Here, Naruto Uzumaki is still in a state of confusion.
Two kinds of chakras, two kinds of tailed beast coats, while corroding his skin, are quickly helping him heal.
The two nine-tails in the seal inside his body do not give in to each other…
This taste really cost Naruto Uzumaki half his life.
Let the helpless fourth-generation Hokage frequently ask for Yin Jiuwei, who is bound to him.
[“Mr. Nine Tails! What the hell happened to Naruto?!”]
[“The old man doesn’t know either…”]
After speaking, Yin Jiuwei suddenly remembered the reward Naruto Uzumaki once received, and the beast pupils suddenly widened——
【“Before! Naruto Uzumaki draw~ the selected reward!!”]
[“What?! Please clarify Mr. Kuo!” Seeing Yin Jiu’s sudden impatience, Minato Namikaze immediately became nervous. ]
[“Resurrection-tailed beast Kurama!” Yin Jiuwei said: “Kurama is the name of the old man!! But the half body of the old man has not been resurrected, and the other half of your son’s body is also good-existing…” 】
[Namikaze Minato: “?!!!”]
[Yin Jiuwei: “Then you said…the one who was resurrected by that terrifying question and answer…what is it?”]
It’s like a horror story.
At the moment, Minato Namikaze could only stare at Naruto’s reaction, unable to do anything.
On the other hand, the horror quiz won’t wait for Naruto’s chaotic state to pass.
Another slot machine pops up!
The metallic voice said—
[“Within 30 seconds, press the lever to select any independent life form…”]
Iruka: “Wait!! Naruto he—”
[“The countdown is about to start.”]
[“If the lever is not pressed within thirty seconds,”]
[“Randomly select thirty independent living entities…”]
“It’s just…”
“What a vexatious rule!!”
[“The countdown begins.”]
[“30, 29, 28…”]
At this time, Naruto’s state was still struggling with two nine-tailed chakras, and the countdown had already begun.
“What should I do?! Wake him up quickly!!” Many people began to panic.
“Wait!” Shikamaru suddenly found a question, “How big is the realm barrier this time?!”
Yes, they have been ignoring this problem! !
Qianshou Tobirama answered him quickly: “At least it includes the entire Konoha!” Because he came from another location in Konoha, if it was the same as before, the people who came after would be blocked outside the domain barrier!
“Tsk!” Shikamaru knew that the more urgent it was, the more he needed to calm down: “Sasuke! Kakashi-sensei! Use the Shaker to get the area of ​​the realm as soon as possible within ten seconds!”
“Ino and I are trying to control Naruto’s actions!!”
“Also,” Shikamaru analyzed: “That thing doesn’t say that only Naruto can press the lever…”
The implication is that before he and Ino successfully control Naruto, another person can also move the lever! !
But by whom? !
From the very beginning, this was the strongest psychological torture!
Including Naruto as well.
If you press it, you are a murderer, but if you don’t press it…
30 people will die here! !
Sasuke and Kakashi: “Sharing Eyes!!”
The two of them opened their three-hooked jade writing wheel eyes together, staring at the fast-rotating slot machine! !
The pictures in the slot machine can still be seen clearly with the help of the writing wheel!
“!!! Big name!” Kakashi suddenly exclaimed!
“The photo of the fire country daimyo just appeared!!” Kakashi roared: “The scope is expanded to the fire country!!”
Everyone present was surprised! Not only has the scope been expanded to the country of fire, but even the life of the daimyo has been controlled in the mechanism of the horror question and answer! !
“!!!” Sasuke’s face suddenly changed!
“Hey! Kakashi!!”
Kakashi: “!!!”
In the Shenwei space, Uchiha Obito, who opened his wheel-shaking eyes like Kakashi, pursed his lips: “Is even this area included in the realm…” Even he felt the terror behind this power. …”Ah…” Kakashi: “It’s the masked man…”
Sasuke snorted regretfully, “I should have pressed it just now!!”
Next to him, “Shadow Mimicry!” Shikamaru used his shadow to contain Naruto’s shadow!
The same goes for Ino next to him, “The art of turning the heart!!”
Then Ino entered Naruto’s inner world…
The terrifying chakras converged into a huge demon fox in front of Ino’s eyes. The evil power made Ino unable to move except trembling! !
“Ah!!!” Ino’s body trembled and screamed.
Shikamaru’s shadow imitation technique persisted for only one second before being pulled away by Naruto! !
Right at this moment-
“Shadow imitation technique!” “Mind disorder technique!!”
With two calm voices, they came from the mouths of two men behind Shikamaru Nara and Ino Yamanaka.
A towering vertebra with several scars on his face.
The other is a long pale golden ponytail with a serious expression.
The other ninjas immediately recognized the two:
“Captain Shikahisa!!”
