Chapter 2: The Paladin of Light

【Talent selected, simulation begins!】 】

You were born. 】

As soon as you were born, your mother died, and at the time of the war in your country, your village became a sea of fire, and your father came to a lake with tears in his arms and carried you to a lake and threw you down. 】

[Talent ‘Blessing of the Goblin’ is launched.] 】

You have been saved by the elves of the lake, who have taken on the responsibility of raising you, but you are ultimately human, physically weak, and may die at any time. 】

[Talent ‘survival of the fittest’ is launched.] 】

[You who can share mana with nature, through magic to greatly strengthen your body, finally, you survived, and have a physical quality far beyond ordinary people.] 】

[You have acquired the inherent skill ‘Magic Release’.] 】

As time passes, you grow up, and curiosity drives you to see the world outside the lake, but the elf mother rejects you and tells you that the outside world is a mess, and there are wars everywhere, and it is dangerous. 】

But the more you block, the more curious you are, and on this day, you sneak out alone. 】

[You walk through the dense jungle, through the countryside fields, and finally you see a group of humans, wearing armor, burning and looting in the village. 】

[You know you’ve met a bad guy, and you step up right away.] 】

[You can magically release you understand the meaning of invincible loneliness, and you easily beat this knight squad with your fists.] 】

[The villagers are grateful to you, and some even kneel down to praise you as the greatest knight in the future!] 】

[You asked them in a milky voice, what does a knight mean.] 】

[The villagers have informed you of chivalric morality, chivalry, and chivalric virtues.] 】

The more you listen, the more you yearn for it, and you ask them, where is the real knight now. 】

[They tell you that now all the knights around them have gone to the Celtic territory, and the knights want to pull out a sword embedded in the stone there.] 】

[For whoever can draw out this sword will become a king!] 】

On the way home, you have been thinking about the legend of the sword in the stone, and your heart is fascinated. 】

[Talent ‘Born of Jade’ was launched.] 】

You have received the Sword of Revelation, and you feel sin and punishment. 】

[The Treasure ‘Sword of Revelation’ is unlocked.] 】

The Sword of Revelation

[Level: A++].

【Category:Treasure to the City】

[Description: It can collect and absorb the temperament around it into strength, and can also see through the temperament of the opponent, manipulate the absorbed temperament, and transform it into the temperament of the opponent’s weakness, so that it can attack the opponent’s weakness.

The so-called temperament refers to the seven deadly sins: arrogance, jealousy, rage, laziness, greed, gluttony, lust; and the seven virtues: modesty, tolerance, patience, diligence, generosity, temperance, and chastity.

When your Apocalypse Sword stores all temperaments, you can be the starting point to release the cone light cannon with a maximum range of your blurred visual range, punishing the sins and punishments of the world! 】

You returned home in the lake, and the elf mother didn’t seem to notice that you had gone out, but just looked at the sword that was much taller than you are now. 】

Makoto Fujimaru was lying on the bed holding the Sword of Apocalypse in a daze.

After going out this time, I came back, and the memory of the simulation became clearer and deeper.

Even Makoto Fujimaru has the mind of an adult, and he knows that he is in the Sims.

However, the memory of this life named Austin is just as true!

Of course he knew the legend of the sword in the stone.

King Arthur!

After a long pause, Makoto Fujimaru almost understood that he was now in the era of King Arthur of the Moon.

“I have to go out a few more times, and I should be almost completely recovered.”

Makoto Fujimaru murmured.

[After a few days at home, you can’t stand loneliness, and in order to find your true self, you sneak out again.] 】

You alone wielded the sword and joined an army that you consider to be the Master of Justice. 】

[The first time you set foot on the real battlefield, you fell off your horse because of your poor riding skills, you panicked in the sand and dust, the horse’s hooves rolling in the sand were about to step on your face, and recently it was almost close to your body, but fortunately, you who far exceeded the physical fitness of ordinary people rolled away on the ground. 】

[You took advantage of the low vision of the battlefield melee, and in your heart, you grasped the long sword in your hand and stabbed it into the belly of the enemy’s horse, and the long roar of the war horse threw the soldiers above down. 】

[The enemy does not wait for him to stand firm, and directly carries a weapon to kill you.] 】

In the dim environment, you can clearly see the cold light reflected on the long knife. 】

[At the moment of life and death, you roared, closed your eyes, and stabbed the sword in your hand forward!] 】

At that moment, you thought you were all dead, but when you opened your eyes, you saw the stranger looking at you in shock, and he had no time to close his mouth with bright red blood. 】

[It turned out that because you had too much strength, you stabbed him in the face!] 】

[Slowly you withdraw the sword, aware of the other party’s pre-death temperament, rage, jealousy!] 】

[You pointed your sword at the sky and shouted, “Kill!] “】

[I saw your appearance and age clearly, and my morale was suddenly shaken!] 】

This is the first time you have killed someone, and you think you are righteous, after all, you feel the sins of the enemy. 】

[After that, you completely unleashed your magic power, and you were invincible on the battlefield, and your deeds reached the ears of a general, and you gradually gained some fame.] 】

[But when you return from the battlefield this time, you have a nightmare for a few nights, and the dream is that the enemy who was pierced by you.] 】

[Since then you have sneaked out many times.] 】

[You heard rumors that someone had pulled out the sword in the stone, but you understand that it was all a rumor, and only one person could pull out the sword.] 】

[You have participated in many battles, each time you have charged to the forefront, every time you can take the first rank of enemy general from the army, see more corpses, you are numb, but you have gained more fame, even because when you swing the sword, the sword in your hand emits an incomparably pure, as if it can purify all the filthy holy light in the world, and the name of the ‘Holy Light Knight’.] 】

[You gain the inherent skill ‘ride’.] 】

[You participated in one of the most difficult battles of all time, and the knight general who said that he was most optimistic about you died on the battlefield, and you came to him, but you could not see the tolerance and diligence he had before, and even the temperament of moderation disappeared, and was replaced by a dense sin of sin. 】

[Suddenly looking back, you seem to have seen the enemy army you killed for the first time, and behind his sins, there seems to be a moral temperament.] 】

You are lost, you are back at home in the lake. 】

[You’re a year older.] 】

[You’re a year older.] 】

[On this day, several uninvited guests came to the lake.] 】


Makoto Fujimaru leaned against the trunk of the tree and looked at the most beautiful girl she had ever seen in her life.

Logically, there should be no human being in this land.

Sitting up and jumping slightly, Makoto Fujimaru stood on the ground.

The maiden heard the voice and found him.

Almost the same age as her, about fifteen or sixteen years old, but much taller than her, short hair is slightly messy, fair skin, handsome appearance, bright eyes, calm expression, seems to have a very good personality.

The girl’s blue eyes staring at Fujimaru Makoto radiated curiosity.

“Hello, I’m Gracevia, are you a Paladin?”

A gust of wind blew on the surface of the lake, and the hem of Guinivia’s skirt was like a butterfly, fluttering with the wind…


ps: the new book set sail, ask for flowers, ask for evaluation tickets, ask for monthly passes, ask for everything, the author thank you.

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