Thinking of Irving, he didn't expect Irving to come by himself this afternoon.

Of course, he didn't bring the one-handed sword Shaoyu needed. He said he was visiting Shaoyu, but Owen was shocked when he came in, thinking that the manor had been invaded. Shaoyu was very embarrassed to explain that his skill increased greatly, oh, it was the reason that his strength increased too fast and was not well controlled. Owen was very happy to say that he would send someone to repair it as soon as possible. He once again proposed that there were too few people in the manor and wanted to send a few women over, but of course Shaoyu refused.

... I talked to Owen about this adventure, and then asked for a one-handed sword. Shaoyu said he wanted something like the dwarf long sword, otherwise it would be useless. Owen said in a dilemma that he would find a way. After chatting for a while, Owen said that he was about to attack the City of Thorns before the harvest season and left.

In the evening, twelve one-handed swords and twenty or so repair workers arrived.

Shaoyu couldn't wait to pick up the one-handed sword and enter the basement.

After experimentation, it is found that Jianyuan is extremely difficult to control, and excessive use will cause pain and swelling of the meridians, causing weakness and weakness in the arm. Shaoyu felt that this was the reason why the meridians of his hands were just connected. Moreover, Jian Yuan was too domineering, Sheng Jian Yuan also said that ordinary one-handed swords could be maintained for a while, and Shao Yu also controlled the half-inch irregular green sword light formed at the tip of the sword. But the Sword of Death was completely unsuccessful, and the ordinary one-handed sword let the Sword of Death flow through, and it was directly broken into one place.

Nine of the twelve one-handed swords were directly damaged by Shaoyu, but he was afraid that he didn't have any weapons and kept three.

Jian Yuan was also consumed, and there were only two phantom **** left beside the small sword in the dantian.

After this sword test, Shaoyu also found a way to practice later. In addition to the practice of swordsmanship, light gong, and reverse gong, there is also practice and control of the sword element to increase the capacity of the meridians. After planning, Shaoyu thought to himself, after the meridians of both feet are connected, sword yuan can be ejected from the soles of the feet and straight up on the wall? He couldn't help but look forward to it.

Three days later, Eve ran to the manor and brought a bottle of potion prepared by the alchemist.

This is a potion formulated by thinkers. Eve said it can increase mental power and mental resistance. Shaoyu drank it on the spot. Sure enough, his mental power increased a little, resulting in mental resistance, but he didn't find any writing in his attributes. Shaoyu regrets a bit, so I should scan it first.

Holding the empty bottle, he suddenly thought.

In this way, isn't it actually eating corpses? Shaking his head to dispel the thought, Shaoyu unexpectedly discovered that Eve hadn't left. He thought for a while before he realized it, and then very reluctantly took out his little luck, saying that he had forgotten to return it.

But Eve said, the tutor confessed, this is regarded as a reward for saving her.

Shaoyu couldn't help being overjoyed, and then Eve said, the instructor also said, let her live here in the future. Shaoyu was taken aback for a moment, he secretly asked what Iina meant, and he didn't bring any disciples to let him here! Not afraid of accidents.

...... Can't think of a result, he simply asked it out.

Eve didn't know the reason, she only said that this was confessed by the tutor. Then she happily ran over to take Shaoyu's arm and asked Shaoyu to talk about what happened after she left.

Shaoyu felt the squeeze of his arm and had a headache. At this time Lily also ran in. She was stunned for a moment, then called sister Eve with a sweet smile, and then took Shaoyu's other arm... but Eve was embarrassed when she was staying. He let go of his hand.

In the manor, there is another Eve, and every meal also has more desserts and soups made by Eve, and occasionally there will be an explosion in the basement of the manor. In addition to these, there is actually not much change.

A few days later, Versace sent a lot of books. In this way, in addition to practicing the exercises, Lily will accompany him to read books all the time, occasionally Eve also participates. The book sent by Fansek was very targeted and filled many gaps in Shaoyu's understanding of the world.

The most important one is Fansack's own adventure diary, which he wrote like a travel diary, allowing Shaoyu to understand the surrounding regions, countries, and some legends.

Shaoyu didn't realize that Fansack was also an adventurer. Versace smiled and said, when he was young, who didn't have an adventurous heart, just... alas.

Shaoyu got the result from the book that Fansike didn't finish. It was the same as he guessed, but it was also different. The same place is that after most of the Hundred Clan ruins and underground palaces have been explored, the Adventure Guild has been in decline for a period of time, but has opened a new adventure... There is no specific explanation.

The difference is that the decline of the adventure guild was caused by the disappearance of a large number of top adventurers at the same time after a relic of a **** was discovered. Adventure guilds that have lost their upper-level power are gradually replaced by mercenary guilds, and adventure guilds are different from ordinary guilds. Adventure guilds supported by sky technology are made up of movable adventure villages... Today, there are still adventure villages. Only the last one is left.

Shaoyu couldn't help but think of the man with the chef's top hat, the beautiful girl in the hotel, and the girl in a paper-clothed master with wings on her back.

That is the adventure village.

It turned out that he was destined to have fate with the adventure guild.

Not only did Shaoyu know a lot of adventure rules in detail, he also knew that the relics discovered in those years could be named by him. If he explored clearly, the relics could eventually belong to him.

He couldn't help being fascinated, so that the underground palace belonged to the three of them.

