Since the last revenge battle of Class C failed, the brothers in the class have gathered their strength to compete with Ryuguin Aoyama again.

This time, they are determined to avenge their previous humiliation and win.......

"Big Brother! We are all ready. Pick a time and let's challenge Ryuguin Aoyama from Class B again!"

"Fight against Ryuguin Aoyama again! Fight against Class B again!"

Looking at his brothers who were working hard and excitedly, Makise Takashi was happy, but he felt a little uncomfortable in his heart.

"Is everyone ready?" Makise Takashi shouted

"As long as the eldest brother gives the order, brothers can do it anytime!!!"The sound was deafening, and the desks were knocked"clang clang" and resounded throughout the teaching building.

The class bell had rung for a long time, but the teacher standing outside the classroom was reluctant to go into the classroom to teach.

The students in the class were about to fight again. As a weak teacher, he didn't dare to say a word at this time, and even wanted to hide. There was a commotion here and it was time to start a fight. Serizawa, who had been silent for many days, also began to act. Just as Tokaji said, he would sweep one class after another and finally unify the entire third year of high school.

However, Serizawa chose to skip Class B and start from Class C. He felt that the best show should be saved for the end, and Ryuguin Aoyama was his"good show".

The teacher outside the door saw that the students in the class were about to rush out of the class, and his legs became weak with fear. The textbook fell from his arms to the ground and he didn't have time to pick it up. He hurriedly left the classroom.

Makise Takashi took off the fixator on his lower jaw and smashed it with a punch. His expression was extremely serious,"Then, go ahead!!"

The door of the classroom was opened with a clang, and Makise Takashi walked out first, followed by his brothers.

People in the corridor were squeezed against the wall to let them pass first; on the other side of the corridor, Serizawa led his"Hundred Beasts Army" to stride forward.

The two teams met at the door of Class B, and both sides stopped at the same time. When Makise Takashi put his hand on the door of Class B and was about to open it,


Serizawa slapped the door of Class B hard, holding it down, preventing Makise Takashi from opening it. Makise Takashi, the leader, glared at Serizawa in front of him,"Hey, Serizawa! You have nothing to do today, so get out of the way."

Serizawa's actions made Makise Takashi subconsciously think that he was trying to settle things for Ryuguin Aoyama.


Serizawa chuckled,"Let's fight! Gorillas."

Serizawa never liked to explain, he would keep it simple; his goal was to tame the gorilla in front of him and completely take down Class C.

Upon hearing Serizawa say this, Makise Takashi suddenly swung his fist and hit Serizawa in the face.

Serizawa, who was hit, only had a little skin broken at the corner of his mouth, and he looked fine.

The Mikami brothers in Class B saw the commotion outside through the glass, with a playful smile on their faces, and the two brothers continued to play with baseballs in the class.

Seeing that the Mikami brothers were acting like nothing had happened, Suzuki couldn't sit still and got up from his seat.

"What should we do? Makise Takashi is here to challenge Aoyama, so that Serizawa Tamao should be helping Aoyama, right?"

The reason why Suzuki asked if Serizawa was helping Ryuguin Aoyama was because they had played mahjong together before, and he thought maybe Serizawa was helping.

After hearing what Suzuki said, the Mikami brothers stopped playing baseball, laughed and clapped their legs,"Stupid!"

"Am I stupid? Why did Serizawa outside the door fight with Makise Takashi outside?" Suzuki really couldn't figure out the reason.

Mikami Gou:"Do you need a reason to fight with Suzuran?"

""Eh???" Suzuki touched his head, thinking about Aoyama's previous action, as if there was no original intention,"It seems unnecessary."

Sanshangxue shrugged,"That's it! Besides, Serizawa will be kind enough to help Aoyama?! Don't be funny, he just wants to annex Class C."

Taking over Sanshangxue's words, Mikami Gou continued:"It's just that the gorillas happened to arrive in time."

After being explained by the two of them, Suzuki also understood. He looked at the fierce fighting outside and realized that Aoyama was not in school at this time.

It just so happened that Ryuuguuin Aoyama was picked up by Yumiko today to see the new store she was going to open, and he did not come to school early in the morning.

The Mikami brothers continued to play baseball. As long as the gorilla opened the door of their Class B, they would definitely lead the entire Class B to fight Makise Takashi.

But now they were intercepted by Serizawa, and Ryuuguuin Aoyama was not in school. The two brothers could only wait for the outcome of the fight outside and act according to the circumstances.

The glass of the classroom was broken from the outside, and half of a person's body was pressed against the window frame and was pushed into the Class B classroom.

Mikami kicked the man out and yelled,"Don't fucking cross the line of Class B!"

The glass was broken, so the people in Class B moved a desk and placed it on the broken window. No one in the class was affected at all. They just played and slept.

Edogawa Suzuki took out his cell phone, edited a text message and sent it to Ryuguin Aoyama.

PS: The little author begs for support. Tomorrow is New Year's Eve, and I would like to congratulate all the big guys in advance. Good luck!

If you have extra flowers, comments, and monthly tickets, please support me! Thank you.

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