Chapter 8: The Seeds of Doubt

Cloaked in silver horse armor, King Arthur bathed in sunlight and entered the people’s field of vision.

Under the blonde hair of the breeze, the white forehead was revealed, and the perfect face that was blessed with nature’s magic was perfectly in line with the imagination of the people.

The generous sunlight shone on her silver armor, and it made her look like a true god.

There are no dead ends.

Whichever way you look at it, your appearance proves that this is a perfect king.

The square that had just been in disarray appeared from Arthur Pendragon, as if the god of time had pressed the pause button.

All eyes were on her.

Quietly watched her ride to the high platform in the center of the square.

Even, no one paid attention, half a meter after her, riding a beautiful brown-red wooden horse, with a look of wandering Merlin.

Makoto Fujimaru didn’t pay attention either.

Even with his heart prepared, he was amazed by such a holy king.

Inexplicably, he turned his head and looked at Guinia beside him.

Ginylvia stared equally dazedly, her expression telling it all.


Even in the eyes of the people, the young king did not see the slightest nervousness, she just got off her horse normally, and usually stood before the people.

Then she performed a ritual, the knight’s salute.

“Dear Camelottes, and distinguished guests from other city-states and dependencies, thank you for coming to the present, I am Prince Arthur Pendragon.”

Everyone held their breath and forgot to applaud for a moment.

“For some time now, there have been people who have doubted the authenticity of my royal identity, and here and now, I will pull out this sword in stone before your eyes and succeed to the throne of Britain in accordance with the law and consensus.”

After saying this, Arthur went straight to the sword inserted in the square stone, as if intending to pull it out directly.

The people below had not yet reacted, but just blinked.

“Wait a minute, Your Royal Highness.” A knight guarding the order of the square shouted out in a hurry.

Order is guarded here today by knights loyal to the previous king, King Uther, to witness and guarantee the legitimacy of Prince Arthur Pendragon.

Arthur Pendragon stopped and looked at the middle-aged knight: “Sir Cameron, do you have any questions?” ”

“Forgive me for being rude, Your Royal Highness, although this sword in stone has been coming to Camelot for more than a few months, and there are even countless people who have tried to pull it out and failed, they are just ordinary people, but today, not only the people, but also the famous knights of Britain, and even other members of the royal family!”

Arthur thought about it and looked at the people again: “Of course I understand your concerns, and since this is the case, all those who question the authenticity of this sword in stone, regardless of their identity and status, can come forward to try, but they can also invite one by one.” ”

Almost at the same time.

All the knights guarding the order of the square in the field shifted their eyes to one place.

This is the place where the nobles watch the ceremony.

There is a knight who confronts the humble king with a sword, a knight of light who became famous several years ago, and Austin, who was the first paladin of the British Isles.

It is even more rumored that he is the true son of King Uther.

The knight’s eyes fell on Makoto Fujimaru.

The people subconsciously looked over.

Makoto Fujimaru looked at Merlin, who was still wandering in the sky.

What a good means!

He held the title of son of King Uther for two years, buying King Arthur more than two years of development.

Today, he is to be used to prove that King Arthur is real!

Once again, you get a taste of the horrors of EX clairvoyance. 】

You are watched by all the peoples, and you take a step forward, and then you walk slowly to the high platform. 】

[You didn’t notice that Guinivia’s gaze is brighter and more emotionally charged than when Arthur Pendragon first appeared.] 】

You come to King Arthur, and she looks at you with approval, admiration, and even a hint of adoration. 】

For the first time, you feel true holiness, a king who really has no trace of ‘sin’ temperament.] 】

You passed by her and walked toward the sword in the stone. 】

[That is, the moment you passed, King Arthur whispered to you: “I’m sorry, I only talked to you today, old… Guoshi asked me to make a vow that I would not be able to talk to you until today. “】

[Her tone was gentle, with a hint of apology.] 】

[You know in your heart that with the intellect of this king who does not understand the human heart, I am afraid that I do not know what Merlin has done with you. 】

With a sincere smile in return, your heart inexplicably came to the sword in the stone. 】

You were about to draw your sword, when the middle knight who had opened his mouth shouted again: “Forgive me for being rude again, Your Highness the Prince, and Your Excellency the Holy Light Knight, can I try to pull out this sword first?” “】

King Arthur gladly agreed, and you gave up your place. 】

[The middle-aged knight came to the sword in the stone and grasped the hilt of the sword in his right hand, first pulling it out with his hand, and then began to use his hands again.] 】

[But the sword in the stone has not moved from beginning to end, and when you look at him, he gracefully admits his defeat and then faces the people: “Its sword body seems to merge with the stone, and in addition, I can feel that there is a mysterious force preventing me from pulling it out.” “】

“This must be a sword in stone!] The middle-aged knight said in an affirmative tone. 】

[You can feel that after these words, the people look at you with more expectation.] 】

[You don’t want to see what Merlin’s expression is, you inexplicably want to laugh, and then you really laugh out, smiling at the people of Britain and whispering: “Then let me try.] “】

[There was a scream in the middle of the field, and your admirers called out to the Paladins.] 】

[Suddenly, a gust of wind struck, and between the agitations of the robe, you grasped the hilt of the sword in the stone and began to exert force.] 】

[The sword pattern in the stone does not move.] 】

You tell yourself in your heart that this is all right, just make a show anyway, so you let go of your hand. 】

【Abrupt! 】

A laugh rings in your heart: Is this the end? 】

[You heard the voice, it was Morgan Lefe Pendragon.] 】

Inexplicably, you think of the gaze that Granivia had looked at Arthur before. 】

You grasped the hilt of the sword in the stone again, this time with both hands. 】

【You are the one favored by the nature elves!】 You can’t save magic in your body, but you can share mana with nature, and you can absorb it endlessly from the outside world! 】

[Your magic is released!] 】

[Suddenly, a vortex of magic appeared over the entire National Mall, and the surging magic caused frequent visions! 】

[The people look at you in shock.] 】

[You continue to release your magic power, and you feel your body start to burn.] 】

[The mana you absorb even exceeds the mana you absorb by releasing the treasure when facing the lowly king Voltigun. 】

[You shout: up!! 】

“Boom! “The whole high platform of the square was a shock. 】

The sword in the stone moved, but it only moved, and it was not really pulled out. 】

[You see, although you can absorb magic and provide unlimited supply, as a human being, your output has a limit!] 】

You failed. 】

But your fame has reached the pinnacle of your life. 】

[You deserve the name of the First Paladin of the British Isles.] 】

You’re just out of luck. 】

[What you don’t know is that Artoria Pendragon, who watched all this, planted in her heart a seed called doubt, and she doubted whether she was the king of destiny or not!] 】


ps: ask for flowers, ask for evaluation votes, ask for monthly tickets, ask for everything, the author fungus ten more outbreak !!!

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