While Bai Ziyu was getting used to the new G-Class, in the warehouse of Mashiro High School, a young man who had just regained his clarity of mind after a little catharsis, looked at the scene in front of him and his brain suddenly crashed.

Why is this happening? Why? No!!!

The young man pulled his hair hard, unable to accept this fact, and rushed out with a roar.

After a while, the unconscious Dong Gangli Zang woke up.

Every part of his body was painful, but the most painful part was... He subconsciously reached out to touch it, only to see that in the blood-red, there was actually some white turbidity.

He was stunned at first, then he reacted and immediately looked up to the sky and shouted:"No!!!"

He had always been the one who took the backs of others, but today, he was taken back by someone else.

"Damn you, Katase Shouya, I'm going to kill you..."

A shrill howl lingered in the warehouse for a long time.

A few hours later, Nanao Akane, awakened by hunger, slowly opened her beautiful blue eyes that looked like the sea.

What she saw was a handsome and calm face.


Hmm? What's going on? Am I still asleep? I actually had such a dream. It's really......, wake up!

Thinking of this, the girl pinched her cheek.

Hiss~, it hurts!

It's not a dream, it's real?!

Feeling the pain on her cheek, the blood color on Nanao Akane's cheeks suddenly disappeared, and then she kicked Bai Ziyu down.

This movement happened to affect the wound that had not yet healed, and the pain made a few drops of cold sweat appear on her snow-white forehead.

Bai Ziyu, who was playing chess with Zhou Gong in his dream, suddenly felt empty under his feet, and after a while of falling, he fell heavily to the ground.

Standing up from the ground, looking at the girl on the bed who pulled the quilt to block the beautiful scenery, Bai Ziyu showed dissatisfaction:"Akira, what are you doing?!"

"I originally thought you were a good person, but I didn't expect you to be a bastard in disguise...."

Seeing the girl getting more and more excited, Bai Ziyu shrugged helplessly:"Qian-chan, I suggest you think carefully about who took the initiative first!"

"Shameless, do you mean?..."

Hearing this, Nanao Akane was about to scold the other party for being shameless, but a memory suddenly emerged in her mind.

In that memory, it was her...

Looking at herself in her memory, like a prostitute, begging Bai Ziyu, Nanao Akane slammed her head hard:"Impossible! This is impossible!"

Because of the violent movement, the thin blanket slipped off.

In an instant, a white light suddenly appeared, and above the white light...

Even though he had seen her many times, and even masturbated with his own hands, Bai Ziyu was still amazed when he saw her again.

She was so beautiful, simply a masterpiece of the Creator.

After admiring her for a short while, seeing the girl getting more and more excited, Bai Ziyu hurried forward, holding her snow-white wrist with his two big hands like pliers, with a serious look on his face:"Akira-chan, whether you admit it or not, this is the fact. Shouldn't you be responsible for me?!"

As soon as these words came out, Nanao Akane's brain crashed instantly.

No, you took my virginity, and now you want me to be responsible for you, is there any justice? Is there any law?!

After a moment, she finally reacted, and was immediately so angry that Xihe was heaving:"You......"

"What? Akane-chan doesn't want to take responsibility, right? If that's the case, I can only call Shoko and let her do justice!"

As he said that, Bai Ziyu let go of the girl and turned to get his phone.

Seeing this, Nanao Akane hurriedly stopped him:"Da-me~"

If Sugimoto Shoko knew about this, they would no longer be friends. duang~

Feeling the warmth coming from behind him, Bai Ziyu raised his eyebrows slightly.

He turned around and said expressionlessly:"Then how does Akane-chan want to solve it?"

Facing Bai Ziyu's gaze, the girl's already low momentum dropped another three points.

Her eyes were erratic and her voice was like a mosquito's murmur:"In short, Shoko must not know about this!"

"Then Qian-chan is responsible!"

"Well! I still have some savings, you tell me the amount, if it's not enough, I'll go borrow some more!"

Hearing this, Bai Ziyu's face suddenly turned black, what? Do I look like a prostitute?! How can you tolerate this?

Originally, he still took into consideration that it was the other party's first time, but now, get out of the way!

"you...", um~"

The villa, which had been silent for a while, was once again filled with low sobs.

Near dusk, a battle without the smoke of gunpowder slowly came to an end.

Looking at the beauty in his arms who was like mud, Bai Ziyu said angrily:"Do you know you are wrong now?!"

The girl's body trembled slightly, and she hurriedly nodded her little head

"That's good enough!"

Nodding with satisfaction, Bai Ziyu picked up the other person's phone, unlocked it, and entered his number.

"This is my phone. You must answer it when you see me, okay?"


"No, but you don’t want Shoko to know about this, right?"


Just at this moment, a phone rang.

Seeing the caller ID on the screen, the girl's face suddenly turned pale, and for a moment she didn't know whether to answer it or not.

Seeing her so entangled, Bai Ziyu helped her make a decision.

After glaring at Bai Ziyu, Nanao Akane quickly took the call:"Hello~, Shoko!"


"Akane-chan, where are you now? The guys in the baseball club said you disappeared since this morning!"

"I..., um~, I..."

"" Xia-chan, what's wrong with you? Why do you sound a little weird?!"

Seeing that the other party was suspicious, the girl's heart immediately rose to her throat, and she looked at Bai Ziyu with a pleading look.

After getting his nod, she continued:"Ha~, I just feel a little unwell, so I..., um~, the nasal tone is a bit heavy!"

"So that’s how it is. How serious is it? How about I go over to see you?"

"No need! I've already taken the medicine and I'll be fine after a good night's sleep!"

"All right then! Take some rest!"......

After hanging up the phone, Nanao Akane was furious and wanted to ask for culpability.

This bastard, he clearly agreed, but he actually went back on his word!

But before she could open her mouth, she saw a shadow covering her.

At the same time, in front of the gate of Mashiro High School, Sugimoto Shoko put down her phone and raised her eyebrows slightly:"I didn't expect Onii-chan to win over Akane-chan so quickly~"

She is not a little girl anymore, how could she not hear the other party's abnormality before?

But she didn't expect Bai Ziyu to be so fast.

In three days, she gave her best friend....

I said: Hieu Baocot

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