Holding the Sword of the Multiverse

Chapter 698: Looking for (looking back)

Once something touches ancient times, it is absolutely extraordinary.

Especially this kind of monsters left over from the last epoch. If it were older, it would be a big trouble if it was a lich transformed before the mage broke.

Shaoyu thought there would be a thrilling adventure.

Killing all the way, the tomb is filled with a large number of armed skeletons, and some elite equipment with weak magic weapons, and occasionally some ghouls with sharp claws... These weapons have remained magical fluctuations since thousands of years ago. , It should be very powerful before.

Then there is no more.

In addition to being shocked several times by the alchemy potion of Hibiscus, Shaoyu held up the lantern in a shock, triggered his ability and found that the lantern was bright, and even directly scattered a group of armed skeletons! It is also a windfall.

It went smoothly to the main room...a place with a huge coffin.


But I can't say that there is nothing. The core of death that Mujin was looking for... a pendant was placed in the middle of the empty coffin.

Why didn't this matter look right, even if he unlocked the seal before and ran away, he would leave the artifact behind when he ran? Even if you just got rid of the unconsciousness, it was upright, as if it knew they would come and fetch it. Shaoyu touched his bearded chin for a moment, and decided to talk about it later, now that he would have no results if he tried to break his head.

The crystal lit up in the mausoleum, and the army was not far away. Now that the artifact was found, it was still important to ‘business’.

The group returned to the ground, and the mausoleum was small and it was a whole night.

After a break, when he got up at noon, Shaoyu asked Mu Jin's plan and whether he wanted to help.

Mu Jinlian would talk about it when he needed it. He said that this pendant was just to keep friends from becoming undead, and he had to collect a lot of materials to refine medicine for treatment.

Shaoyu nodded, and after thinking about it, he took out a flying sword and showed it to Hibiscus personally. If there is any need, I will show it directly to the people I meet. I have many people here.

Mujin took Feijian and said that he would not be polite.

The group separated, and Shaoyu rose up with his sword, and waited at the place scheduled for the army.

There is already a local legion taking a break here, and he showed his badge to the camp.

This local army is called the hound army, because each of them has a hunting dog, and some have several more. Dog fighting is also popular in the army, each of them is very fierce, but the number is not large, only more than 3,000, and there are only tens of thousands of dogs.

After seeing the legion commander and the phalanx officer, Shaoyu was annoyed by the rolling dog barking. He was a bit unbearable at his realm, and finally knew why this local legion would be sent to do this.

In the evening, the second local legion arrived.

This local legion had nearly 8,000. Shaoyu saw that half of it was old and weak, but it was just a search for the mountains. The Hound Legion and his own legion were enough. This legion would just do logistics and build a camp.

At noon the next day, Opatifani arrived with his army.

Although it can open large portals, it also relies on the city's magic network, so it will arrive at the latest.

When Shaoyu saw it, he only felt that Opatifani had a good command of the army, and the army of this group of temporarily conscripted soldiers had a trace of the main army, that bright armor and neat square formation.

The number was only more than 5,000. Although it had been added to nearly 10,000 before, Opatifani eliminated nearly half. Naturally, Shaoyu knew about this. He didn't care much about the Legion and gave it all to Opatifani.

The army assembled, and Shaoyu stood on a stone pillar raised by the army mage. He didn't say any nonsense, only that if a team found a clue or found a person, these gold coins and equipment belonged to that person... in the mausoleum There is still a little gain, plus a lot of gold coins piled in front of them.

Then Shaoyu held it in his hand again, and slashed out a sword. Numerous swords were cut beside the pile of gold coins, and he sternly said that he must cut them down.

So Soshan started.

Each legion uses a square formation as its battalion, and the wizards determine the location. After marching to the location, they set up a camp and then explore in all directions in small groups.

Shaoyu decided to use the most stupid method to open the way when encountering mountains, and to turn over every inch of the place.

This will be a very time-consuming process.

The animals and beasts living in the mountains and forests were bad luck, and they were literally covered up. The mountains here are not high, the forest is not big, and the army still has a lot of hounds pushing back... The monsters also counterattacked. They actually attacked several times in groups, causing some casualties, and then Shaoyu directly scanned the area and found its leader. 'Yes, after beheaded, the beasts scattered and fled, most of them escaped from this mountain forest.

Three days have passed, one week has passed, half a month has passed, and three weeks have passed...

Most of the mountain forest has been searched, and several camps have become villages under their search.

Shaoyu has time, but lacks time. He wants to find Zeluo's weakness, he wants to become stronger as soon as possible, he wants... but Nicole seems to have disappeared in this forest. The palace mage has been prophesying that the female rider is in this mountain forest, and the royal family has sent a urge... It is a big expense to maintain the logistics of the three legions. One month is regarded as a reward for him by the empire. This time limit It's almost here.

In the meantime, they encountered Hibiscus twice, and they never left. They lived in a village and collected materials from the mountains and forests from time to time. Mujin asked for help a second time, and Shaoyu bought several valuable alchemy objects for him. It seems that his friend's condition has been bad. Shaoyu always wanted to take some time to see what was going on, but there was always no time. He sent two military wizards who were proficient in healing, and the wizards also said that there was no way.

One month later, the two local legions withdrew.

They are still a little bit reluctant, especially the Hound Army also said that they are very comfortable here! When they came, thousands of hounds were raised sturdy except the casualties, and they gave birth to a small litter!

Shaoyu's army can stay for another week and will be transferred to border patrol. This is the empire's legion, and even the legion commander cannot always use it casually.

Seeing the last week, I almost rummaged through this mountain forest, but I haven't found it yet!

Shaoyu felt that he had been fooled, Gou P's prediction.

Before the army left, the incident had been recorded by the imperial squad that arrived later as a digging search and the missing female horse was not found, which gave the search a certainty.

Before leaving, Shaoyu naturally went to find Mu Jin to see his friends and tell him by the way.

When Fei came to this village that had developed into a small town but was emptied again, Shaoyu saw Mujin, and the mercenaries went back. Mujin is now alone. Then he met Mu Jin's friend, and thousands of horses rushed past in his heart.

It's not Nicole who is wrapped up as a mummy in bed!

He wanted to use his sword to kill the two wizards he sent, but think about it, he wouldn't recognize it by his breath!

It was true that she hadn't been found in the crowd, and suddenly looking back, she was lying on her family's bed.

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