But Shaoyu saw Versace's notes in this book, these rules are basically useless now, not only mercenaries, even the country will seize them, and the weak adventurers can't fight against this.

Next, Shaoyu looked at the mercenary.

Now it is the world of mercenaries. Because of the distance between the city and the city, merchants usually need mercenaries to **** them. The mercenaries undertake to help employers complete all tasks. And these ruins are not only for adventurers. Today, the Mercenary Guild has also formed a complete adventure process. The most powerful mercenary regiments have also established a mercenary nation in the north, forming a force that the mainland can't ignore.

Shaoyu sighed. He first wanted to be a mercenary, but now he is determined to become an adventurer. For nothing else, mercenaries are hired by others, and taking risks is freedom. He imagined that he would take Lily on an adventure on the mainland.

Adventure on the mainland, how happy it is. Thinking of this Shaoyu is very moved. When did he think about it? When Lily grows up, he will be stronger and more familiar with the world, and help Owen return to his family center.

The leisure time for the rest of the month, the harvest season has arrived.

Beta hasn't seen him for a long time, and I heard that he has been busy training the army.

On this day, the eagle bird sent a message. After Shaoyu talked to Lily about retreat, he left the manor overnight and returned secretly early in the morning on the third day. Continue to practice exercises during the day and read books at night, as if it were just an episode.

Shaoyu himself knew that in the past few days, he went to the city of thorns to kill seven people. These seven people were not strong, but belonged to the mercenary leader and soldier officer stationed in the city of thorns.

As before, Owen wrote about the evil deeds of these people, and Shaoyu did not have any psychological barriers. After the three-day journey, he ran in one day, found the answer and got the information overnight and killed half... He went to the tavern to sit, and when he left, he sighed that this idyllic city of thorns would soon cease to exist.

The capture of the city of thorns went smoothly, with almost no losses. This news was told by Eve... The City of Thorns was still in chaos... At that time, Eve returned to the abandoned city when the eagle bird spread the word, and she was very excited to take Shaoyu and said she would also participate Up the fight.

A few days later, Beta came to the manor with a long box, and Shaoyu was very happy to pull him to drink. Beta drank a few arms and then left. He smiled bitterly and said that he was too busy. Shaoyu drank in silence, a little melancholy, but Eve ran to accompany him after drinking and drunk.

Shaoyu looked at Eve, who was sitting on the ground with her feet on the chair and her long skirt turned up. She only felt a very headache! This is too relieved for him. After calling the old housekeeper to settle, he turned his head and looked into the box.

In the long box that Beta brought was a long sword, which belonged to the Sky family, and Beta said it was a precious trophy in the collection of the Irving family. After taking the city of thorns, Owen made an effort to come over.

This sky long sword is silver in its entire body, and the sword is a bit peculiar. It is not much different from a normal one-handed sword from the tip to the blade, and it appears a little shorter, but it does not have a hilt but a handle. An ellipse formed directly by the extension of the blade.

Shaoyu picked it up and saw that in the curved circle, there was a transparent crystal column extending along the center line of the sword. He feels that how to hold this sword, how to hold it is a bit awkward! Shaoyu tried various sword holding positions as he thought about it. When he touched the crystal column with both hands, he only felt heat in his hands, and the light of the crystal came out through his hands.

The ellipse at the end of the sword flowed, slowly deforming to envelop Shaoyu's hand. And he found that he could adjust the shape of the sword to make it longer or shorter according to his mind.

After playing for a while, Shaoyu only felt that this sword was a bit too sci-fi! As soon as Shaoyu scanned it, Xiao S said that the sword was made of a special material. Of course, this material was unknown. The sword itself can automatically absorb energy for repair and adjustment. It is very strong and sharp.

After asking Xiao S, Shaoyu understood. This sword is almost as strong as the dwarf sword, but 30% sharper than the dwarf sword. It can be repaired automatically and can be adjusted in seven days in a perfect state. The length of the sword once.

This is a good sword, Shaoyu sighed and couldn't help being very happy.

After playing the Sky Sword for a while, I still brought Lily to hold Lily Shaoyu before drinking it.

The next day the eagle bird came again.

Shaoyu hesitated after reading it. This time Owen only sent two pieces of news...Sla's mentor sent another apprentice under him to Sanye City to find out the cause of Sla's death. In addition, the alchemist asked Shaoyu to complete what he promised and pay back the favor.

The reason for his hesitation was simple. I was afraid that he would have to leave for several days this time.

When I ran to the kitchen, Lily was wearing an apron and was busy after turning around. When Shaoyu saw Lily sweating on her head, she hugged her from behind and wiped her sweat with a bit of pain.

After Lily froze, seeing that Shaoyu showed a sweet smile, she closed her eyes and raised her head so that he could wipe off sweat.

Shaoyu was thinking how to speak, but Lily closed her eyes and said: Let's go after dinner, otherwise it will be wasted.

For a moment, Lily opened her eyes and turned to look at Shaoyu. She said: I saw the eagle bird. Be careful, come back early.

Shaoyu nodded, he looked at Lily who turned around and asked: Do you want to go together?

Lily paused, then hesitated for a while and said: You do something, I won't bother.

Shaoyu touched his chin and asked, who taught him this time.

Lily said without turning her head, it was sister Eve.

Shaoyu strode forward, suddenly turned Lily around, and hugged her.

Lily is still shouting: soup, soup, uh, uh.

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