Even Qingxi, who was always quiet, joined in.

These three women were a drama. That day, he was not watching his two wives giving birth, so he wanted to be more affectionate.

Forget it. I can't afford to offend them, but I can't hide.

After finding a reason, Ye Chen ran away.

All the way to the meeting room.

Now the human race has the method of fire and tree house.

Spread it according to Ye Chen's meaning.

The human race in this land has become much stronger invisibly.

After all, it is no longer exposed to the wind and rain, eating raw meat and drinking blood.

""Greetings, sir."

Yunhe and Shaogu were both there. Ye Chen said,"You are all here. It just so happens that I have something for you to do.""

"My lord, is it about marrying a wife or concubine? Yue'er told me that Elder Shaogu and I are discussing it and are preparing to select beautiful women of appropriate age from various tribes." Father-in-law Yunhe took the initiative to introduce.


You know everything?

I really married a good wife.

Even the father-in-law's work has been done.

That's good, so I don't have to arrange it myself.

However, Ye Chen now has his own standards for selecting beautiful women as wives and concubines.

At least they must have a single spiritual root and good bones like Qingxi and Yun'er.

Otherwise, the reward will not meet the needs and will be useless.

So the quality is controlled.

So Ye Chen said:"Well, that's right, but there are standards for selecting wives and concubines. I have two talismans for measuring bones. As long as a woman who meets the standards holds this talisman, it can be determined that if a single color appears, it meets the requirements. If red, orange, yellow, green and mixed colors appear, it does not meet the standards. If purple appears, it must be brought"

""Yes, sir."

Yunhe and Shaogu took it respectfully.

As it was a matter of great importance for the lord to marry a wife, the two dared not neglect it.

Shaogu bowed his head and said,"Sir, the leaders of the major tribes have come to make a pilgrimage recently. They have been arranged outside the tribe. Do you want to meet them?"


Ye Chen has been practicing recently, and he rarely pays attention to the affairs of the human race. They are all left to Shaogu and Yunhe.

Under their propaganda, the surrounding human races are very curious about Ye Chen, and this time, the selection of wives and concubines will also be selected from the surrounding human races.

With a little tricks, this work will surely begin.

Ye Chen nodded:"Okay, let's go and have a look."

There are many tree houses built temporarily in the tribe.

Those who come are the leaders of large, medium and small tribes.

They come here just to pay homage to Ye Chen.

Fire, tree houses, these are beneficial to the merits of the human race.

Let their tribe benefit endlessly.

They naturally have a pilgrimage-like mood for Ye Chen's existence.

Now that they have been summoned, they immediately let the tribesmen move the tribute cattle, sheep and other materials over.

""Greetings, sir!"

Looking at the human tribe leaders,

Ye Chen raised his hand and helped them up with a magical power.

For a moment, the tribal leaders were secretly shocked.

There was no doubt in their hearts. This was the method of the immortals.

""Thank you, sir, for your great grace!"

The human leaders who helped him up thanked him in unison.

The human race is weak, and they are protected by a strong human.

They admire Ye Chen even more in their hearts.

Ye Chen nodded lightly. These people are all powerful people in their respective tribes. They humble themselves to make pilgrimages. They have admiration in their hearts, but more importantly, they want to seek protection. Human nature is something that never changes.

So he said:"As a human, I feel that the human race is weak. I have received the merits of the way of heaven, and I have achieved enlightenment and cultivation. I should protect the human race. I have already informed the powerful people around me that the area within a million miles is my dojo. You don't have to worry about disasters when serving me. If anyone bullies my human race, he must be killed."

""Sir, your grace!"

All the tribesmen were so excited that they could warn the powerful around.

It takes a lot of cultivation to enclose a million miles of land.

This naturally includes the two tribes of witches and liches.

Ye Chen calmly accepted the salute.

Then he raised his hand and took out two spiritual fruits and said,"Yunhe, Shaogu, you have been running around to deliver wages for our people and teaching the method of tree houses. You have made great contributions. I will give you two longevity fruits. If you take them, you can live for a thousand years. You have made great contributions to our people and will be rewarded. Let's lay an immortal foundation for the human race together!"


What a guy.

All the unimplemented leaders were stunned.

Longevity fruit can give a thousand years of life.

What an honor and benefit!

Yunhe and Shaogu were so moved that they almost cried.

Kneeling on the ground:"Sir, this is what we should do for the human race. It is all your credit. I dare not take the credit."

Ye Chen's main job is to practice and get married.

Trivial matters should be left to other people.

One of them is his father-in-law, and the other is from his own tribe.

He can use them with confidence.

So he said:"No need to do so. I have seen everything you have done. If you have made a contribution, you must be rewarded. This fruit can not only improve your physical fitness, but also prolong your life. It is a reward for you."

Yunhe and Shaogu looked at each other and looked at the two suspended longevity fruits with excitement in their eyes. They immediately knelt down and kowtowed:"Thank you for your kindness, sir. We will go through fire and water for the human race without hesitation!"

This is the effect they want.

Seeing the jealous and envious eyes of the tribal leaders around him,

Ye Chen knew that the next work would be much easier.

So he nodded:"You guys take care of the next things"

""Yes, sir!"

Yunhe and Shaogu naturally knew what it was.

With them handling it, Ye Chen would have more time to practice.

Immortal cultivation is really addictive.

So he directly broke through the void and pretended to be good.

He disappeared in the amazed eyes of everyone.

After Ye Chen left. Yunhe and Shaogu, holding the longevity fruit. Then they stood up, their hearts surging.

Shaogu stood up and said:"Everyone, I have something to announce. The lord is practicing hard every day and it is difficult to extricate himself from the matter of continuing his offspring. Therefore, our subordinates naturally have to share his worries, so I plan to select girls of appropriate age from various tribes to serve the lord."


"This actually happened!"

"There are beautiful young people in my clan who can definitely help you share your worries!"

"It is an honor to serve you. You have made great contributions to the human race. Our tribe is willing to offer you ten beauties!"

As soon as the words fell, all the tribal leaders were upset. They all came to send beauties.

There was a lot of noise for a while.

But Yunhe's next words calmed the tribal leaders down.

"Everyone, the wives and concubines who serve the master must not only be beautiful, but also have the right physique. Everyone go back first, we will go over and select the right candidates soon. By the way, I have one more thing to say. If the wives and concubines of the master have good physique, they can practice immortal magic."


On the other side,

Ye Chen returned to the cave.

He withdrew his consciousness and smiled bitterly.

This Yunhe Shaogu is really good at doing things.

Next, he just needs to wait for the girls of the right age to come.

As for whether there are too many, what is too much?

Think about the later Yellow Emperor who ascended to heaven with three thousand women.

He, Ye, only has three wives, and he has a long way to go.

Cultivation is so boring, it is important to combine work and rest.


Just as Ye Chen was about to practice and learn some knowledge about formations, a powerful divine sense passed by. His subconscious divine sense was activated.

Now the divine sense of the Golden Immortal Stage is so vast.

With a sweep, he found a beautiful figure emerging in the clouds.

"Why is it her?"

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