Chapter 653

Then Zhizhen spoke out his thoughts.

“Master, senior, you also know that Danzo’s biggest goal is the position of Hokage. The reason why he allowed Orochimaru to attack Konoha is to hope that you will die in Orochimaru’s hands, and he strives for the position of Hokage.” Zhizhendao .

Third Generation nodded with a calm face, and Kakashi frowned. Danzo’s ambition is no secret in Konoha. Anyone who has been in contact with Danzo knows that he has been thinking about Hokage for most of his life.

Kakashi said, “Nevertheless, even if Hokage-sama is gone, as well as Jiraiya-sama and Tsunade-sama, to rank Konoha’s major families, Danzo wants to be Hokage is not that simple.”

“Nevertheless, without the recommendation of Lord Hokage, Danzo will have less resistance in seeking the position of Hokage, plus he can have various arguments to persuade the daimyo to let him be Hokage.” Zhizhen said: “The simplest That is to say, Konoha was only under the leadership of Master Hokage to suffer such hardships and things like that, and Tsunade and Jiraiya were not in the village all the year round. How could Hokage be Hokage?”

Kakashi fell silent when he heard the words. That’s true. Konoha’s Hokage was basically recommended by the previous one, such as Third Generation designated by Second Generation and Fourth Generation designated by Third Generation, which have been passed down from generation to generation.

Although there is still a daimyo’s decision in the middle, Hokage itself is recognized by the daimyo. The people recognized by Hokage are basically recognized by most ninjas in the village. Therefore, the succession to the throne of Hokage has not been too much. It’s going smoothly.

It can be seen that the last Hokage is a very important process to help the next Hokage.

Only once, in the original book, when Penn attacked Konoha, Tsunade lost his fighting ability and trained for a long time.

At this time, Konoha Qunlong had no leader, and when Tsunade did not identify Hokage, Danzo jumped out to make trouble immediately, using the rhetoric that Zhizhen said.

You, the third generation fans, were brainwashed by him. This way of managing Konoha can be done like this. It’s a bit too frustrating to say that the name is.

Although Lujiu and others supported Kakashi, in the end, Danzo was so devilish, and the daimyo was afraid that Danzo would beat him, so he got a temporary Hokage.

“So in order to avoid such a situation, we must also prepare in advance. Although we have the confidence to win, we still have to prepare. If things really get to that point, then it will be too late to prepare again. “Zhizhen said.

“So, what you want to do is to make the death of Hayate public, create public opinion about Danzo, and make everyone in Konoha have reservations about it.” Kakashi also understood at this time.

Zhizhen nodded and said, “Yes, that’s it.”

Kakashi shook his head and said, “It’s mostly useless. Danzo is old and cunning. Konoha’s power tree has a deep root. It can’t be defeated by the death of Hayate. Moreover, we have no evidence that Danzo killed Danzo.”

Obviously, Kakashi was puzzled and unsupported by Zhizhen’s plan, but Zhizhen smiled and said, “Senior, do you still need evidence?”

Kakashi was taken aback, looked towards Shima, Shima continued: “And, of course, I know that Hayate-senpai’s death is not enough to shake Danzo, what I want to take advantage of is not at all. What I really want to disclose is Danzo’s collusion with Orochimaru thing!”

“As long as everyone knows that Danzo colluded with Orochimaru, I don’t believe that in that situation, anyone would recognize Danzo as a Hokage. He wants to sit in this position for the next life!”

Indeed, when this incident broke out, Danzo would inevitably lose popular support, and the Fire Nation would not allow such an anti-skeletal boy to command his own army.

Just kidding, someone who has done this kind of thing, who knows if he will lead himself to be the king? How could the daimyo be what he wanted.

Kakashi said, “But Hokage-sama also said that overly targeting Danzo will only cause a counterattack.”

“Senior, this thing, of course, is not done now.” Zhizhen said: “At present, we are indeed difficult to tear up our face with Danzo, but it doesn’t mean that we can’t cheat him. Everything must be done step by step.”

With that said, Kakashi also understood. He touched his chin and thought for a while: “So you want to use the death of the wind to expose Danzo to Konoha and bury a shadow in Konoha’s hearts.”

“Yes, wait until Orochimaru is completely resolved before dealing with Danzo.” Shima looked at Third Generation and said, “This does not go against the wishes of Master Hokage.”

Third Generation has not spoken. When Zhizhen said that he thought this was an opportunity, Third Generation already understood what Zhizhen was thinking.

He did not agree with this, but he did not object to it. Instead, he took a look at Zhizhen with interest and said, “I understand what you said, but with Danzo’s ability, he will definitely know that I’m doing a ghost. What is the time?”

“What’s the matter? As long as we do it more obscurely and let the news spread more obscurely. Then you have to say, although I am Hokage, but I can’t control people’s hearts, etc., make sure he puts half of his fart. Can’t come out.” Zhizhen said.

“Heh.” Third Generation smiled. This is the first time he laughed this morning. Since hearing the news of Haifeng’s death, Third Generation has not smiled on his face.

But at this moment, Zhizhen’s words made Third Generation feel a little better, because Zhizhen made Third Generation feel at ease.

One thing he didn’t tell Zhizhen and Kakashi, that is, Luji was here just now, and Third Generation had already discussed with him, but if he had a case, he had to stop Danzo anyway.

And Lu Jiu also promised him that he would make arrangements if things got to that point.

Kakashi heard this as if he had met Shima again, and sighed, “Sure enough!”

Zhizhen frowned upon hearing this, and said, “Senior, you use the wrong words!”

With that, Zhi Zhenyin laughed and said, “You should call it a strategy!”

Seeing Shizhen’s appearance, Kakashi felt powerless to complain, shrugged his dead fish eyes and spread his hands, saying, “You are happy.”

Zhizhen was too lazy to talk to Kakashi, he looked at Third Generation enthusiastically, and said, “My lord, what do you think?”

“Yes.” Third Generation smiled and nodded.

Zhizhen clenched his fists when he heard this, and yelled out in his heart. This matter still needs Third Generation to operate. As long as Third Generation agrees, Zhizhen believes that Danzo will definitely be a shit.

No, he is covered in shit himself, but doing so can make the smell emanate.

Hehehe, Danzo, Zhi Zhenyin laughed.

In the underground sewer, Danzo suddenly felt a terrible cold and sneezed.

Yamanaka Feng hurriedly said, “My lord, are you okay?”

“It’s okay.” Danzo glanced at the Yamanaka wind slightly, and Yamanaka said, “The underground environment is too humid.”

“Yeah.” Danzo nodded, and Yamanaka said in the air: “But it doesn’t matter, it won’t be long before the adults will be able to achieve great results.”

This sentence came to Danzo’s heart. He sneered and praised: “That’s right, it won’t be long, my age!”

After all, Danzo walked deep into the pipe with his crutches, followed by Yamanaka Wind.

Aburame took the root and looked up at Danzo’s back. Under the black goggles, a dignified eye flashed, and he followed silently.

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