Hong Kong Island Old Events

Chapter 464 Kick Wave

half year later.

The Community Relations Office of the Hong Kong Government was established, which is equal in level to the Affairs Office. It is a newly established grassroots department of the Hong Kong Government and adopts a recruitment system to recruit staff. Since it did not involve disciplinary forces and was under the jurisdiction of the Civil Affairs Department, it did not cause any waves on Hong Kong Island.

He Dingxian always pays attention to changes in the political situation and knows that the establishment of a new department represents the investment of large amounts of funds and personnel and cannot be targeted without aim. The Intelligence Division was immediately ordered to investigate the work of the Community Relations Office and learned that the Community Relations Office was responsible for accepting government complaints, eliminating discrimination between Chinese and English, and caring for the lower class citizens.

He couldn't help but sigh in his heart: "Sir Bai is really a practical person."

“While managing the development of the New Territories, we are also trying to win the political support of lower-class citizens, and our approach is very steady.” Although the Community Relations Office is slow to produce results, it requires a long period of work before it can achieve certain results.

But it is real and gives the right medicine.

"Previously, Hong Kong Island citizens did not have a channel to complain about government affairs, and Sino-British discrimination was the reason for the strong anti-British sentiment at the bottom."

"Now, firstly, we will open up complaints, listen to citizens' voices, resolve conflicts between the government and the people, and secondly, formally launch the slogan of equality between China and Britain. No matter how much we can achieve, it will give the grassroots a shot in the arm."

If the official attitude is given, it will first gain a lot of praise. If it can be implemented in earnest, the support rate will definitely increase.

Bai Liji is leading the Hong Kong government to transform from a hegemonic government to a service-oriented government. The difference between the two is huge, which makes Ho Dingxian smell the danger: "It has been less than five years since the integrity crisis. It seems that the Hong Kong government can Public opinion has launched an anti-corruption campaign, and community relations have played an important role.”

"I remember that the ICAC seems to have a similar department. I don't know if it's the same one, but we have to make preparations in advance."

Although the Community Relations Department seems harmless to humans and animals, he must not ignore the influence of a new department. Perhaps if one does not pay attention, the other party will develop a trump card. If it is ignored a few times, the power of the Hong Kong government will snowball.

The political ability of each governor is very strong. If a policy is implemented and not followed up in time, it will not take ten, eight, sometimes three or five years for the social atmosphere to change, and it will be difficult to keep up.

He Dingxian thought carefully for a moment and made a call. As soon as he put the phone down, there was a knock on the door: "Da da da."

"Brother Xian." Lardboy stood at the door and shouted.

"Come in." He Dingxian sat on the chair, picked up the tea cup, glanced at the lard guy in the white shirt, and suddenly said: "Try not to come to the police station in person in the future. If you have anything to do, call us and we will interview you after get off work. .”

"Let the clerk collect the monthly fees at the bank instead of sending them to the police station in person."

He took a sip of tea and said, "Gui Lao's share will be driven to the residence of the director and deputy director. Please pay attention to safety at all times."

The smiling brows of the lard guy suddenly froze, and he opened his mouth to answer: "Yes."

"Brother Xian."

His expression became less happy than before, and he took out an invitation from his arms and put it on the table: "Boss, Brother Luo's son is hosting a study abroad banquet tonight, and I invite you to have a drink."

He Dingxian took the invitation, opened it, took a look at it, and threw it on the table: "I just have an appointment with someone to talk about something tonight, so just bring me a red envelope to congratulate me."


Lardboy was wondering. The police force had been calm recently and the situation was very good. It was rumored that the boss was promoted to Senior Assistant Director and officially managed the Hong Kong Island District as the top leader. Why did he vaguely feel that the boss was in a bad mood?

"Then I'll go out first."

He didn't want to stay long.

He Dingxian nodded, and after Lardboy left, he leaned on his chair and looked at the invitation, with a hint of displeasure on his face: "My mother celebrates her birthday, and my wife's birthday treat includes wine. Now even when my son goes to study abroad, he has to serve wine."

"Really so short of money?"

In fact, Lei Luo is not short of money at all. The cash at home alone is more than one million. In recent years, he likes to serve wine and be in the limelight. He just enjoys the prestige of being a big boss and constantly verifies his power, even with the intention of showing it to his superiors.

He Dingxian was there every time in the beginning, but now he is too lazy to go.

Lei Luo's child, Lei Yongxian, was born in the first year of Lei Luo and Axia's marriage. Calculating the time, she was pregnant before marriage. Now that she has reached the age of middle school, she contacted the school in Australia. Maybe she wanted to leave a baby. road.

However, the relationship between father and son is very good this time. Lei Yongxian used to call him "Master Qi" when he was a child, but since he was not officially adopted as his godson, he gradually called him uncle.

At this time, Lardboy paused at the door for two seconds, vaguely heard a few words in his ears, and immediately stepped away. The whole process was very short, as if inadvertently, but when he got back in the car, he already knew it well and said to the driver: "Sweet Potato Boy, I won't go to Repulse Bay at night. Give the red envelope to Brother Luo for me. If Brother Luo asks, just say that I went to Haojiang to discuss business."

He threw two thick red envelopes on the passenger seat.


