All the tribesmen also raised their arms and shouted, ready to die!

Soon Ye Chen led people to the outside of the tribe.

All adult males were holding stone spears, long guns, sharp stone axes, bows and arrows and other sharp weapons.

The strength of the enemy this time was unknown, and Ye Chen was also uneasy.

But not all witches are great witches. There are also ordinary witches from mixed-blood tribes.

Although the blood of the lower-level witches can fight ten people, they may not be without the ability to fight.

The human race is wise, setting traps, making weapons, and paying attention to cooperation, while the witches are brutal and fight like wild beasts without any rules. There are also precedents that the human race of large tribes has repelled small groups of witches.

Boom, boom, boom...

Just when everyone was preparing for battle.

There was a vibration in front of the tribe.

The grass and trees were dusty and the birds were startled.

In the woods, there was a large group of witches.

Ye Chen had amazing eyesight and naturally saw these witches clearly.

To be honest, they are no different from humans. The only difference is that they are much taller and heavier than humans. The average height is about two meters. They are muscular, with bronze and black skin, hideous faces, and mysterious rune patterns painted on their bodies. They are extremely powerful and ordinary plants will break if they collide with them. Wherever they go, there is a mess. There are about 500 of them.

"Mixed-blood witches!"Ye Chen saw that their bloodline was not pure-blood witches, and he felt a little more confident.

The real pure-blood witches were born with great magical powers, and their physical features all had special appearances.

For example, the original image of the ancestor witches was either a human head and a snake body, or three heads and six arms, and they were born to control the power of a law.

That was the truly terrifying existence.

After all, the witches were the protagonists of the world at this time.

It was normal for Ye Chen to be afraid of the witches, but after seeing these mixed-blood witches, he felt a little relieved.


"It’s the witch clan!"

""Prepare for battle!"

All the tribesmen held sharp weapons and were ready for battle.

At this moment, they were nervous. After all, the strength of an ordinary half-blood witch was much stronger than theirs. In a one-on-one battle, it was simply a crushing defeat. Other small tribes would be overwhelmed in an instant under the charge of this level of witches. Their palms were sweating.

With a roar!

Hundreds of witches rushed over like wild beasts.

Just when the human race thought that a big war was about to break out.

These witches actually stopped and looked at the human race led by Ye Chen from a distance.

They did not rush up to fight directly.

But the witches' eyes were fierce and bloodthirsty. , and looked greedily at the women behind the human race.

Ye Chen saw these witches with cold eyes, which could make these brutal witches obey his orders.

There must be a more powerful witch commanding behind the scenes, and their leaders obviously don't want to attack rashly.

It seems that they are very clear about the situation on their side.

Sure enough, Ye Chen glanced and saw a familiar figure.


It was him, Ye Chen was a little annoyed.

I didn't expect that because of my kindness, this person would become a guide. No wonder only one out of ten of the human race sent by the chief to scout survived.

It turned out that he was the one who was making trouble, and this person had become the one Ye Chen must kill.

"It's the mountains!"

"Bastard, how come he is mixed up with the witch clan!"

"Yes, the traitor, he must have led the way to our tribe"

"Damn it, Shanyue, you are not human!"

At this time, some human beings saw Shanyue with sharp eyes.

And this young man Shanyue did not seem to have any shame of being a traitor.

Instead, he stood up directly and shouted arrogantly:"Traitor, you have been bewitched by this monster, and you don't know it. I brought the adults of the Wu clan to eradicate this monster!"

These words made the tribesmen very angry, and they wanted to skin Shanyue alive.

But without Ye Chen's order, they still restrained themselves. After all, the other party was backed by the Wu tribe.

The chief Yunhe looked at the former first warrior of the tribe and roared angrily:"Shanyue, you actually betrayed the tribe and brought these brutal witches to the tribe. Have you forgotten that this is the place where you were born and raised? Do you still have any conscience!"

Shanyue sneered:"Conscience, huh... Since the day when this monster injured me and the indifference of the tribe members, I am no longer a member of this tribe!"

The chief was speechless when he heard this, but he had nothing to refute.

But no matter what, the mountain had brought the witch tribe here.

He must execute this man on the spot for the sake of the tribe!

"Sir, it's all my fault. I shouldn't have let this man go, causing the tribe to face such a crisis. Please punish me after this battle."

The chief took the initiative to plead guilty to Ye Chen.

But Ye Chen just waved his hand. It was his intention to let this man go.

This cause and effect should also be settled by him.

But now is not the time to talk about it. Let the chief retreat.

Ye Chen shouted to the Wu tribe:"Since everyone is here, don't hide it, like a turtle."

The leader of the other side did not show up, and Ye Chen did not act rashly.

He wanted to see how strong the other side was.

He did not take these witches in front of the formation seriously because they were not pure-blooded witches.

Sure enough, the next second, the warriors of the witch clan dispersed.

A group of people came to the front of the formation, led by a giant who was nearly three meters tall.

There were two people of the same height beside him. The three of them standing there were intimidating.

Judging from their bloodline, they were actually of pure blood.

The witch leader who was in the lead had a pair of silver horns on his head, his muscles were exposed, and his fine scales flashed in the sun.

His pupils were actually vertical pupils, and his whole body exuded a strange aura.

The two people beside him were a little worse, but their muscles were as knotty as explosions, their skin was like black iron, and they exuded a faint luster.

Just by looking at them, you can tell that their strength should not be underestimated.

"As expected, there is a treasure protecting the body."The Wu clan leader's mouth curled up, and his pupils showed a strange light. After carefully looking at Ye Chen, he showed greed. He knew that Ye Chen had a treasure, and everything was as he guessed.

"Hmm?" Ye Chen was puzzled, thinking that the witch's eyesight was a bit strange, and it seemed that they were coming with bad intentions.

However, with his current cultivation level, he knew that the leader's strength should not be invincible.

This was observed by the Eye of Delusion.

In his eyes, the three witches and their scripts were transparent, and from their cultivation characteristics, they practiced a similar method to the Nine Revolutions Mysterious Origin Gong.

However, compared with Ye Chen's authentic Nine Revolutions Mysterious Origin Gong, it was like a grain of rice competing with the bright moon, completely deviated.

At the same time, he could also feel that the three witch leaders were the strongest, and the big The first one is in the late stage of human immortal, and the other two are in the early stage of human immortal.

This is the benefit of the delusion-breaking eye, which can see through the origin and judge the current situation.

But the other party has been fighting for many years, and it is unknown whether they have any treasures.

In addition, there are many masters on the other side, and their overall strength cannot be underestimated.

If he was not here, this human tribe would not need these three people to take action.

It can be crushed and all the lives will be destroyed.

After thinking about it, Ye Chen said indifferently:"People of the Wu clan, you are not welcome here. If you choose to leave, I will pretend that nothing happened."

The other party came with bad intentions, but the foundation is unknown.

If the other party still has the support of the Wu clan.

If you act rashly, things will only be more troublesome.

But Ye Chen thought too much, and the head of the Wu clan grinned:"Boy, I thought there were really demons mixed in, but it seems that you have another opportunity. Hurry up and present the treasures you got. If the general is in a good mood, I will let you go, but all the women must stay."

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