, a punch hit the red-haired man in the face, and he staggered back several steps before he could stabilize himself.

"You kid......"

Before he could finish his words, he felt a heat in his nose. He raised his hand to wipe it, and his nose started bleeding.

Edogawa Suzuki, who was standing by, was stunned. He had been with Ryuguuin Aoyama all along, but he had never expected that this guy was so good at fighting.

The red-haired man looked at the blood on his palm, shrugged and chuckled,"Haha, it's bleeding, kid, it seems I have to let you see my strength!" He rushed over and grabbed Ryuguuin Aoyama's clothes, punching him hard in the face.


Edogawa Suzuki panicked when he saw this scene. He had never fought before, and he had never encountered any serious problems. But in this situation, his body was stiff and he couldn't move.

Seeing the fist coming towards his face, which was only two centimeters away, Ryuguin Aoyama raised his hand to grab the red-haired man's wrist. He looked down at the wrinkled clothes. Although he didn't like it, he couldn't let such a person ruin the clothes that Misaki bought for him.


Red Hair was a little surprised. He was so fast in throwing punches that he was caught by this guy.

Ryuguin Qingshan put his other hand on the hand that was grabbing the clothes. His eyes narrowed slightly, and he used force to pry Red Hair's hand away from the clothes.

The clothes were stained with blood from Red Hair's nose.

"You've made my clothes dirty."

He raised his leg and kicked out, releasing the hands that were holding the red-haired man.

With a plop, the red-haired man fell to the ground, his mouth hitting the ground, and two of his teeth were broken.


Spit out blood from mouth

"Damn you! Come again!!"

The red-haired man trembled and supported himself on the ground, trying to stand up again.

Ryuguin Qingshan bent down, stretched out his hand to grab the back of his neck and helped him up.

"Okay! We haven't settled the account yet, so of course we have to come again!"

Releasing his hand to let the red-haired man stand on his own, Ryuguin Qingshan took off the band-aid that was about to fall off his fist.

""Ah——you little brat!!!"


Ryuguin bent down to avoid the fist and quickly punched the opponent in the abdomen.


The pain in the red-haired man's abdomen made him unable to straighten his back.

He clenched his fists on his abdomen with both hands, staring fiercely at the guy in front of him.

He reacted quickly and punched hard.

Before he could stand up straight despite the pain, the opponent didn't give him time to breathe.

He broke free from the restraints on his hands, pressed his shoulders, and punched him in the abdomen three times steadily and fiercely.

With the last punch, the hand on his shoulder loosened, and his body fell backwards involuntarily.

Damn it, he lost! He lost without getting any benefit.

Seeing the red-haired man lying on the ground unable to move, Edogawa Suzuki ran up and looked at Aoyama with admiration.

"Qingshan You......You are amazing!!!"

Ryuguin Qingshan patted his wrinkled clothes, and the system voice in his mind sounded again:

【Ding Dong! Congratulations to the host for completing the system task. The system rewards you with a physical enhancement of +5 and a money bonus of +2000. 】

Strengthen your physical fitness? Money bonus?

Ryuguin Aoyama felt a slight strangeness in his body. His fatigue disappeared, and the feeling of clenching his fist was also a little different.

Where is the reward money?

He touched his trouser pocket, which contained the bank card he brought with him when he went out. Did the money go directly into it?

He walked out a few steps quickly, then turned around and squatted in front of the red-haired man lying on the ground,"Hey, your clothes are dirty, give me the laundry fee!"

The red-haired man took the money out of his pocket and handed it over with shaking hands. He felt aggrieved in his heart. He was beaten and couldn't move, but he still had to pay the laundry fee.

With the money, Ryuguin Aoyama got up and left quickly. He found an ATM machine and inserted the card. Sure enough, there was an extra sum of money in it.

Edogawa Suzuki, who was waiting outside, saw Aoyama coming out and followed him over.

"" Hello, what's wrong? Why are you here out of nowhere?" Suzuki was confused. He had just finished a fight and now he was at the ATM. He really couldn't figure out what the connection was.

Putting away the bank card in his hand, Ryuguin Aoyama smiled and shook his head,"No, nothing! Come on, I'll treat you to some ice water~"

Suzuki stood on tiptoe and hooked Aoyama's shoulders,"Why drink some ice water? Come to my house, I'll treat you to sushi! There are just some new varieties, let you try them first!"

The two walked towards the sushi restaurant of Suzuki's family.

On the way home from Suzuki's house, he received a call from Misaki, telling him that she had safely returned to her grandmother's house in the countryside.

Listening to Misaki's voice on the other end of the phone, Aoyama smiled slightly.

"Brother, when will you come to the countryside? My classmates all know that I have a brother, and everyone wants to meet you!"

"Meet me? Meet me for what?!"

"I told them that you are tall and handsome, hehe!"

A silver bell-like laughter came through the phone, and Qingshan raised the corner of his mouth.......

PS: I just finished writing this chapter in the early morning. Thank you for your support!

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