“Let’s take it.”

After blocking two attacks, Kevin also swung his sword and rushed forward.

His speed was fast, and the strength on his arm was increasing every second, until he was in front of Chen Dao.


In the face of such a rapid attack move, Chen Dao also unhurriedly pulled out his weapon for defense, which was a weapon he created by using the power of the Law of Reason, a super low-end version of the Heavenly Fire Saint Tailor.

It doesn’t have the powerful performance of the original, but it’s more than enough to use as a weapon.

Immediately, the two looked at each other and began to fight.

The upper part began to fall into a state of battle, and the gray snake and Walter watching the battle below looked up in unison, both of them quite concerned about who the final victor was.

However, in the eyes of the gray snake, Kevin will not lose.

Walter is a little worried, after all, how much Chen Dao’s strength has improved is still unknown.

“It’s like a black hole!”

After several battles, Chen Dao found that his strength was now comparable to Kevin’s, so he directly decided to use the new lawyer power, and familiarize himself with it by the way.

And with the extraction of the collapse energy in his body, a small black hole gradually suspended in the palm of his hand, which is one of the powers of the Law of Reason, which can banish anyone to this black hole.

However, it is also very energy-consuming to use this trick, but there is no need to worry about this.

When the quasi-black hole formed, he watched Kevin throw it directly.

The latter was immediately sucked in by the black hole’s massive gravity and disappeared.

Although this is only a simulated black hole, it contains enough gravity to pull a continent.

After Kevin’s figure disappeared, Chen Dao did not relax at all, because the imitation inside the black hole he created seemed to erupt with a very huge force, which quickly broke through the upper limit of this black hole, and then a figure appeared in the eyes of the three.

The Desire Gem was held by Kevin, but this time he appeared a lot differently, with several more broken beast organs, a pair of pointed ears, a long tail, and even wings.

Fusion warrior form?

Chen Dao was not surprised, and immediately recognized the other party’s current state.

Each Fusion Warrior has the skills that you can use to the fullest, but your appearance will change as your strength increases.

This form of Kevin is called Karma Demon, and it is his true strongest fighting stance.

“You’re good!”

Kevin spoke, and then rushed at a faster speed, and the aura around his body instantly skyrocketed several times.

Chen Dao greeted him, and then when the two fought together again, he instantly fell into the downwind, and his strength was crushed in all aspects.

Lean, a bit outrageous.

Chen Dao was more and more frightened, and quickly used the space wormhole to distance himself from Kevin, he was really a little invincible in this state.

If Kevin in ordinary human form is at the level of Lauderdale, then he is the first human being in the final form, and his strength has not only increased several times, but even his sense of battle is the same.

Anyway, Chen Dao was difficult to parry, and in the end, he could only use the spatial wormhole to avoid the opponent’s attack.

Depend, if it weren’t for the power of imaginary amplification that couldn’t be used in the Quantum Sea, I wouldn’t have to be so embarrassed.

Chen Dao is very uncomfortable, in fact, the strength he currently shows is not all of him, if he adds the power of imaginary numbers, he may also be able to parry, because the increase in imaginary numbers is enough to increase his strength several times.

When Kevin used his full strength, Chen Dao fell into a disadvantage more and more, and finally he directly said that he would not fight.

“Don’t fight, you pervert.”

Chen Dao teleported back to the bottom again, which meant that he had temporarily admitted defeat.

Karma Demon Kevin slowly fell, looking directly at Chen Dao.

Don’t see that he won easily, but it was the first time Kevin had seen someone who could hold out for so long in his fused warrior state.

Moreover, the source of the young man’s power in front of him is still very complicated, and it is really strange to have three legal powers at the same time.

Can the other party seize the authority of the lawyer?

Kevin took out the Desire Gem, its power had been consumed at the moment, enough to leave the Quantum Sea with the Gray Snake on his own.

“When you go out, you can come to the World Serpent on your own, and then I will open the door to the promised land for you.”

After Kevin finished speaking, he also threw the gem over, and then was picked up by Chen Dao.

“You don’t want it?”

He was a little surprised, so willful?

Kevin did not reply, but pulled the gray snake to break through the space of the quantum sea and left.

Chen Dao and Walter were left looking at each other.

“It seems that we are not taken seriously.”

After seeing Kevin’s true strength, Walter shook his head with a wry smile, he discovered for the first time how weak his strength was.

The battle between the two just now can easily destroy a city if it is put in reality.

Chen Dao really nodded thoughtfully, and then took the Desire Gem, probably guessing Kevin’s thoughts.

He must have seen something special about himself, so he threw the gem over.

As for why he did this, the reason was actually very simple, because Kevin didn’t care that Chen Dao would surpass him if he got the gem stronger.

Or rather, he expected Chen Dao to surpass him.

This can be seen from the original plot, and in the final finale, Kevin has always played a similar existence to an obstacle.

A BOOS who blocked in front of Kiana and the others with absolute strength, but showed a relieved expression after being defeated.

He never agreed with Project Stigmata and always hoped that someone would surpass him and give the earth a better future.

And since Kiana can do it, Chen Dao will not feel that he can’t do it.

Even he will do better.

“Okay, we should go back and see Bronia.”

After Chen Dao saw Kevin leave, his heart also ignited a thirst for strength.

With his eyes set on the longing gem, he said to Walter next to him.

“yes, it looks like I’m going back to reality too.”

Kevin is gone, and Walter knows that his mission is complete and that he can finally go home.

As for what the future holds, it is necessary to see Chen Dao’s explanation.

After returning to the space of the Law of Reason, the situation here at the moment is somewhat beautiful, it is two girls holding each other.

The two girls poured out their longing, which made Chen Dao and Walter, who had just returned, a little embarrassed.

After glancing at each other, they chose to wait in silence.


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