It was not until Hayashida Hui walked past him that Genji realized that he had been lighting a cigarette for a long time but had not yet lit it. He used his lighter to light the cigarette he was holding and took a puff from his lips. Was this Hayashida Hui really Serizawa's apprentice? ? ?

Hayashida Hui was Serizawa's apprentice. This was said by his former junior high school brother Shisheng. For the sake of their past friendship, he believed Shisheng's words.

But now, regardless of whether it was true or not, he didn't care for the time being. The only thing in front of him was to build his GPS Corps, his own"Lily of the Valley Crow Group"’......

Ryuguin Aoyama didn't come to class one day. When the Mikami brothers saw him, they immediately came to him and said with a smile:"You were not here yesterday, so you didn't see the scene of Serizawa fighting the gorilla." The

Mikami brothers continued:"In the end, the gorilla was defeated, but Serizawa still couldn't eat the bone of Class C. As long as the gorilla doesn't give in, his gorilla army will not belong to Serizawa's command."

"So, the battle was in vain, haha!!!"

The two brothers said one sentence after another, and finally haha���He laughed loudly, laughing at Serizawa's wasted efforts.

But this was not the first time that Serizawa had wasted his efforts. There had been such situations before.

Because of the gorilla's spirit of not admitting defeat and becoming more and more courageous, his brothers were willing to continue to follow him even if they lost.

Ryuguin Aoyama listened to what they said, just smiled, and didn't say much.

Suddenly, Mikami Gou shouted, pointed downstairs, and shouted:"Look, that Takiya Genji, this guy has also moved!" Ryuguin Aoyama stood up from his seat, leaned out of the window, and saw Genji followed by a group of people, walking in front of the teaching building.

Suzuki, who had just gone out, ran in from outside and shouted:"Takiya Genji, you know! He just accepted a class, I saw, he did it this morning."

Ryuguin Aoyama didn't show much reaction, after all, they had a brief chat in the bar. It is normal for

Genji to take action now, after all, he repeatedly emphasized that he would not stop taking action to take down the"Lily of the Valley Peak".

They had already walked through the teaching building, and Ryuguin Qingshan sat back down.

Sanxue stretched his body left and right, and said excitedly,"How about Qingshan? It's time for us to move around too!""

"Oh, this one, definitely......."

Before Ryuguin Qingshan could finish his words, he heard a prompt from the system in his head.

【Ding Dong! Hot-Blooded Battle System Mission: Fight against Tokaji Yuji! 】

Seeing that Ryuguin Aoyama suddenly stopped talking in the middle of his sentence, Sanxue knocked on the table in front of him,"Hey, Aoyama, keep talking, why did you stop?"

Bang - the door of the classroom was suddenly opened, and a classmate with a bruised face rushed in, stumbling to Ryuguin Aoyama

"Oh no, we, our class......Got beaten!!!"


Mikami Gou grabbed the person in front of him

"Hey, who beat you up? Was it Takiya Genji? It was him, right?!!"

"Shit, it must be that guy."

Sansho cursed, kicked over the desk behind him, turned his head,"Let's go Aoyama! Takiya Genji has started to ask our B class for money!"

Looking at the two impatient brothers, Ryuguuin Aoyama didn't think it was Genji who did it.

Even if Genji wanted to ask for money from B class, according to Genji's personality, he would definitely come to B class to find him. After all, the current B class belongs to him, Ryuguuin Aoyama.

"Wait, let him explain clearly, who beat you up?"

The student whose clothes were grabbed turned his head and looked at him,"It was Tokaji! He deliberately found an excuse to beat us up. One of our brothers was tied to a tree behind the teaching building."

"Tokaji? Tokaji Yuji!" Ryuguuin Aoyama kept repeating his name.

Standing up from his seat, Ryuguuin Aoyama strode out of the classroom, followed by the Mikami brothers, Suzuki and the people from Class B. A large group of people went down the stairs and headed to the place behind the teaching building where they were beaten.

Just now, Takiya Genji led his people past the teaching building, and now Ryuguuin Aoyama led a large group of people downstairs. People who didn't know the situation thought that the two of them were going to fight.

Ryuguuin Aoyama walked all the way to the tree where the person was tied, staring at the miserable person on the tree.

The people behind him stepped forward to untie the brother on the tree, and two people supported him back to the team;

"Who knows where Tokaji is now?"

Hearing what Ryuguin Aoyama said, the Mikami brothers turned their heads and shouted,"Hey, who knows where Tokaji is?!"

A voice in the crowd shouted,"The school basketball court, Tokaji should be playing basketball there!"

"Hey, Aoyama, people are at the basketball court. Let's go over there now!"

Ryuguin Aoyama took out a cigarette and lit it, sneering,"Let's go."

At this time, Tokaji Yuji was in a very good mood. Serizawa wanted to keep Ryuguin Aoyama, and he couldn't fight against Ryuguin Aoyama, so it wouldn't have any effect if he taught the people in Class B a lesson.

Thinking about this in his mind, Tokaji Yuji grabbed the basketball, jumped up, threw the basketball in his hand, and steadily shot a three-pointer.

"Not bad, Tokaji, you have a good touch today!"

Tokaji Yuji smiled,"I can do better."

A few people chatted and continued to play basketball.

PS: Come on!

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