After reaching all the cooperation, Kevin left directly on the grounds of preparing a new project.

Dawson also continues to work for Kevin's old classmates and several newly signed roles.

After the Chainsaw crew was disbanded, they were all signed to the CAA, were assigned a lot of work, honed their abilities, and waited for Kevin to use it again.

Of course, the biggest card in this is naturally the vertical saw Greg, which is simply a piece of contract.

But none of this had anything to do with him, and after taking time to get together with Robert Downey Jr., he hurried back to the hotel in Beverly Hills.

Speaking of the fact that since he crossed over, he has always lived in a hotel, and he feels a little lonely.

After all, there are no relatives, orphans.

Fortunately, he has always been accompanied by beautiful women, which makes this feeling not very strong.


Inside the house, Angelina Jolie didn't go anywhere, just waiting for him in the house, and Kevin was undoubtedly much more important than his modeling career.

So she decisively took a long vacation and prepared to accompany Kevin in the hotel.

Even if she didn't become Kevin's wife in the end, she was watching Kevin's new project from the sidelines, and she could mix an important role to some extent.

This is much better than going around by herself.

After enjoying some food in the hotel, Julie returned to the room, turned on the TV and enjoyed the leisurely time.

Kevin opened the door and saw the beauty lying on the sofa in disheveled clothes, which was particularly tempting, which instantly made little Kevin spirited again.

Just as Kevin was about to step forward and mess with Julie, the news broadcast on the TV instantly attracted his attention.

“ABC! Bring you the fastest and best news! It

began with a slogan from a television news program, followed immediately by the text.

"The following is a follow-up to the Rodney King incident by journalist Devon, who has been unanimously believed to have used violence by the police since March 3 when the video of Rodney King being beaten by police for drunk driving was released."

"At present, the four police officers in the videotape are still under arrest, and the trial will begin in the near future..."

Watching the news, Kevin sat down next to Julie, staring at the TV and thinking.

Julie on the side just dragged her chin with her hand and carefully looked at the man in front of her, and the serious man looked particularly handsome (Dorkin).

The news from the TV station awakened Kevin's memory, and the aftermath of the Rodney King incident surpassed everyone's memory.

On April 29 next year, the four police officers who beat Rodney King will be acquitted, and the result of all this is the Los Angeles riot.

Even in Kevin's memory, the riot was the largest riot in the United States since the 20th century, lasting four days and causing immeasurable casualties and economic damage.

Of course, although Kevin is now an American, he doesn't care if these people live or die, he cares about what he can get out of this riot.

In essence, this riot is actually a cathartic act of black people's dissatisfaction with their position in the United States.

But Kevin can use this emotion to create a film that allows black people to vent their emotions.

Only Kevin knows how powerful these black buddies can be in the cinema in the future, and Black Panther's movies and Oscars are the best proof.

Taking this opportunity, Kevin was even able to establish himself as an egalitarian, a label that can be called invincible.

Thinking of this, Kevin thought of another joke, in the future a transgender gay, gay, animal protector, environmentalist black disabled person can walk sideways anywhere in the United States.

In the future, political correctness will reach a paranoid and even perverted point, and it seems like a good choice to label yourself in advance.

With this thought, the movie he was originally going to shoot in his mind was instantly abandoned by him and replaced by another movie.


plot of escaping from Desperate Town is very simple, in a small town, people have a special ability to plunder the body of black people, which can give people in the town an immortal life.

Ruth, a white woman, is seeking bait for the town for able-bodied blacks.

The protagonist, Chris, a black man, accidentally discovers the conspiracy and escapes Desperate Town.

The story is simple, but it exaggerates the way whites harm blacks to the level of bizarre science fiction.

Of course, for Kevin, the biggest significance is that this movie can stimulate the G-spot of the black buddies to the maximum.

With the butt, you can think that as long as it is paired with the right publicity, it can completely arouse the enthusiasm of black people and get an explosive box office.

You can even rush the prize.

That's right, that's where Kevin chose this movie.

The time and place are favorable, all in his hands, with the right PR, it is not impossible for him to win the Oscar.

Of course, it may not be the best director.

However, the best picture has a very high possibility, after all, at such a special point in time, Hollywood also has to do something to appease the anger of black people...

Thinking of this, Kevin finally settled on his next movie in his heart.


Julie raised her head to express puzzlement at Kevin's sudden call, and the next moment, her lips were gagged by Kevin.

Julie was also very cooperative, and the two quickly became intimate.


A few days later, Kevin came to New Line Films with a follow-up script for Chainsaw, including detailed guidance on storyboards.

The two parties reached a deal on the copyright.

Subsequently, 31 million dollars of income entered his account, and after deducting the 1.55 million dollars from the CAA and the 100,000 US dollars that Kevin himself withdrew in advance, a huge amount of more than 29 million US dollars was credited to his account.

"Kevin, don't forget to pay taxes, in the United States, only death and taxes are impossible to escape."

Dean joked and reminded.

"Of course, it's okay to spend it early."

Kevin nodded.

He is well aware of U.S. taxes.

In theory, if his money is not used by April 15 next year, it is not excessive to deduct 60% of all kinds of taxes.

In developed countries such as the United States, the reason why welfare is so high, high taxes and fees are naturally an indispensable factor.

Of course, tax avoidance is also an eternal topic for wealthy Americans.

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