Ryuguin Qingshan strode forward and picked up the gang leader on the ground. He threw him heavily onto a game console, pressed his hands on his shoulders, and punched him again and again.


Seeing the gang leader on the game console being punched with a fist and blood flowing down his mouth, his hands, which were originally grabbing Ryuguin Qingshan's clothes, now fell down helplessly. With the last punch, Ryuguin Qingshan used great strength,"Bang!"——"

The gang leader's eyes rolled back, and he fell to his side, unconscious, unable to move, his body sliding down the game console to the ground.

Ryuguin Qingshan loosened his fist, turned around and looked at the four people who had gotten up from the ground.


A roar made people's hearts tremble.

Ryuguin Qingshan took the initiative to rush forward, swinging his fists quickly, punching one person to the ground at his feet, raising his foot and kicking him away.

He pressed the shoulder of the other person who rushed up, raised his right fist and hit him hard.

"Oh shit!!"

"Do you think being a gangster is your capital for being rampant?!"

As he spoke, he turned around and punched a man who was trying to attack him from behind.

His eyes fell on the steel baseball bat that the gang leader had just taken from the ground. He waved it twice casually, looking at the four people with a cold look.

"you you、......"

He began to speak unclearly, his legs trembled slightly, and he stepped back involuntarily.

Ryuguin Qingshan stepped forward, his eyes fell on one of them, and he swung at one of them.


The man started to scream before the baseball bat hit him.

When Ryuguin Aoyama touched his body, he used his wrist to control the baseball bat.


The pain that was supposed to come did not come, and I looked towards the baseball bat that had stopped, shaking my body.

"I was just trying to scare you, but this is real!" Ryuguin Qingshan punched him hard.

Bang - the man fell heavily to the ground, and a big gold tooth fell out of his mouth.

The hooligans who were always feared were dealt with one by one by Ryuguin Qingshan, and were knocked to the ground and couldn't get up.

The onlookers didn't say anything to stop them, and no one called the police. To them, these guys often harassed people.

Now that they were severely punished, they lay on the ground like dogs, motionless, which was really satisfying.


Ryuguin Qingshan threw away the baseball bat he was using to scare them, kicked away the body of a person who was blocking his way, and strode towards the door of the game hall.

【Ding Dong! Congratulations to the host for completing the system extra task, reward +50000】

""Ah! Brother!" Misaki raised her head in surprise.

"Let's go buy a cake."

"those people......"

"Whatever they are doing, let's go."

Ryuguin Aoyama reached out and held her hand, pulling them out of the game hall in a hurry.

Misaki turned her head to see what was going on inside the game hall, but she was surrounded by people and couldn't see clearly what was going on inside.

The owner of the game hall received a notice from the clerk and hurried into the store from outside. Some of the people who were watching the excitement had already dispersed, and five thugs were lying on the ground motionless.

The boss called out,"Hurry up, carry the people out, carry them out! Damn it, it affects business!"

Under the command of the boss, the clerk carried the people on the ground and put them on the street, asking the passing police to deal with the matter.

A student who was playing games saw the big gold tooth left on the ground with sharp eyes, and secretly picked it up and put it in his pocket when no one was paying attention.

Just as he was about to walk out of the main door, he was grabbed by the arm by the owner of the game hall.

"Take it out!"Stretch out your hand

"What, what? What are you taking out, uncle?"

"The gold tooth on the ground, student, you'd better take it out, otherwise......You will bear the consequences at your own risk."

The words 'you will bear the consequences at your own risk' made the student feel uneasy.

The gangsters were not people he could afford to mess with, and neither was the store owner.

He put his hand into his pocket and took out the big gold tooth he had just put into his pocket, put it in the store owner's hand, and hurried out through the door.

The game hall owner didn't care about the gold tooth.

What he cared about was that the gangsters would come to his store to make trouble after their injuries healed, and ask him to compensate them for the gold tooth.

Outside the store, the owner heard the police calling an ambulance, and he chased after them, put the gold tooth in the hands of the medical staff, and said worriedly:"Be sure to reinstall it."......

It rained for almost a day and finally stopped in the evening. The brother and sister who bought cakes at the cake shop walked slowly on the way home.

Misaki, who was walking behind, saw the wound on her brother

's hand and a trace of heartache flashed in her eyes. She took two quick steps, stretched out her hand and held her brother's hand, feeling the warmth in his palm, and whispered:"Brother, you are here.......Really good!"

She raised her eyes and smiled sweetly at him.

An accident took away her parents, but fortunately she had her brother to accompany her.

Ryuguin Aoyama looked at Misaki's smiling face, a little smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and his hand tightly held her hand......

The sunset after the rain colored the sky, the streets gradually became more crowded, and the trains whizzed by.

For others, today was just an ordinary rainy day, but for Misaki, it was of great significance.

PS: The author apologizes to the big guys, I suddenly had something to do, I just came back, and the update is late!

I will give you the next chapter!

Daily apologies.

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