Hong Kong Island Old Events

Chapter 294 Frontline Battlefield


Jiang Zuhui organized more than 300 people from the plainclothes team, the O team, and the serious crime team to form an array in front of the opponent. The crime team led by Chen Zichao was at the head with a rifle, the plainclothes team was in the middle, and Mr. O was at the back. Thirty people lined up in eleven columns to form a defensive square.

The marine police force arrived at Dove Pass and did not take direct action. Instead, they took a short rest and reorganized their formation.

When Chen Zichao saw the marine police starting to advance, he stepped forward, raised his right arm, and shouted: "The police station is in action, no approaching!"

A ghost superintendent in uniform, holding a loudspeaker, shouted loudly: "The Marine Police Force was ordered to disperse the illegal assembly and take over the scene. Now on the count of three, please ask the person in charge of the frontline troops to come out and hand over the command. Otherwise, the Marine Police Force will The department will carry out indiscriminate suppression!"

"I want to see your person in charge." Chen Zichao shouted loudly.

Tian Ni, Senior Assistant Director of the Marine Police District and Operation Commander, thought for a moment, stepped forward to take the loudspeaker, and shouted: "Sir Chen, the best choice for the Chinese people on Hong Kong Island now is to put down their weapons and evacuate automatically. "

"If you are willing to hand over the commander, I can give you half an hour to disperse the citizens at the scene. And report your merits to the Chief of Police and get an exceptional promotion to the rank of Superintendent. This is your last chance. ”

"Don't ruin your political career or even your life for Sir Ho's personal gain."

Chen Zichao laughed: "Sir Tian Ni, maintaining the order of gatherings is an order given to us by the Commissioner of Police. Your behavior will only seriously undermine the safety of the city. Let me ask you again, is the dog food given by Sir Mai delicious?"

"You ruthless young man, no one dares to believe you!"

Chen Zichao dropped the gun on his shoulder, raised his hands, and aimed forward: "Bang!"

"No approach!"

There was silence in the Marine Police District.

Tian Ni looked at the Chinese cinema, which was waiting for the situation with no fear, and then at the marine police who were slightly commotion under the sound of gunfire. He knew in his heart that the Chinese in the police force had made up their minds to hold on to the end.

"Beep beep beep."

He whipped out the police whistle in his hand and shouted: "Forward!"

"Yes, sir!" Three hundred marine police officers shouted in unison. Immediately, a team of police officers took off smoke grenades from their waists and threw them from a distance. The gray smoke filled the street and formed a wall of fog. The Crime Unit The officers held their pistols and coughed repeatedly.

"Go!" the Marine Police Superintendent roared. He immediately grabbed his gun and led a team of men and horses, charging into the sheep herd quickly.

In addition to the 100-person reserve team of the Marine Police Department, the other 200 people were divided into parts and came to the police officers of the serious crime team and criminal team to engage in hand-to-hand combat.

"Pfft!" The handle of a marine police inspector's gun hit the serious crime police officer first, cracking the policeman's cheekbone with such force that a mouthful of blood spurted out from his mouth, and he rolled over on the ground. The marine police inspector did not persist, but abandoned the Chinese police officer who fell to the ground, stepped forward again, and poked out the gun. Although there is no bayonet on the gun head, the design of the standard rifle equipped by the police takes into account close combat. In other words, the design of weapons during World War II would take combat needs into consideration.

Under the infusion of power, the muzzle of the gun accurately penetrated the lower abdomen, causing severe trauma.

A police officer immediately bent over and held his stomach, his cheeks red from pain.

The marine police inspector did not hesitate to use his gun to sweep across the area, knocking another police officer to the ground!

It has to be said that the Marine Police Force has no Chinese to help with the work and is very well-trained. Many of the police officers have service experience. Not only are they rich in combat experience, but they also have an advantage in physical strength. When the marine police inspector's good luck came to an end, the next moment, a figure flew from the sky, clamped directly on his neck with his legs, and overturned him very powerfully.

Huang Bingyao, the captain of the crime team, used martial arts passed down from his family to defeat the enemy in the chaos with one move. He cut down the Marine Police Inspector, then raised his fist and punched the opponent's front door: "Boom!"



The marine police inspector's nose was smashed with the first punch, his cheek was swollen with the second punch, and his mouth was crooked with the third punch.

On the chaotic battlefield, Raymond held a gun and followed the standard posture of the training school, leading a group of police officers in front, neither spreading out nor charging forward. He stood like a pillar among the crowd, standing tall and strong.

Although his fighting skills are not very strong, he can withstand and fight by cooperating with his subordinates.

Chen Zichao threw his rifle on the ground, put the tiger finger on his right glove, and with two of his henchmen, Ma Zi, rushed left and right, knocking down several ghost guys in succession. Every time the ghosts were punched, their faces would bloom, and they would immediately lose their fighting ability.

At this moment, he pressed the right shoulder of a ghost guy, waved his right arm, faced the ghost guy face to face, and punched three times in a row. Gui Lao's face instantly turned pale, and his brows were trembling. Chen Zichao let go of his hand, and he fell to the ground clutching his stomach.

The abdomen of the uniform had already been penetrated by tiger fingers, and a bloody wound was bleeding out.

Chen Zichao's right fist was soaked with blood, dripping with blood every step he took.

"Brother Li, I can't hold on anymore!" Jiang Zuhui looked anxious and shouted loudly: "The ghost guys are attacking too hard, why don't we let the brothers retreat first? It's better to let the club boys charge instead of the brothers! "

At the moment when the crime team and the Marine Police were in close combat, the criminal team was already on the battlefield. There were only about fifty anti-gangsters left around, and more than three hundred uniformed troops. Don't look at Chen Zichao, he is like a hungry tiger coming out of its cage, invincible.

