After a while, she came to the living room and looked at the scene in front of her. Kuraki Reina's brain suddenly crashed.

Bai Ziyu did prepare a surprise for her, but this surprise was too big for her to bear.

Looking at the girl in her lover's arms, who looked exactly like her, Kuraki Reina's beautiful eyes widened and her cherry lips slightly opened:"Hao Yijun, you..."

Seeing the other party return, Bai Ziyu pulled Kuraki Mizuna, slowly came to her and said softly:"Lingcai, this is Mizuna, your twin sister!"

Hearing this, Kuraki Mizuna's delicate body trembled slightly.

In an instant, an inexplicable memory suddenly emerged in her mind.

That was when she was very young, she had always had a sister by her side. The two of them played hide-and-seek in the villa and caught butterflies in the garden together.

But suddenly one day, her sister was taken away by her parents"247" and there was no news from then on.

Having lost her sister, she could only pin her thoughts on a little bear doll.

The next moment, her crystal eyes were filled with waves, and a string of crystal tears slowly rolled down. Looking at the girl in front of her who looked exactly like her, Kuraki Mizuna choked with sobs:"Sister, it's really you!"

Slowly stretching out her right hand, gently wiping away the tears on the other's face, Kuraki Mizuna had a sweet smile at the corner of her mouth.

Feeling the slightly cool tenderness on her cheek, the tears in Kuraki Mizuna's eyes seemed to burst.

The next moment, she opened her arms and threw herself into the other person's arms.......

After a while, Kuraki Reina finally calmed down and pulled Kuraki Mizuna to the sofa, asking where she had been all these years and why she didn't come back to see her.

When she learned that she had been locked up in a dark cave in the back mountain for more than ten years, her tears, which had been stopped, began to flow again. She also knew the taboos of the Kuraki family, but she only thought that she was sent away by her parents. She never thought that she was...

When she thought about the other party's fate, which had a lot to do with herself, Kuraki Reina felt a sharp pain in her heart, as if pricked by a needle.

Gently stroking the cute little head, Kuraki Mizuna smiled calmly:"It's okay, it's fine now, I see Reina again, and Jie Yijun!"

As she said that, she gently hugged Bai Ziyu's arm, her delicate face full of happiness.

Hearing this, Kuraki Reina looked puzzled:"Sister, you made a mistake, he is Haoyi, why do you call him Jie Yi?"

"That’s right! It’s Yuichi Hanyu!"

"But his name is clearly Yushan Haoyi, Haoyi-kun, what's going on?"

Facing Kuraki Reina's inquiring gaze, Bai Ziyu's face showed a hint of embarrassment:"Actually, my real name is Hanyu Yuichi, and Yushan Haoyi is someone else...."

After a while, when Bai Ziyu finished explaining the cause and effect of the matter, especially when she learned that her mother had died long ago, Kuraki Reina was stunned.

Yes, her mother unfortunately drowned three years ago.

And the one who had been with her for the past three years was just a ghost controlled by the demon tree.

Without the confusion of the camellia tree, the girl successfully recalled everything, remembering that her mother drowned three years ago, her father suddenly left, and...

Seeing that the other party seemed to be stupid and had no reaction for a long time, Bai Ziyu stretched out his hand in front of him and shook it gently:"Lingcai! Lingcai!"

Kuraki Lingcai, who was brought back to her senses by his action, looked at Bai Ziyu with complicated eyes:"Can I see my mother again?"

"Of course!"

Nodding slightly, Bai Ziyu immediately took out the"Record of Hundred Demons".

With a flash of golden light, Kuraki Yuriko, wearing a black gauze, with three thousand black hair like a waterfall, a slim figure and a coquettish body, appeared in front of the three people.

Looking at her two daughters, Kuraki Yuriko's charming face was full of guilt:"Mizuna, Reina, mom has done a lot of wrong things before, I'm sorry!"......

After a long time, a bloody family ethics drama came to an end. Kuraki Yuriko, who successfully obtained the forgiveness of her two daughters, returned to"The Record of One Hundred Demons" with a smile on her face.

Seeing this, Kuraki Reina buried her head deep in the broad chest and sobbed softly.

Gently stroking the soft black hair, Bai Ziyu said softly:"Don't be too sad, Yuriko can accompany you forever in the future, you should be happy!"

As soon as these words came out, the girl instantly realized that she still had a score to settle with the other party, and immediately turned into a little pufferfish, with a pair of slightly red and swollen beautiful eyes, and said angrily:"You bad guy has been lying to me from the beginning..."

Before he could finish his words, a shadow came over him.....


After a while, Bai Ziyu looked at the beautiful woman in his arms with flushed cheeks and panting, his eyes full of tenderness:"Although I deceived you about my identity, what I said before was all from the bottom of my heart. The first time I saw you, I was deeply attracted to you."

Facing that gentle gaze and listening to those touching words, Kuraki Reina felt that her heart was about to melt, but her mouth was still hard as death:"Who knows if you are lying to me?"

"It seems that I need to let Lingcai-chan feel my sincerity!"

"What are you going to do?"

Seeing that the two were about to leave, Kuraki Mizuna was about to get up and follow them, but was stopped by Harukawa Tomomi.

Facing the puzzled look, the little maid blushed and explained softly:"Miss Mizuna, let the master handle this kind of thing himself!"

When the last ray of sunset light in the sky disappeared, the whole world fell into darkness.

And in this darkness, there were low sobs slowly floating.

I don't know how long it took, when a ray of bright 3.5 moonlight broke through the layers of blockades and fell on this silent continent, the sobbing just dissipated.

Gently brushing away the sticky hair on the girl's forehead with his right hand, Bai Ziyu smiled lightly and said:"Reina-chan, now you feel my sincerity towards you, right?"

Hearing this, Kuraki Reina rolled her eyes, then moved her body slightly, found a comfortable position in his arms, and fell asleep.

At this moment, a long-delayed system prompt finally sounded:

【Congratulations to the host for completing the mission: Stop Kuraki Suzuna from performing the Moon-Serving Ceremony. Mission Rewards: Save Points +500, Appearance +1. 】Waving his hand and taking out a mirror, Bai Ziyu looked at himself in the mirror and nodded slightly. He seemed to be more handsome than before!.

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