Seeing that he remembered, the man continued,"Since you remember, it's easy. Don't say we bullied you!!!"

While he was talking, his hand slowly moved the baseball bat, preparing to give the other party a surprise attack.

Ryuguin Qingshan's eyes had noticed the small movement of his hands, but on the surface he pretended not to notice it at all.

"You are like this, and you still want to bully me? Haha......"He sneered.

As he spoke, the baseball bat was already swinging towards his head.......

Suzuki, who was standing not far away, saw the baseball bat raised and rushed towards them faster than his brain could think. He tried to push Ryuguin Aoyama away.

Just as the baseball bat was about to touch Ryuguin Aoyama's body, Ryuguin Aoyama firmly grabbed the man's wrist and stopped his arm.


Suzuki, who had just come up to him, was stunned. He was still thinking about helping Aoyama, but he was redundant instead. He withdrew his hands in dismay.

Ryuuguuin Aoyama then punched the man and sent him flying.

The people who had just been taught a lesson by Serizawa felt pain in their faces and bodies when they saw their leader being punched and sent flying. They did not dare to step forward easily. Ryuuguuin

Aoyama strode up to the man and stared at the man on the ground,"The dark and strong Toe Ichiro is your younger brother, so what is your name Toe?"

The man on the ground supported himself with his hands and moved back a little bit, staring at Ryuuguuin Aoyama with some horror in his eyes, thinking of the news he heard from his younger brother.

‘That guy's fists are like fists of steel’

‘Just one punch knocked him to the ground and he could hardly get up. '

Now I've experienced it. It's just as my brother said. It's hard and powerful.......

"Hey, what's your name? My younger brother is called Yichilang, and you shouldn't be called Erjilang, so what's your name?"Ryuguin Qingshan repeated what he had just said.

"I, my name is...Crossing the River and Gaoling......"He trembled as he spoke his name.

Ryuguin Qingshan suddenly chuckled, then squatted down, grabbed the man by the collar, and pulled him closer to him.

"So, Dujiang Gaoling, are you still going to beat me up for your brother?" He was beaten into this state by two people in front and behind, and it was better to beat him up than to be beaten back. Moreover, the people he brought with him were simply human sandbags in front of these young guys.

"No, no repair......."Dujiang Gaoling endured the pain in his body and the psychological humiliation, and could only bow his head and admit defeat.

Ryuguin Aoyama loosened his hand and nodded slightly,"Well, since you are not going to punish me, then I will leave. Don't say I didn't give you a chance." After that, he stood up.

He waved at Izaki Shun and the others, indicating that it was time for them to leave.

Then he turned his head and looked at Dujiang Gaoling, his eyes slightly cold,"Go back and tell Dujiang Ichiro that since he transferred to Suzuran, he must abide by the rules of Suzuran. If you can't do it yourself, then don't be so arrogant." Dujiang

Gaoling nodded repeatedly, and now he could only nod.......

After watching Ryuguin Aoyama and his group leave, Tojiang Gaoling got up from the ground and left from the gate of Suzuran School with his people.

On the way to the bar, Makise Takashi mysteriously pulled Ryuguin Aoyama aside, and when he saw Sangaku approaching, he pushed him away.

"Qingshan, what you said last time......"

"Have you asked Ruka to tell Xiao Huizi? I have been waiting for some time, but there is no news. I am so a hurry......"

He was talking anxiously, and beads of sweat were already appearing on his forehead.

Ryuguin Aoyama felt a little guilty. He had been busy recently and had completely forgotten about this matter. He was too embarrassed to say he had forgotten it when he saw Makise Takashi's face.

"that...Makise, you can't be impatient about this. Girls need a process. Just wait a little longer, and maybe you'll get some news.~"

"How long does the process you mentioned take?" Makise Takashi asked anxiously.

"this......"Ryuguin Aoyama is a bit speechless

"this...It could be as short as a week, or as long as one or two months! If there is still no movement after one or two months, you can give up."

Makise Takashi suddenly felt like a deflated ball.......

Ryuguuin Aoyama sighed in his heart and wanted to say something to comfort him, but nothing he said could compare to finding him a girlfriend.

A group of people came to the bar where they usually drink, and the atmosphere in the bar was as lively as ever.

But today was a little different. The person singing on the stage had changed, and there was no sign of Ruka Aizawa below.

Ryuguuin Aoyama leaned against the counter and shouted to the middle-aged man inside:"Why did someone change today? Why isn't she here!"

""Ruka-chan is resting today. If you miss her, you can go to her house to see her~" the man said jokingly, and brought a few large glasses of beer on a plate from below and handed them to Ryuguin Aoyama.

It was good that Ruka Aizawa was not in the bar today, as Makise couldn't see her, so he naturally wouldn't think about Keiko when drinking.

He came to their table with beer,"Come on! Drink as much as you can tonight and make up for last night!!"

Everyone raised their beer glasses and clinked them together, shouting,"Cheers!!!"

There was a person in the corner watching them silently.......

Ryuka Aizawa, who was resting at home, suddenly sneezed, rubbed her nose with her hand, and muttered:"Is it a cold??"

Thinking about it, it should be impossible, Ryuka Aizawa continued to cook.

PS: Thank you for the flowers, monthly tickets, and evaluation tickets!

Thank you [1300***5952】Thanks for the reward and support from the big guys!

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