However, the number of injuries among Chinese police officers was reduced much faster than that of the Marine Police District. Because the combat quality of the Marine Police District is indeed two or three levels higher than that of the Chinese police officers. Even Chen Zichao, Chuiji and others, who are the most capable among the Chinese police officers, are actually street fighting techniques, and they show off their bravery. It is amazing if they can affect three or five brothers around them during the battle. But in the final analysis, licensed bad guys are still bad guys and cannot be compared with the highly organized Marine Police Force.

Chen Zichao's fighting skills are very eye-catching in the world, at least worth a red stick. It can be said that even if you take off your police uniform, you will still have food to eat, and you are a talent that will not be buried. But on the battlefield, even a platoon cannot be organized, and even a company may be easily overwhelmed.

Why? Because he always uses his power to do things, and his speculations are all about murder and arson. He is a fierce man, but he is not a soldier! He has no formal military education at all!

On the other hand, Gui Lao has teams of ten and five people. Each group supports each other, and the distance between each team is no more than ten meters. Although these operational regulations were learned during training at the police academy, it is difficult to continue to implement them during a real fight.

At first, the crime squad and the plainclothes squad acted in accordance with the regulations, but as the Marine Police launched a round of smoke bomb attacks, they immediately became confused and started street fighting mode.

Chen Li, however, stood still and shouted: "If we on duty don't work hard, how can the brothers from the club work hard? Let's fight first. After the serious crime team and criminal team are all taken down, let the brothers from the club come in!"

He doesn't understand military command, but he understands people's hearts very well. The community brothers are watching from behind, watching what the Chinese in the police force do! If the Chinese in the police force withdraw easily, the brothers in the community will not support them for long. If the Chinese in the police force dare to fight, the brothers in the community will rush forward willingly.

In fact, thousands of community members behind the uniform team are indeed watching the actions of the police force. When they saw that the police force collided with Gui Lao's department in order to protect the Chinese gathering, and became the first target of Gui Lao's attack, many people's views on the police force changed, and their mentality changed subtly. The most obvious point is that the crowd at the rally began to obey the instructions of the uniformed troops and no longer rushed forward haphazardly.

"And the ghost guy only has three axes. The first move is to throw smoke bombs, the second move is to rush forward, and the third move is to throw grenades." Chen Li looked at the scene in front of him, and it was already clear in his heart: "The ghost guy has no intention of carrying out a large-scale street attack. Firstly, the gunfight is a mutual gunfight within the police force, which is difficult to explain to all walks of life, and secondly, the gunfight will erase the differences in the quality of police officers."

"For ghost guys, overcoming the Chinese police force and breaking up illegal gatherings is the top priority."

"Not shooting at this time is more conducive to action."

This situation is actually the same as that used to disperse demonstrations in later generations, using non-lethal rubber bullets, tear gas, batons and sprays.

Firstly, to avoid expanding casualties, and secondly, to avoid accumulation of hatred. Sometimes killing people looks majestic, but the more people you kill, the more enemies you have. People in power are very sensitive to the word gunfight. Of course, the police forces on both sides possess a large number of weapons, so sporadic firefights are inevitable, but as long as they are not shooting each other in the street, they can be covered up with casualties in the chaos. Therefore, when the Marine Police found that some Chinese police officers were determined to resist, they would throw grenades and use them to break up the police formation.

"Hold on!"

Chen Li looked ahead and ordered: "Sir Dong, you and the men and horses of Ji O will also rush up!"

"Yes, sir!"

Dong Cheng's head was already wrapped with a bandage, but there was currently a shortage of men, so he had to lead the team to rush forward.

In just ten minutes, the Chinese police force was completely defeated by the Marine Police's offensive.

Des Voeux Road was littered with injured police officers, the majority of whom were Chinese police officers. Some Chinese police officers with minor flesh injuries but incapacitated were leaning against walls or lampposts, in the still-uncleared smoke. wailing constantly.

The two police officers were injured, but they still dragged Chen Zichao out of the battlefield. At this moment, Chen Zichao had a cut on his forehead and blood on his cheek. He was still wearing a tiger finger on his right hand, but his wrist was loose and he couldn't use his strength. He had obviously been interrupted.

The battlefield is equal to everyone, and no one will be favored because of their origin, status, or appearance.

"Sir Chen, the Marine Police Force has begun to clean up and gather again." Huang Bingyao rolled up to Chen Li and said in a panic: "Sir Chen, what should I do!"

"What are you afraid of!" Chen Li held his trump card, smoking a cigarette, squinting his eyes, and said as steadily as a rock: "In ten minutes, gather the wounded as soon as possible."

"Yes, sir!" Huang Bingyao agreed quickly and left in a hurry. At this time, people from the Auxiliary Medical Service were already treating the wounded Marine Policemen on the streets. The medical team from the Tung Wah Group of Hospitals received the order and immediately came forward with a stretcher.

Da da da!

Da da da!

In less than ten minutes, and in just five minutes, an operational force of more than 500 people, fully armed, arrived at the scene along the left side of Des Voeux Road. The sound of uniform footsteps immediately attracted the attention of people on both sides, and Senior Assistant Director Gao Dun had already arrived in front of Chen Li, raised his hand and saluted: "Sir Chen!"

Chen Li looked shocked, but he immediately came to his senses, stood at attention and shouted: "Hello, sir!"

"Thank you for your hard work." Gordon put down his right arm and said loudly: "I followed the order of Deputy Director of Operations Jian Sr. to come to Central to maintain the order of the rally. How about leaving the scene to me?"

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