"Brother Zai." Sweet Potato Zai agreed, turning the steering wheel and realizing something was wrong. In fact, He Dingxian has been trying to help his brothers tide over the difficulties, but once he is prepared to cut off, many of his actions will unconsciously reveal his wariness.

This kind of subtle emotion will actually be intensified and amplified through the conduction effect.

In the past two years, more and more people have noticed that people with autonomy have more or less distanced themselves from Lei Luo, leaving only the old brothers in the New Territories and Kowloon who are tied to Lei Luo. . He Dingxian was not completely unaware of the undercurrents underneath, but he couldn't change his attitude because vigilance would be transmitted, as would trust! If He Dingxian still shows unconditional trust in Lei Luo, it will continue to strengthen Lei Luo's power and have a more negative impact on the overall situation. Sometimes letting the people below remain a little suspicious can actually reduce the risk.

He hoped that the internal power transfer could be completed safely without bloodshed and without going against the purpose, and then concentrate on dealing with the ghost guy. But as Lei Luo, Zeng Shaoke, Cai Zhaoguang and others refuse to let go of power, the chances are becoming slim.


Jiu Long Tang.

He Dingxian changed into sportswear, wore sneakers, and holding a wave ball in his hand, appeared on a loess mud field with lime lines on the field court. Twenty-five young people wearing yellow T-shirts, with different looks and shining eyes, stared at the special car with the No. 1 license plate, and they all looked a little excited.

"Mr. He!"

"Mr. He!"

A young man with slanted bangs couldn't help shouting, and more and more shouts were heard.

Mr. Ji Zhengxiong, Chairman of the Ho Dingxian Foundation, also wearing a yellow T-shirt, sports shorts, and a whistle hanging around his neck, trotted up to greet him. When he approached, he did not forget to nod and bow: "Boss He, the students are all here."

"Thank you for your hard work, Uncle Ji." He Dingxian patted Ji Zhengxiong's arm with a friendly smile: "You have to be a referee at such an old age."


As Ji Zhengxiong spoke, two drops of sweat dropped from his forehead. Obviously, he could not be a competent referee, but he was definitely the most suitable referee. He Dingxian came to the young people who were lined up in two groups, standing proudly with their hands on their hips, chests raised and heads raised. He scanned the faces and shouted out each person's name: "Awei."



Everyone whose name was called had a look of pride on their face, and nodded heavily with excitement: "Here we go!"


"Uncle He."

There are also girls.

He Dingxian held the ball in his hand with a smile on his face. Looking at the young people in front of him, he felt simple and generous. Many of them wore glasses, had acne on their faces, and had messy bangs regardless of their image. He didn't have the suits and leather shoes of the upper class, and he didn't have the elegance and elegance of the police officers. But he still had that vitality that no one could ignore.

Some of the yellow T-shirts they wear are very new, as if they have been treasured for many years, some have been washed until they become white and discolored, and some are no longer fit. However, all of them have the Chinese characters for "TWGHs, Ho Ting Yin Secondary School" printed on them. More than ten years have passed, and the first batch of students sponsored by the first school that was named that year have already graduated. Some of them have been admitted to college and are already working, while some are still studying for graduate school. Although due to family reasons, only a few students in each batch can go to college. But after years of accumulation, there are now dozens of people who have achieved academic success.

These talents are the chips to defeat the ghost guy!

It's hope!

He Dingxian hugged the ball and smiled and said: "Relax a little. Today I asked my classmates to play football. I heard from Mr. Ji that the school holds football matches every year and you usually play football on this court. It's rare that you have free time, so you must come and see me." See you all.”

"I am very happy to see everyone grow up and change their destiny. The foundation does not spend much money every year, but there are many schools to support students. We have all relied on our own efforts to get to where we are today. "

"Forget it, I won't say any more nonsense. This is not the police force. It's not my turn to lecture everyone. Let's divide into teams!" He walked into the middle of the students holding the ball. Ji Zhengxiong raised his hand beside him: "Black with white , Mr. He changed teams at halftime.”

He formed a circle with the students, and after matching a few times, he put the ball on the center line with a smile. He Dingxian retreated to the center position and turned to look at Jian Aowei on the right. The two looked at each other and smiled. Then Ji Zhengxiong blew the whistle, and team A forward Han Zhibang and team B forward Wang Yichong accelerated forward.


"Awei, pass the ball!"

"He Sheng!"

He Dingxian turned his head when he heard the words, and a ball flew to his feet. Seeing Han Zhibang waiting for the ball in front, he quickly raised his leg and kicked it. As the ball rolled on the mud, a few weeds that had just grown were picked up by the ball. Flatten. After this game, he became clearer and clearer as he played, and he already knew exactly how to deal with the Independent Commission Against Corruption.

The general trend is on the other side.

You can't rely on brute force.

Use a little bit of skill


A wave ball rotated like the wind, along the door frame, and jumped into the door cunningly.

"The ball is in!"

Han Zhibang took off his T-shirt excitedly, opened his arms and high-fived his teammates along the way. Team A took the lead in scoring a point.

"Integrity Storm" is another series of plots, and you need to think about the twists, buttons and conflicts. Please forgive me for the speed of updating. I don’t want to be clear about it for fear of being scolded. Yesterday, a reader found me on Douyin and complained about a previous plot, hahaha.

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