As the white light entered his body, two pleasant system prompts rang in his ears:.

【Congratulations to the host for successfully accepting the eighth goddess - Shinjo Etsukiko."Goddess Record" feedback reward: rescue points: 2000, skills: Soul Binding (Purple), Devil Fruit: Sea King (Blue) *3, space marker】

【Congratulations to the host for successfully completing the mission: Prevent Etsukiko Shinjo from being harmed. Mission rewards: Appearance +1, Rescue value +500. 】

As the system prompts came down, the golden"Goddess Record" suddenly flipped, and finally stopped at the eighth page. Etsukiko~, dressed in a black and white OL outfit, slowly emerged on it.

Seeing the detailed information listed on it, Bai Ziyu felt it necessary to verify it personally.

A moment later, bursts of low sobs sounded in the originally silent presidential suite.

The bird perched in front of the window tilted its head, quietly watching everything that happened in the room, with confusion in its big eyes.

After a long time, after some actual verification, Bai Ziyu successfully came to the conclusion.

Sure enough, the information in"Goddess Record" is very accurate, without any mistakes.

《Goddess Records》:(?ω?)?

He lowered his head and gave a gentle kiss, holding the top-grade warm jade in his arms, Bai Ziyu casually checked the reward he had just received:

"Name: Soul Confinement and General Summoning

Type: Skill

Level: Purple

Effect: Able to summon and control souls. The user can manipulate souls to perform various tasks, or capture all spirits indiscriminately and use their power for their own benefit, or even devour and absorb their abilities.

Introduction: One of the Eight Wonders in a certain world, with extremely powerful power."

Seeing this effect introduction, Bai Ziyu raised his eyebrows slightly.

Then he slowly pulled his body out and went to the bathroom.

""Let me see the power of this Eight Wonders—Bin Souls and Summon Generals!" As soon as he finished speaking, a stream of black gas suddenly gushed out of his body.

The next moment, the black gas turned into a long black rope, and suddenly reached underground.

Soon, an illusory spirit slowly emerged.

At this time, he was bound by the long rope and was struggling constantly.

Looking at the familiar face, Bai Ziyu raised his eyebrows slightly:"Long time no see, Teacher Qiuyue!"

Hearing this nightmare voice, the spirit trembled all over, then raised his head and said in disbelief:"Hanyu Yuichi, how could it be you?!"

That's right, this spirit is Bai Ziyu's old acquaintance, the ghost beast—Akizuki Kozo!

Knowing that Bin Souls and Summon Generals can summon the souls of the dead, he couldn't help but feel itchy.

As a result, this try, unexpectedly, it really succeeded

""Teacher Qiuyue, aren't you happy to see me?"

Looking at the familiar smile of the other party, Qiuyue Xiaosan instantly recalled what happened that night.

He was smiling like this at that time and stabbed the knife into his heart.

Immediately, he was dominated by fear, shaking all over, and said in a trembling voice:"You, what do you want to do? You have killed me...."

He was halfway through his words when he suddenly realized what was happening. He must have thought,"Yes, I'm already dead, so why would I be afraid of you?"

"Hahaha~, Yuzuru Yui, there is a road to heaven but you don't take it, there is no door to hell but you break in, just come down and accompany me!"

As he said that, a chill suddenly burst out from Akizuki Kozo's body, causing the temperature in the bathroom to drop by more than five or six degrees in an instant.

"I really don’t know if you lost your brain when you died, and you can’t even see the situation clearly?"

""Forget it, destroy it!"

Shaking his head with a little helplessness, Bai Ziyu immediately swung out a thunderbird.

In an instant, thirty thunderbirds the size of sparrows, made of thunder, flew towards Qiuyue Xiaosan.

Thunder, which is extremely strong and masculine, is the nemesis of ghosts and other evil spirits.

So Qiuyue Xiaosan had no power to resist and was killed.

As for why he didn't swallow it to absorb its ability, Bai Ziyu said: What ability? Is it to make aphrodisiac? Are you kidding? He, Bai Ziyu, is a gentleman, how could he do such a despicable thing?

Besides, with his appearance and charm, does he need these things? He can have a large number of women fork over him with a wave of his hand....Ahem~

Afterwards, Bai Ziyu tried to summon Amemiya Kazuhiko and Takayanagi Tomioka, but ultimately failed.

"It seems that not everyone will become a ghost after death!"

He was touched and whispered softly, and then his mind moved and he put away the spirit-binding and general-sending

0 ···Request flowers···· ·······

Then, he casually took out the three Poseidon Fruits he had just obtained and swallowed them into his stomach in no time.

It was still the familiar taste, icy and a little sweet.

Then, his Poseidon ability successfully reached the blue third level:

Poseidon: With this ability, you can transform into the Poseidon and drive all water sources between heaven and earth to your use (the current stage is the blue third level, which can be strengthened to the highest gold level).

Skill 1, Water Waves: Stimulate the ability to gather water elements within a radius of fifteen meters for your use.

Skill 2, Water Arrow: Stimulate the ability to summon six water arrows with a length of twenty centimeters for attack.

After a simple check, Bai Ziyu closed the attribute panel with satisfaction, and slowly walked out of the shower room. He wanted to continue to rest while holding the top-grade soft jade, but the phone rang suddenly.


He looked closely and found it was his secretary.

He pressed the answer button and said softly,"Hello, Taozi, what's wrong?"

"Boss, are you coming back for lunch?"

"I am in Meiyuan City now and can’t go back until tomorrow. I will eat the food you cook tomorrow!"

""Oh~, so that's it!"

Feeling the disappointment of the secretary on the other end of the phone, Bai Ziyu had to comfort her softly.

In the evening, sitting at the dining table and looking at the empty main seat, Bai Shi Taozi couldn't help feeling a sense of disappointment.

Eating the same Sukiyaki as that day, she felt like chewing wax.

At that time, Bai Ziyu was enjoying the warm hospitality of the lady at Amemiya's house.

He hadn't been a guest here for several days, and he once again tasted the top-quality abalone made by the lady and Etsukiko.

During the period, the two women wanted to compete with each other and let him evaluate whose cooking skills were better.

In this regard, Bai Ziyu, who is well versed in the way of balance, gave a very pertinent answer:"Although the lady's abalone is a bit overcooked, the taste is just right; and Etsukiko's is cooked at perfect time, but the taste is slightly inferior."

"All in all, I like both of them!"

"Ah, Jie Yijun is so cunning that he doesn't offend anyone."

"That's right! Yuichi is really cunning..."......


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