“Captain Haiyi!!”
The two didn’t say much, the shadow of Nara Shikahisa followed Shikamaru’s shadow and rushed directly under Naruto’s shadow to control his actions!
“Tsk, as expected of the strongest nine tailed beasts!” Even if he wanted to completely control the tailed beasts, it would be a fantasy!
“Shadow Sewing: Black Flower!”
This move was originally used to trap multiple enemies at the same time. At this time, Shikahisa Nara grabbed Naruto’s limbs and torso from several angles!
“Calm down Naruto Uzumaki, is Haiyi under control?!”
Lu Jiu didn’t get a quick reply from his old friend, Yu Guang glanced over and saw the other person’s extremely shocked expression!
“What’s the situation? Haiyi!”
Yamanaka Hai, like his daughter Ino, entered the inner world of Naruto Uzumaki!
What he saw was no longer the terrifying portrait abstracted by Chakra.
It’s the dark and damp sewers…
A huge dark-gold cage…
Two identical nine-tails fighting each other? ! ! !
And Naruto Uzumaki stood still in front of the golden cage, not responding to the two nine tails.
“Naruto! Uzumaki Naruto!!”
Yamanaka Kaiichi tried to call him, but Naruto didn’t respond.
But one of the two nine tails turned his chakra into a claw and pushed Naruto towards him!
[“The little devil of the Yamanaka family! Take Naruto out!!”]
“This…” Yamanaka Haiichi was worried, Naruto was in a sluggish state, and Yamanaka Haiichi, who was not good at talking to and persuading others, didn’t know how to bring Uzumaki Naruto out of his inner world.
But the time is very tight. Although he is familiar with the four generations of Hokage, he has no idea why the four generations of Hokage chose to seal the nine tails in his son’s body.
[“Tsk!” Ku Lama tutted, this gap was caught by Yang Jiuwei, grabbed a tail and slammed it against the door of the cage! ! 】
[With the same voice, Yang Jiuwei looked even more low and evil: “Naruto, tear off the seal on the cage and borrow more power from the old man! Destroy those who deceive you!!”]
Yamanaka Haiichi: “Nine Tails!!”
At this time, Naruto in his arms finally reacted: “Destruction…”
He was forced out of the psychological world by Naruto.
And the countdown of the metallic sound outside has arrived——
Kakashi: “Fourth Raikage Ai!! The scope has expanded beyond the land of fire!!”
It’s too strong…
No one has ever been able to cover the enchantment beyond one country.
“The peach land will not be slashed again…” Sasuke: “The range also reaches the village of Hidden Mist in the Land of Water!! And this is Inari! The range covers the Land of Waves!!”
“Also! What’s that white thing?!!” Sasuke asked Kakashi: “Almost every twenty or thirty people will have a strange person with a white body!!”
And a certain crow on a telephone pole: “…”
‘Those are… Bai Jue? ! ! ’
‘do you know? Itachi! ’
‘Well, a member of Xiao’s organization, black and white absolutely. ’
Itachi talked to Shishui with Yueyue: “Although I knew that Bai Jue was a split part of Hei Jue, I didn’t expect there would be so many!”
Shishui stared at the image: “If you calculate it according to the current ratio… You said that Bai Jue at least has—”
“One hundred thousand!”
“One hundred thousand!!!”
The two spoke in unison! !
There is also Uchiha Obito who changed from Kenji to Kenju with a mask on!
Another sudden piece of information proves that Hei must have something to hide from him!
He even had a feeling that Madara might have been deceived by Hei Jue! ! !
So… what the heck is black absolute? ! ! !
What is the woman with white eyes and reincarnation in the previous image? ! !
Time is running out!
Sasuke looked away from the photo of the slot machine spinning quickly—
That being the case, the wicked let him, Uchiha, do it! !
He rushed to the slot machine and stretched his hand towards the lever…
Sasuke’s hand touched Sakura’s!
“Please let me come, Sasuke-kun!”
“Compared with the future self in the video, I am nothing right now,” Haruno Sakura’s face was serious, and that righteousness faintly had the momentum of Haruno Sakura during the Fourth World War in the video! !
“So!” she said, “please at least let me come this time…”
“Because we are all Konoha Kakasiban’s ninjas!!”
Kakashi’s hand covered Sakura and Sasuke’s, “Although I don’t know what I’m doing in the video, it’s not the teacher’s style to let the students rush in front of everything.”
An old hand grabbed the lower part of the lever.
“Lord Sandaime!”
“Lord Hokage!”
“Three generations of Hokage?!”
“Lord Hokage!!”
The third generation showed a soft smile on his face full of age spots: “The reason for this old man is the same as Kakashi’s.”
The four hands pressed down the lever of the slot machine forcefully at the same time——
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